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Jul 17th 2020
Professor @JeremyFarrar says SAGE took the decision that there should be a lockdown on 13 March & they “advised govt to impose a lockdown on 16 March”.

13/3 was a Friday

16/3 was a Monday

Did they not want this to disturb their weekend!? #COVID__19 #COVID19 #coronavirus #COVID
On the 13/3 - the SAME day SAGE advised a lockdown - John Edmunds (of SAGE!) was dismissing the need for lockdown!

“For what gain?” he asks @mattfrei

The man with his head in hands is @tomaspueyo whose modelling showed lockdown is vital. #COVID19 #COVID
The 13/3 was ALSO the day that @BorisJohnson told Italy’s PM that “he wants #herdimmunity.”

On 12/ 3, @Peston wrote: “The strategy of the govt is to allow the virus to pass through the entire population so that we acquire herd immunity.”

The govt didn’t correct him. #COVID19
Read 11 tweets
May 25th 2020
The Story so far...#DominicCummings (#DomCum) Tour 2020

19.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson makes a nationwide statement about #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19……

23.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson announces measures for a nationwide #UK #Lockdown as a response to contain #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19…
23.03.20: The Prime Minister addresses the nation once more.

"That is why we have given the clear instruction that people must stay at home – unless they have one of the reasons we have set out, & with your help we will slow the spread of the disease."…
Read 29 tweets

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