19.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson makes a nationwide statement about #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19
23.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson announces measures for a nationwide #UK #Lockdown as a response to contain #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19
"That is why we have given the clear instruction that people must stay at home – unless they have one of the reasons we have set out, & with your help we will slow the spread of the disease."
- shopping for basic necessities
- one form of exercise a day
- any medical need (donating blood, caring or helping vulnerable)
- travelling for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home
#CovidUk #CoronaVirus #SackCummings
(Mary worked with #BorisJohnson at Spectator. While there she was groped but refused to name who it was - many believe it to be Johnson)

05.04.20: nytimes.com/2020/04/05/us/…
#Hydroxycloroquine #coronavirus #Covid19 #Sanofi #DonaldTrump #BorisJohnson #DominicCummings #barnardcastlegate
#DonaldTrump promotes #Sanofi, a company in which he has a distant link.
#Hydroxycloroquine #coronavirus #Covid19 #DonaldTrump #BorisJohnson #DominicCummings #barnardcastlegate
Senior Managers prepare for meeting with French company, #Sanofi. The company is working on vaccine for the global #pandemic #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19

12.04.20: #DomCum and family is seen in #BarnardCastle, (#barnardcastlegate) 30 miles away from the place he claims to be #SelfIsolating with #MaryWakefield and his child, due to #childcare issues - the official reason for the travel north-east.

Robin Lees "was so incensed that he made a note of the family car’s numberplate & checked it online when he got home."
30miles from lockdown location...essential travel or compliance with stay home rules?
The period of #DomCum isolation would've expired on 10.04, if it is counted from when #MaryWakefield was first ill. She wrote “We emerged from quarantine into the almost comical uncertainty of London lockdown.” No clarification where they emerged from
14.04.20: Press Release of announcement of "an unprecedented vaccine collaboration" to fight #Covid19 between two #BigPharma companies (#GSK and #Sanofi)
When were the negotiations between the two?

20.04.20: Cummings seen in London again
HEADLINE: #DomCum in #Durham, 30miles from #CastleBarnard (#barnardcastlegate) at the SAME TIME that negotiations are happening between #GlaxoSmithKline and #hydroxychroloquine producing #Sanofi
#UK #CoronaVirus #Covid19 #SackCummings #DominicCummingsMustGo
The potential outrage on so many levels! And as a person with Asperger’s, the potential use of Autism as a reason for the travel JUST to be in on negotiations between two pharmaceutical companies - one of which is linked to Donald Trump.
I'm waiting for confirmation of what "new product introduction site for Steriles, Inhalations,
Dermatology & Cephalosporin products" means on page 6