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#Chapter8 of #StraightFromTheHeart by @rk_process9
Should you consider Machine Translation? Image
@rk_process9 #ChatGPT has generated more interest & debate in recent months than any other #tech in decades. It has accomplished tasks previously only seen in #scifi movies or read in fiction, marking a significant milestone in the field of #ai.
In 1950, father of #AI - Alan Turing, devised a test where a #machine could be considered AI, if one can't differentiate its responses from a human's. If a machine can accurately #translate text from one language to another, like a human, it would pass the Turing test.
Read 8 tweets
Someone wrote this on A Walgreens Brick as A message, they did it knowing I would see it. .

Jesus = Santa
Santa = Satan
Satan = Jesus
Jesus = Freeing Everyone from Hell
Fallen Angels/Nephilim, The Fallen will rise.

…”And Hell Followed with him”
The photo above with the Pentagram, numbers, Crown & THE SAME SYMBOL that’s on the JFKs Neck & The Garden Sign—Used as A signature, meaning I know exactly who wrote the WRITING ON THE WALL.

The Monsters in the video I’m retweeting, it shows “the devil” (Hell Boy) fighting
The worst evil this world has ever seen …


Men In Black 3, J has to JUMP OFF A BUILDING in order to time travel back to where he from ..

Agent #J Agent #F Agent #K

My Birthday is 10-11-1987, The TWIN Towers went down
Read 25 tweets
🧵#Bioinformatics applied to genomics, a THREAD🧵🧵:
#Genomics is the study of the entire #genetic makeup of an #organism, including its #DNA sequence, #gene structure, and regulation of #gene #expression.
#Bioinformatics is the application of computational techniques, such as #machine #learning and data mining, to the analysis of large datasets of biological information, such as #genomic, #proteomic, and #metabolomic data.
Read 9 tweets
@ANice24675304 So what You’re saying is, you would rather see all who have done those evil acts you listed be ‘Unforgiven’? Which I then would have made them not sing (flip on all other evil in the world) & continue Making everyone’s lives hell even worse than what everyone’s gone through?
@ANice24675304 You too would choose & Accept being ‘Unforgiven’ for what you have done in your life?

“When bad does good”?
How/#WHY do you think MANY evil beings chose to do good for humanity?
Just because you Don’t see it or hear about it, does not mean it hasn’t happened. ImageImageImageImage
@ANice24675304 Show me someone innocent in this world …

Where does that question come from?
- A heart of Stone?
- A Heart of Flesh ?

What is A #ROOT ?
If you NEVER forget the #WHY, Care about the #Why Along with the #ROOT, you begin to show mercy for those who-
Read 29 tweets

Hawaii —Home of the Samoans
McLovin’ ..

#RED & #BLUE BELTS (Political False Reality world) Of Truth ImageImage
The writing about the past were never about the past, it was always about the future/now/these times we’re all living in.

Time Travel is Fun.

The future took all the data needed back to the past as far back as they could & preserved the truth of what the future held ImageImage
So that each generation could do everything that needed to be done in time to counter evil, the light would pass down the information from generation to generation to those trustworthy ..
which is the exact same thing that’s been done with wrestling & mostly every other layer
Read 26 tweets
🍻New paper published on @BDCC_MDPI, collab. w. @mvitevit and @Fede_Botta:
Cognitive Networks Extract Insights on COVID-19 Vaccines from English and Italian Popular Tweets: Anticipation, Logistics, Conspiracy and Loss of Trust
@BDCC_MDPI @mvitevit @Fede_Botta We investigate almost 5k Popular tweets about #COVID19 and #vaccines from early 2021.
Remember when vaccines were announced?
How did massively read content frame vaccines? With which stances and emotions?
We use #cognitive networks and #machinevision to address these points!
We found #emotional #polarisation in the framing of "vaccines" in English tweets.
Emotions like trust and anticipation co-existed with negative emotions of sadness and anger.
A circumplex model corroborated this dichotomy. These emotions rose from discussions about cases/deaths:
Read 12 tweets
Stay Tuned, Stay Focused …

If you want to stay distracted by what’s happening within the storm, that’s your call you are choosing to make with your own FREE WILL ! …

I have important matters to attend too at this very moment, HEALING & Comfort ...

