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Thread récap. des études permettant d'affirmer l'émergence d'un ▶️CONSENSUS◀️ sur l'efficacité de l'#Hydroxycloroquine (avec/sans Azithromycine) dans le traitement précoce du Covid19 sur 3 aspects :
✅Elimination + rapide du virus
✅Durée symptomes/hospitalition
✅effets 2nds OK
Etude Lan Chen (Chine) ✳️randomisée✳️ comparant traitement CQ/HCQ avec groupe controle.
✅Virus éliminé + vite
✅patients traités hospitalisés moins longtemps
✅pas d'effet 2ndaires sévères… ImageImageImage
Etude observationnelle (Corée du Sud) montrant l'efficacité de l'HCQ + AZM (ou autre antibio)

✅Virus éliminé + vite
✅patients traités hospitalisés moins longtemps
✅pas d'effet 2ndaires sévères

Analyse plus complète ci dessous
Read 9 tweets
Episode 3
Raoult, l'IHU, la politique à Marseille, ses soutiens.

Où l'on voit que LREM et Raoult, contrairement à ce qu'on nous dit, ont des points communs. Où l'on revient aussi au temp du RPR.
JP Moatti, le retour :
Rappelez vous, c'est l'ancien Pdt de l'IRD, le mari de Y Obadia, la Présidente de l'IHU, et l'auteur de cette fameuse lettre au @TheLancet soi disant sans conflit d'intérêt...
Et c'est aussi la tête de liste des municipales avec Sophie Goy à Marseille dans le 9-10 pour LREM.…
Read 25 tweets
I am going to call it a night by using this platform to help #HydroxycloroquineKaren spread the message ( she asked calmly)
She is shaking and furious after talking her trump deranged syndrome doctor for not wanting to prescribe #Hydroxycloroquine for her... for just in case
now imagine the woman above becomes best friend with this one, who is an actual GP in the same state
I bet she names her dildos too.👆👆
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The Story so far...#DominicCummings (#DomCum) Tour 2020

19.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson makes a nationwide statement about #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19……

23.03.20: The Prime Minister, #BorisJohnson announces measures for a nationwide #UK #Lockdown as a response to contain #CoronaVirus aka #Covid19…
23.03.20: The Prime Minister addresses the nation once more.

"That is why we have given the clear instruction that people must stay at home – unless they have one of the reasons we have set out, & with your help we will slow the spread of the disease."…
Read 29 tweets
Why has Trump support held? I think Democrats need to stop the intense focus on engaging Trump and focus on his male supporters. What can deprogram them? From 2017 An Analysis of Trump Supporters Has Identified 5 Key Traits | Psychology Today…
A quick Google search shows that there have not been many recent reports on profiling Trump supporters. My suspicion is that Fox News has significant role in keeping this Trump's numbers strong. One thought I've had is to create a serious of ads directed at how Fox has misled
this group and harmed their interests. It will be a bit like pouring gas on a fire but it might get them to question Fox @rupertmurdoch and impair his ability to amplify the Kremlin or Trump/Russian mob line. Don't try to turn them against Trump.
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The long awaited #Remdesivir NAIAD trial was finally published n @NEJM.… I know other “Twitter Docs” have opined on the results and what they mean. Here’s my brief take: 1/
This was a prospective, placebo controlled, double blind study(gold standard) that essentially showed that for hospitalized patients, that weren’t “too sick,” Remdesivir decreased the number of days of hospitalization by 4 days (15-11) 2/
It DID NOT decrease the likelihood of death. IMO, iis a worthwhile drug for wide use primarily to protect systems from overload by decreasing the number of hospital days in a subset of patients. 3/
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Petit point sur l'étude #Discovery dont les premiers résultats commencent vraiment a se faire attendre
Une petite musique semble se mettre en place, comme si on préparait le terrain pour justifier son échec à venir (résultats dérangeants?)
👇 #Hydroxycloroquine #inserm #COVID19
1ere petite musique: c'est la faute de @raoult_didier ! (bien évidemment)
En effet,on commence a ns expliquer(hier)qu'a cause de lui (et de la "frénésie" autour de l'HCQ),il est compliqué de recruter des patients pour les inclure dans l'étude. Ah bon?🤔… Image
Mais pourtant, alors que l'étude visait a recruter 800 patients en France
1/ le 8 Avril, au bout de 16 jours, 530, soit les 2/3 étaient déja recrutés… Image
Read 12 tweets
Analyse de l'étude suivante, sensée étudier l'effet de l'#Hydroxycloroquine sur des patients #COVIDー19 concluant a.. l'inefficacité.
Exemple très pédagogique d'une étude FRAUDULEUSE a tout point de vue..
Voyons ca ensemble en détails🧐
La critique est utile, mais l'invective,l'agressivité..
Donc il a bloqué notre conversation car incapable de me demontrer qu'un simple calcul est faux, concernant le nombre de décès finaux parmi les 90 patients ayant eu de la HC du début a la fin : 20 ou 21 (👇détails) ImageImage
Détails du calcul (ceux qui me critiquent ne le comprennent pas...) avec les sources pour etre clair
Nous avons 90 patients (grpe HC) traités dès le départ a la HC
Parmi eux
9 décèdent avant la réa
69 guerissent

