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I Purposely made [them] think what I wanted [them] to think, then the unexpected happened …

[They] never expected the unexpected like I have always done when it came to/comes to seeing EXACTLY What [they] would do/will do before [they] try whatever it is [they’re] planning.
I #SHOW the world what “ALL SEEING” truly means & #WHY [THEY] fear who I AM …

THERE IS NOTHING THAT IS KEPT HIDDEN, even the very thoughts within your mind are heard as if YOU were speaking your thoughts directly to me.
Same goes for ALL EVIL.

Whole time, SHOWING ……
Read 7 tweets
*Exits Stage Left*

2 Minutes 2 Midnights.

HOLY #TRUCK !!!!!!!

Championship Belt Of Truth !!

Easy As 123 !
A Masterpiece ..
Read 35 tweets
I have A sUrPRISE for You this evening—Stay Tuned … 🎸 🥁 🎤 🎶
Paranoia Is IN BLOOM.

You “Love” what all of you have earned throughout your lives but you will LOVE what is coming even more.
Your blood, sweat & tears put into everything you’ve earned will not be for not— Image
-You will be given back what is rightfully YOURS;
-You will be given back what has been stolen from you;
-You will be given back your soul;
-You will be given back FREE WILL;
-You will be given back your lives;
-You will be given back your FREEDOMs;
-You will LIVE again … ImageImage
GREED has poisoned the Soul of Man, that greed has caused humanity to live with stone hearts—Stone hearts to flesh is what saves the world.
You love what you have earned because you earned it being A slave to A corrupt system that was purposely making it hard for many to truly Image
Read 30 tweets
Mission Accomplished

Putt-In ⛳️
Center Stage

Mother of My Son, saved.
Mothers Dad, Saved.
Our first born Son, Saved.
All My Children, Saved.
Brother, Saved.
Dad, Saved.
All The Animals, Saved.
Country, Saved.
Great Awakening, Saved.
World, Saved.
Read 5 tweets
💍 Of Honor
Sacred Marriage

From here on out, only talking with Family on this Platform ..

I have not A care about showing anything more.
Final Level Complete

#Exit Stage Left
Read 7 tweets
1/7 🧵 Déjà-vu ohne Ende bei den #Affenpocken:

«Das Bundesamt für Gesundheit (#BAG) schätzt die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Ausbruchs in der Schweiz zurzeit noch als ‹sehr gering› ein. Man verfolge das internationale Geschehen.» 🤡…
2/7 #BAG: «Falls ein Fall identifiziert würde, würden die Kantone Massnahmen ergreifen, um die Übertragung einzuschränken.» 🤡 /2
3/7 Deutlich milder als die «echten» Pocken! 🤡

Ein bisschen «Fiebersymptome», ein bisschen «Hautausschlag mit Blasen am ganzen Körper».

Und: «Das Ganze dauert zwei bis vier Wochen und hinterlässt typische Narben.»
Read 8 tweets
The Rich become most peoples Gods for A little while longer, until they’re hauled off in cuffs because they were bad doing good, helping right the wrongs they helped create in the past.

#REAL Among everyone saw the way the whole Country/World acted, refusing to see clearly &
Just wants to be left alone for awhile ..

It all boils down to the story of A Homeless man, that isn’t A homeless man, he only purposely smells & looks like A homeless man just to go buy A car.
“Homeless man” Walks into the dealership stinking up the place, looking at cars.
-S-ales man asks
“can I help you”?
“The restrooms are only for customers or those who made an appointment” ….

-Homeless man
“I’m just looking for now” ..

17 Minutes pass, the Stinky “Homeless man” in ripped up cloths covered in thick layers of the past 3 years says;
Read 7 tweets
.@VinceMcMahon, Can you make it happen?
Please & Thank you.

It’s time to make some moves, calling upon real fam. .
I truly don’t care what anyone thinks of me on the outside, never have & never will.
“When you’re ready it’ll be there”

I could have asked this A long
Time ago, I know.
All the offers I turned down, I did because I figured it wasn’t fair I got to live while others suffered. Now it’s time for me to live, the people have those they have chosen to get them to the door.

#BAG is center stage.
Exit Left.
.@YaOnlyLivvOnce—graHAm, Check it.
Read 6 tweets
Buffalo Mass Shooter Likely Sought Combat Gear Advice on Online Chats
Unicorn Riot collected more than 80 messages + 2 pics on a @Discord chat server from ‘jimboboiii’, the same user handle as Buffalo NY mass shooter Peyton Gendron's Twitch…
@discord The man who allegedly killed ten people & injured more in a mass shooting at Tops Friendly Markets in Buffalo, New York on May 14, appears to have looked for advice about carrying out violent acts in 80+ online chat messages collected by Unicorn Riot.…
@discord On the Discord server called ‘Plate Land’, which featured a lot of talk about guns and armor, ‘Jimboboii’ posted at least 83 messages in the ‘#bag-general’ room between August 1, 2020 and January 1 2021, with the internal user ID 356560721183506444.
Read 15 tweets
Nothing is what it seems & No One is who the many think they are …

The false reality created around the world for the last 59-100 years with evil being in complete control, “they” Pre planned EVERYTHING & implemented “their” plans within cartoons KNOWING the world was going
To 1 DAY start awakening, so “they” mocked SEPARATE individuals IRL that make up 1 Family.
Major world changing events like 9-11, wars & so much more was all PRE PLANNED to make it look like “Time Travel”. Those who were just waking up seeing this would be like “OMG”, thinking
What they were seeing was good.
Everything done was always either mocking the Trinity/God or those God himself keeps close to his heart.

