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Mar 20th 2023
Here is a selection of the *coolest* 3D maps, visuals, and map-like worlds from the past months you don't want to miss. Wonderful dynamic, interactive, static, creative or artistic visuals PART 3. #Dataviz #3dMap #GIS #3D #Cartography #GISchat 1/20🧵
spatial_occasions | @spatial_occasions mesmerizing and stunning visualization of the flight networks on the Globe. Just perfect. Made in #Blender3D. #B3d #3DMap #GeometryNodes #Dataviz 2/🧵
Terence Fostodon's | @researchremora perfect mix of 3D and 2D with a brilliant style. Ultra productive 3D map maker, worth every follow! Made in #rstats with #rayshader. 3/🧵
Read 21 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
🧵Population growth & decline in a few US metros since 1990...

First, Twin Cities. The big boom around central Minneapolis is impressive, but the outskirts still grew more. In between, it's interesting to see that more neighborhoods grew than declined. Image
That wasn't the case in the 90s, when most of the established neighborhoods lost population. Image
Nor was it the case in the 00s... Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022
🥳Free one hour mapping tutorial, tomorrow Thur 3 Nov at 13:00 UK time* (9am EST, 14:00 CET, 16:00 Istanbul, (00:00 Sydney, sorry)) - all welcome🥳

See image Alt text for description and Zoom link

#30daymapchallenge An invitation to attend a o...
this is a bit of an experiment that I have been planning to do for a while so let's see how it goes - so long as you know the basics of QGIS you should learn some useful new stuff for design, and possibly more
I'll share lots of practical learning things in this short session, as well as styling tips for how to do all sorts of interesting design/effect things
Read 5 tweets
Nov 2nd 2022

#30DayMapChallenge Day 1: Points - Railway Stations in Japan

※饗庭 伸 氏『都市をたたむ』・・・閉鎖(shut down)ではなく縮小(fold up)の意味

Read 6 tweets
Oct 31st 2022
The #30DayMapChallenge 2022 starts tomorrow. In the last 2 years a lot of work has been put in @Stata to mainstream some of the map elements we find in other softwares. He is a 🧵 on the different types of maps one can make. If you want the code for any, just msg! Let's go 👇
The basic #spmap package can already do a lot! Here are some examples using standard spmap syntax.

These were made for the online #GIS tutorials earlier this year that were fairly well attended! Over 1400+ registrations and 500+ ppl online. Might repeat it again. ImageImageImageImage
The #bimap package that actually was the result of the #30DayMapChallenge last year allows you to combine two variables to check for interesting spatial correlations.

Install from SSC (ssc install bimap, replace)

See GitHub for further instructions… ImageImageImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Sep 26th 2022
Do you love 3D maps, worlds & visualisations? Here are 24 world creators, mapmakers, or visuals I've come across recently. Brilliant and creative minds using many different tools! PART 1 #dataviz #GISchat #3dmaps #map #gis #3d 1/🧵
Steven Kay | @stevefaeembra creates many original and cool #3dmaps such as this great visualisation of Windturbines in the British Isles. Follow him! #Blender3D and #QGis are his tools. #SDGs #Wind #b3d 2/🧵
Neil Southall | @neilcfd1 creates fantastic #3dmaps such as this hypnotising animation of #LiDAR data of Copenhagen. He uses #rstats and #rayshader in wonderful ways. #rspatial 3/🧵
Read 25 tweets
Dec 29th 2021
1 Points: Pins via Geometry Generator in QGIS Image
21 Elevation with qgis2threejs (It's art, I swear! Image
Read 28 tweets
Nov 28th 2021
Weird alien eyeball? Or world population by latitude? Just another map experiment but since it fits with today's #30DayMapChallenge theme I'll share it here…
I included a population vs land by latitude gif too, because it seems people don't like to live in the sea
does it matter if you use WorldPop instead of GHSL? Not that much, but WorldPop has a 2020 version so I used that
Read 11 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
Day 08: Blue
Crimean native names in Southern Ukraine.
The map covers historic names of places (toponyms) used by people native to the area of the former Crimean state "Qirim Yurt" and around it.
#QGIS Data: Image
The project was initiated by Roman Alieiev, who lives in Germany and Crimean Tatar “QIRIMLI” initiative group.
See the video for more details
Crimean Tatars are one of the main indigenous peoples of Ukraine. This is enshrined in law.
Read 3 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
Post #30DayMapChallenge
Summarizing stats into a picture. Likes are only a number, most important is to enjoy the process.