What’s happening Image
Out in the world, nothing is real …
All staged, All Planned/coordinated as it’s happening for A reason ..
All (Both “sides”) pointing into #1Direction for the world to know/see, the choice is yours & yours alone …


#Repent.✍️ Image
Do dates & Timing Matter?

How about #Smackdown, Does the SMACK Matter?

Did you know, in the beginning when NOT EVEN VK was posting about Wrestling, none of it really mattered, very few cared .. So many talked shit to me but as soon as VK mentions something it all of A sudden
Read 4 tweets
Skateboarding Is Key ..
Love Is Key ..
God Is Key ..

3 Of A King = 1 #Stone that is #Sour at the way the world treats each other …

The Children of God, Nothing Else Matters.

Good Morning ! …- Image
Key Stone


Key Stone

C Before D

D*C Shoes, I road/was sponsored by D*C shoes when this photo was taken .. I was on Tour at the time, putting on shows for the youth being A good role model. All while being A Father/Step Father to 2 Boys & Playing baseball. Image


.@taylorswift13, No scooters allowed ..
Forgiven but I will never forget …-

#T ime #O f #Y ear #Machine

I tried showing all of this so long ago, none of it mattered.. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Drawbacks of the Sittman and Pitt Machine
Initially, Sittman and Pitt’s slot #Machine was developed to improve efficiency in saloons. The idea was well conceived, but it had two significant limitations:… The machine lacked a feature for dispensing money, which created serious debates over what rewards winning players should receive. And since saloons were on the hook to offer free drinks, cigars and other rewards and because the rules varied between saloons players couldn’t always be certain what they’d receive for winning hands.

The machine only had 50 cards, rather a standard 52 card deck, limiting players’ opportunities to be dealt winning hands.
Read 9 tweets
Have you heard about Economic Complexity?

Check out our new paper for a brief introduction to this powerful new paradigm:…

Thanks for the great collaboration @TBroekel, @dario_diodato, @elisagiulianitw, @ricardo_hausman, @NeaveOClery & D. Rigby!
Economic complexity offers a new paradigm to understand key societal issues and challenges of our time.

The key idea: growth, development, technological change, income inequality, spatial disparities, resilience are all visible outcomes of hidden systemic interactions.
Earlier this year, the Physics #Nobel honored the use of complex systems thinking to understand climate change.

Economic complexity is about applying complex systems thinking & network science to economic and social issues.
Read 23 tweets
What are recent topics for PhD in management or other affiliated subjects?

The latest topics of interest are =>
1.#Behavioural models of #Marketing using experimental economics

2.Role of #Data #Sciences in modelling time-motion studies to measure human efficiency and output on the shop floor.
3.#Reliability Management Process Improvement Controls used in the Value-Added Industries
(Industrial/#engineering management).
Read 7 tweets
I am into risk management.
Most of the risk managers are now required to have an advance background in operating technological applications such online trading and price data terminals (Bloomberg/Reuters, etc),
FINTECH, Crypto Assets, Digital Marketing based vendor systems, DLT(Distributional Ledger Technologies) - Blockchain, AI / ALGO based trading in financial markets, Derivatives and Risk Pricing Engines and other Software Computational Programs,
Risk MIS/ERP Project Management Tasks, 4GL Fourth Generation Languages, Data Warehousing, BI, MI, SQL, NoSQL, and so on etc.
Read 6 tweets
Infinite Spiders, playwright, @johnsteppling

"If you go to, say, Amazon and under books type in #Philosophy, or Philosophy/Truth…you will get a litany of books with the phrase “post #truth” in the title. It is, apparently, a #posttruth world now."…
"This is related to what I experience as absent in daily life. Post truth is post experience in some sense. As Cory Morningstar put it in our podcast (#25); 'we are being reprogrammed'."