Moves & Counter moves made by evil that was able to take over the whole world from bottom to top, creating A false reality around humanity
Read 24 tweets
.@IooP_rM311_7211, You’re AwesoME ! …

The Name Sean, chosen for A reason?

Heart Break Kid?

Not signing the Dotted line, The Golden Egg & all it comes with will be shared amongst My People ..

They deserve all the money.
For me, I have everything I have ever wanted within #NOTHING ..
Heart Break Kid, Shawn/Sean Michaels …

Heart Break Prince?

Pretty strange how everything ADDs up …

Read 12 tweets
Skateboarding Is Key ..
Love Is Key ..
God Is Key ..

3 Of A King = 1 #Stone that is #Sour at the way the world treats each other …

The Children of God, Nothing Else Matters.

Good Morning ! …- Image
Key Stone


Key Stone

C Before D

D*C Shoes, I road/was sponsored by D*C shoes when this photo was taken .. I was on Tour at the time, putting on shows for the youth being A good role model. All while being A Father/Step Father to 2 Boys & Playing baseball. Image


.@taylorswift13, No scooters allowed ..
Forgiven but I will never forget …-

#T ime #O f #Y ear #Machine

I tried showing all of this so long ago, none of it mattered.. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
1/ 🧵 für #Transparenz betr. abnehmendem #Impfschutz.
Bei steigender Impfdurchbruch-Rate in allen Altersklassen ist es sehr unglücklich, dass das @BAG_OFSP_UFSP nicht alles unternimmt, den #Impfstatus von PCR-getesteten Personen systematisch zu erfassen.…
2/ In meinem Schreiben ans #BAG vom 23.08.2021 hatte ich auf die desolate Datenlage bei der Erhebung von Impfdurchbrüchen hingewiesen und davor gewarnt, bez. #ImpfstoffEffizienz ein allzu rosiges Bild zu malen. Image
3/ Mein Schreiben enthielt eine „Analyse der CH-Fallzahlen vs. Alter, Impfstatus und Vaccine Effectiveness“, welche in diesem (Thread) beschrieben wurde:
Read 9 tweets

Water Watching

Seized the Moment, Saved The Children ...
Now you know what's in the #BAG..
........AND JUST TO BE #CrystalClear, FOR THE ONES IN THE WAAAAAAY BACK - I NEVER ONCE did ANYTHING I have in my life for money! NOT now, not EVER & NEVER WILL .✍

HUMANITY/ The Children .✍
Read 18 tweets


This is THE WAY ..

You my friend @yutohorigome , You saved many lives without even knowing it. ..

Read 5 tweets
1/ Kontrafaktisches Gedankenexperiment: Wie würden die Schlagzeilen bzgl. #BAG & #Lonza lauten, wenn nicht nur Remdesivir, sondern auch der #Moderna-#Impfstoff enttäuscht hätten? Würde man Berset & Co. dann für finanzpolitische Weitsicht loben? ...
2/ ... Treiben wir das Beispiel auf die Spitze und gehen davon aus, dass sich der Bundesrat konsequent und frühzeitig bei allen Herstellern möglicher Impfstoffkandidaten eingekauft hätte - im vollen Wissen darum, ...
3/ ... dass mit grosser Wahrscheinlichkeit nur ein kleiner Teil davon wirksam sein bzw. den Markt erreichen würde. Das wäre im Übrigen gar nicht so weit von der tatsächlichen Strategie entfernt, wie sie dieser Artikel in der @NZZaS nachzeichnet [0]. Die Kosten, welche ...
Read 10 tweets
🧙‍♂️ Hey Jedi,

👀Looking deeply into 's relatively low-key partnership & integration, we can gain insight into why @BandProtocol is PRECISELY the hidden gem most people still undervalue.💎

I've already loaded my #bag, so I'd share this with you so now you know it too.😏

1/ Image
⛳️ First things to look into when it comes to ANY blockchain product, especially #DeFi, are on-chain usages & value accumulated.

is still in nascent stage & largely under development, but the recent PoA mainnet and @dForcenet partnership today make a HUGE difference.

Let's get a glimpse into how oracles will begin to dominate oracle landscape for #DeFi projects in upcoming weeks & months.

This starts with GOLDx oracle script. 🚨

Read on for why I'm thrilled to see it in action 👇

Read 10 tweets
Auch wenn das #BAG heute klargestellt hat, dass auch fest-freie Mitarbeiter*innen Anspruch auf Auskünfte nach #EntgTranspG haben: Der Weg ist noch weit & das @ZDF quittiert d. jahrelangen Rechtsstreit mit der Frontal21-Redakteurin mit Zwangsversetzung. Was bisher geschah: 1/15
Eine ZDF-Reporterin verklagte 2015 das @ZDF, nachdem sie herausfand, dass nahezu alle ihrer männlichen Kollegen in der @Frontal21-Redaktion besser bezahlt wurden als sie. 2/
Darunter auch alle Männer, die wie die Klägerin als fest-freie Mitarbeiter beschäftigt waren. Faktoren wie Berufserfahrung, Betriebszugehörigkeit oder Ausbildung konnten diese Unterschiede nicht erklären. 3/
Read 15 tweets
Circe Invidiosa by #Waterhouse Custom #Art Greeting #Card…
Circe Invidiosa
John William Waterhouse #Tissue #Paper…
Vintage Fine #Art
Circe Invidiosa
#Waterhouse WristWatch…
Read 7 tweets

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