⬇ One for each of the participants that made all the 30 maps
@cj_maps had a total of 891 likes and 114 of retweets
@Koen_VdE had a total of 824 likes and 79 of retweets
Read 51 tweets
Nov 17th 2020
#30DayMapChallenge - day 17: historical map

Let us take you on the epic journey of the Two Brothers in 1757, presented to us through the Prize Papers ⛵

In close collaboration with @stanpnnr

@UkNatArchives @Prize_Papers @jmeesvliz

On 17 October 1757, Pieter Feliers, having received the command of the Two Brothers by his father, proudly leaves the port of Ostend in the Austrian Netherlands to deliver a cargo of flax, salted cod, and a copper tea kettle in the French port of Nantes. (2/19)
With the 28-year-old captain are a crew of 6 fellow Ostenders, among whom his second captain and friend since childhood, Pieter Jaeckx.


Read 19 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
Going to do the #30DayMapChallenge with only baseball data... Should be fun.
Here's day 1 (Points).

#Phillies Citizens Bank Park LIDAR point data. 3.5 million data points. ImageImageImage
Day 2 of the #30DayMapChallenge (Lines)... An animation breaking down where players that played in 2020 were born color coded by team and going to their home stadium.
Day 3 of #30DayMapChallenge (Polygons)... Here's a Voronoi diagram using #MLB stadium distances to create team boundaries. Pretty cool results. Image
Read 22 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
For this year's #30DayMapChallenge i will be trying to create 30 maps on #Berlin just using #OpenData and #OpenSource software. For day 01 - Polygons, a map of all of Berlin's street trees. #QGIS Source:… Image
BTW @citylabberlin has built an #FOSS platform for visualising and managing joint efforts for watering trees during dry periods in the summer: Source code:…
Day 2 of #30DayMapChallenge : Lines. Bike lanes in Berlin provided by @FixMyBerlin's API, showing their HappyBikeIndex. To explore the data set more in depth check out: Code:… Image
Read 32 tweets
Nov 1st 2020
Map 1: Points

Thermal anomalies observed across Northern India in the last one week. These are primarily stubble-burning crop fire incidents in #Punjab. Image
Map 2: Lines (Only one line though 😋)

#Viz shows the elevation profile of Nilgiri Mountain Railway in Tamil Nadu which is an UNESCO world heritage site Image
Map 3: Polygons

#Map shows 3 Polygon layers for #Kolkata City

1. Municipal corporation -in 🔴
2. Kolkata Urban Area -Satellite est. -in ⬛️
3. Hooghly River -in 🔵

DYK: More than 2/3rds of Kolkata's urban agg population lives outside the Kolkata Corporation? Image
Read 18 tweets
Dec 1st 2019
The moment you’ve been waiting for! Welcome to North Road’s 2019 #24daysofQGIS. It’s our gift to you! Follow this thread to learn new tricks and tips to try in #QGIS. Every day a new bite-size, cinnamon-scented mapping treat to get you through to Christmas Day... 🎄🎁🌎
(This year we'll provide some tips that are accessible to all spatial people, regardless of your software of choice. We don’t want our #arcgis #mapinfo friends excluded! We'll be showing all examples in our software of choice - #QGIS, but we hope you can apply them to yours 👫🌏)
In 2019 we’ve been inspired by many beautiful looking maps (we’re looking at you #30daymapchallenge!), so this year we are dedicating #24daysofqgis to #dataviz, and sharing with you our insider tips to beautify your maps and data! 🗺️ Let’s begin...
Read 33 tweets
Nov 30th 2019
Quick plot of my travels from home in Sheffield and back over the past few years, for the final #30DayMapChallenge - the vast majority of this is on trains, including the west Highlands and the amazing Glenfinnan Viaduct Image
other thoughts on this

- being on the internet, under the English Channel, in a train in the Channel Tunnel never stops feeling futuristic

- I feel at 'home' anywhere with decent tea and Marmite

- location history has me in Singapore multiple times, which I have no memory of
I organise my travel schedule so that it looks like a human being attacked by lasers and lightning, clearly Image
Read 3 tweets
Nov 3rd 2019
Here's my first map in #30DayMapChallenge (late start)

Animation shows population growth in India's big cities between 1901 n 2011. Rapid Urbanisation holds lot of challenges!

I've been working in @WRICitiesIndia for last 5 years in trying to make our cities more sustainable
Read 6 tweets

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