[#SocialEngineerring - a prerequisite for transition to #4IR]
"Of course the more profound elements of the #reprogramming are to be found in the #digital revolution. There is no way to overemphasize the impact of the internet & its various platforms....

Societies of the west are increasingly demoralized...."
Read 18 tweets
In God we trust,
In #machine we believe,
In #data we live,

We are the next-generation human being.

Sadly we don't trust humans, we don't believe in them and we have almost stopped living.
Religion, folklore, mythology and history agrees on one interesting statement.

Humans were created in image of God.

Aren't we repeating the same thing with #AI? Aren't we creating AI in image of ourself?
Don't believe, look around see with what it is compared.
Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic.

Same way, sufficiently advanced #AI is indistinguishable from #god.
Read 7 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 6/03/2020-2…

An interpretable mortality prediction model for COVID-19 patients | Nature Machine Intelligence…
#model #intelligence #machine #prediction #mortality
“Immune to Evidence”: How Dangerous Coronavirus Conspiracies Spread — ProPublica…

#conspiracy #evidence #immune #spread
The public do not understand logarithmic graphs used to portray COVID-19 | LSE Covid-19…

#public #Graphics
Read 12 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Read 55 tweets
In my opinion, the "I" in #AI has been vulgarly kidnapped and abused on many levels (including 'serious' research, sadly) for the sake of anticipated glory.

This has resulted in a tremendous disparity between how #intelligence in #machines is both perceived and understood by the public, and what does it truly mean (or could) in current human-made 'intelligent' artefacts.
A similar vein:
"By jumping over the long, slow process of cognitive development and instead focusing on solving specific tasks with high commercial or marketing value, we have robbed #AI of any ability to process information in an intelligent manner."
Read 7 tweets
#Effort & #Understanding

There is no meaningful effort without an understanding
There is no understanding without a #meaningful effort
We #achieve meaningful effort only by #failing and #trying again
#Effort teaches you to be #practical

#Understanding will bring #trust and #patience
#Understanding is needed to examine WHY and WHAT

#Effort is needed to achieve WHAT by doing HOW in accordance with WHY
Read 11 tweets

#Meditation happens beyond #mind. It involves watching #mind. When the real YOU, the watcher, becomes stronger the mind becomes the #servant.

No #discipline, #mantra or #scientific instrument can lead to meditation. No technique can go beyond mind.
The basis of all misunderstanding in a scientific circle is: when the being of a person is in a state of meditation, it creates certain waves in the mind. These waves can be wavelength from the outside by #technical means. But those waves will not create #meditation
You may go on practising with #scientific instruments for years; it will not change your #character, it will not change your #morality, it will not change your #individuality. You will remain the same.
Read 17 tweets
At dinner, I learned more about corruption + racism built into society by our masters. A book we discussed (Zinn) was used as part of this "Left" resource's bibliography. I had to share. [A thread]

@BlackSocialists - thoughts on this resource?
It very simply lays out the case that we are all being controlled. It covers hidden history of the United States including their (and, due to the systems created by our masters, our) racism. 

#racism #systemicracism #history
If you haven't been in school for a while (or are in a terrible school), some of the words might trip you up. and are two good resources to help you.
Read 39 tweets
Politicking aside, serious work is still going on. Today is for #LagosIbadanRail. Tour should commence shortly.

It‘s a brand new 160km standard gauge rail line that will run from Iddo in Lagos, through Ogun State, to Ibadan in Oyo State. Construction in progress.
Last week was for #ItakpeWarriRail, this week is for #LagosIbadanRail. From the same people who brought you the blockbuster #AbujaMetro.

I’ll be defecting to Abeokuta and back, bringing updates along the way about the progress of the #LagosIbadanRail. Stay tuned.
Read 24 tweets

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