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Mar 4th 2022
#FakeNews alert!!!⚠️
#FactCheck: Misleading image linked to 2019 Pakistan's #OperationSwiftRetort.

We did a fact check on the image linked on some online posts and found it to be from 2015.


#UkraineRussianWar #India #Pakistan
Claim: A photo of an Indian fighter jet is claimed as aftermath of #OperationSwiftRetort.

Fact: The image of crashed jet is actually from 2015 where an Indian trainer jet crashed in Odisha state on June 3, 2015.
A trend started on Feb 26-27, 2022 on Twitter to highlight Pakistan's #OperationSwiftRetort in response to India's #BalakotAirStrike. Amid several posts, we found some posts featuring an image of a crashed fighter jet as if its result of an aftermath of the operation by Pakistan.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
⚠️#FakeNews alert!!!
#FactCheck: Old pictures from 2005 earthquake peddled as from #BalakotAirStrike.

We did a fact check on the circulating image traced them back to 2005 where an #earthquake hit #BalakotAirStrike.

Claim: Several tweeteratis shared images where people can be seen burying dead bodies. Handles claim those images from Balakot attack.

Fact: The images are scenes from an earthquake that hit #Kashmir in 2005 where several lost their lives.
Starting Feb 25, 2022, multiple pro-indian social media users started tweeting on Balakot and posted several videos, texts & photos. We came across an image where it shows several dead bodies being buried. Users claimed it as #BalakotSuccess.
Read 6 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
⚠️Fake news alert!!!
#FactCheck: Irrelevant images passed as from #BalakotAirStrike.

We did a fact check on the claimed images and found those images on stock image hosting websites having no connection with any "Air Strike".

Claim: A collage of broken trees is claimed to be from Balakot and alleged #IndianAirForce for destroying them.

Fact: The images being shared have no connection with any Air Strike. The images are old and are present on stock images hosting websites.
On Feb 26-27, 2022, several social media handles shared a collage of broken trees and claimed it to be from Balakot where on Feb 26, 2019 #India claims to successfully carry out air strikes in Jabba, Balakot.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 15th 2019
#OpSwiftRetort air strikes - plausible scenarios:

1. PAF intended to strike Indian targets with aim to cause damage but missed due to inherent system limitation, poor execution or timely counter by IAF

2. Action was only to signal capability (stated reason)

3. Both

Analysis is complicated due to:

1. High disinformation level by Pak military establishment. Not just in present scenario but historically as well.

2. No official comment by #IndianArmy or #IndianAirForce on the efficacy of the strikes.

3. No anecdotes from history

@joe_sameer goes with scenario #1 basis high variation in targeting error. But then 2 different types of weapons and platforms were employed and both are relatively unknown as far as efficacy is concerned. Neither is PAF known for air strikes.

Read 11 tweets
Jun 21st 2019
It’s actually not a targeted crackdown. This was an influence operation being tested.

The #Indian government has done this before taking down ~100 handles due to pro-#Kashmir tweeting.

This time they went after much bigger & well-known accounts that embarrassed @narendramodi.
Look at the facts on ground:

A reporter, that has never done a #NationalSecurity story, writing about a very technical national security topic.

Working for a newspaper that has a total readership of 1.3 million, who has never published anything of this level before.
The reporter, who tweets every article she writes, somehow missed tweeting this one? As a matter of fact, she tweeted nothing during those days.

But a highly questionable website based in Hyderabad gets credit for the #SOCINT, as they called it, of tracing all of these accounts?
Read 10 tweets
Jun 12th 2019
PM @narendramodi not to use the Pakistani airspace for his travel to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan for the #SCO2019 summit. Important decision by @PMOIndia as many fellow indians are facing troubles due to the airspace closure announced by Pak Govt after #BalakotAirStrike.
@ABPNewsTV Image
Sources @airindiain
rejects the claims of Pakistani airspace use for @PMOIndia's flight to Bishkek to attend #SCO2019 summit.Earlier Pak sources said
PM @narendramodi's flight will anyway to take air route over Karachi,Hingol to Iran/Oman via over Gwadar.
However it was interesting to note that a request to fly over Pakistan did went to Islamabad and was granted by @pid_gov. But later with some after thought @MEAIndia announced that PM Narendra Modi will not use the Pak airspace for traveling to Bishkek.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 4th 2019
#Thread #BalakotAirStrike
1. IAF strikes JeM terror camp( JeM later acknowledges). Non operational strike on Non Military target.
2. Panna pramukhs jumps in declares 300 400 500 700 terrorists dead.
3. Pak Air Force strikes back on Indian Military targets. 1/n
5. Abhinandan counters, strikes Pak F16, gets hit MiG goes down, taken PoW.
6. India does NOT retaliate despite Pak aggression on our Military targets.
7. Media changes tune. Focus shifts
8. Pak releases Abhi, under US pressure.
9. World media mocks India 2/n
9. Posters Pilots pop up.
10. Yeddy scored self goal
11. Only BJP has copyright over politicising. 3/n
Read 6 tweets
Feb 26th 2019
Note on possible #IAF #airstrike today. There is NO SUCH THING as "terror camps". These aren't concentrated like schools or colleges. These are disaggregated and dispersed AT ALL TIMES. If targets were struck they would be military targets
.2n this IAF Embraer 145 AWACS was patrolling since the early hours. Watchers know this is an unusual pattern, although it did come close to the area of the alleged strike, it patrolled South as well. The plane has since returned to base. Source: @zone5aviation #IAF #airstrike
.3n for is where balakot is
Read 106 tweets
Feb 19th 2019
Read 934 tweets

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