12 sont ventilés

On a donc 12 patients en réa de ce groupe ImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Another study on #Hydroxycloroquine efficacy in #COVID19 patients from a Brazilian team has been shared widely this evening. Unfortunately I have to comment it because well it might have some public health implication & this study is atrocious…
This study is not a clinical trial but a cohort study on 721 patients, recruited by telemedicine. Incl criteria Flu symptoms, OK to be treated > 18 y/o. Probable diagnosis of #SARSCoV2 but RT-PCR or X ray not compulsory. We don't even know if those patients had #COVID19 😳 😡🤦‍♂️
Outcome -> hospitalisation at day 7, that's it.

721 patients unrolled. 85 not followed -> 636 left => 225 refused treatment -> control group 😳 & 412 patients Hydroxycholoquine + azithromycine (dose unknown)
All followed daily by telemedicine consultation => huge select biais Image
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La @RevuePrescrire, plutôt considérée comme indépendante de BigPharma et des instances publiques, émet un avis intéressant sur la Chloroquine et l’étude récente du Pr Raoult.…
Le papier reprends les données IHU :
1061 PCR+
46% d’hommes
Âge moyen 44 ans
95% sans ou peu de symptômes.
Scanner : 34% rien, 43% peu de signe
46 évolutions défavorables, 31 hospitalisations de + de 10j, 10 en réa, 5 morts, soit une mortalité de 0,47%.
La conclusion est ... l’absence de conclusion sur l’effet bénéfique ou non de la combinaison #azithromycine + #Hydroxycloroquine, l’absence de groupe témoin, la rareté des complications graves.
Read 8 tweets
Tonight’s @seanhannity Thread.

@realDonaldTrump says #Hydroxychloroquine saved the life of the Democrat state representative and now she may even vote for me.
.@realDonaldTrump says he was excoriated by the #FakeNews for shutting down the travel from China. These are some bad people and there’s no way they can love our country.
.@realDonaldTrump says the military is ready, willing, and able to pack up and move to fight this monster where ever it goes.
Read 14 tweets
.@realDonaldTrump says The Democrats wanted the election in Wisconsin until he endorsed Justice Kelly. Now they want to wait a week after the election for mail in ballots to come in so they can cheat.
.@realDonaldTrump The flu is nothing to “sneeze at“.
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Why #India Proved itself as #Viswaguru through anti-malaria #Hydroxychloroquine (1/1)
(a) India as leader of new discoveries & manufactures of several anti-malarial drugs almost 20+ patents
(b) Between 2009-19 almost 4600 research paper on Malaria
#मोदी_तुम्हारा_बाप_है ImageImage
Why #India proved itself as #Viswaguru through #Hydroxycloroquinne (1/2)
(c) It has developed (2015) new series of chemicals (anti-malarial) (I) novel triaminopyrimidine (ii)A benzimidazole series for malaria resistant.
Why #India proved itself as #Viswaguru through #Hydroxycloroquine (1/3)
(d) Before *Trump Warning Fiasco, USA forced{Sic} to lifted the ban from the Indian Med Crop (Ipca)
(e) It is the only country having 39 traditional medicines for malaria(enlistd 2016)
#मोदी_तुम्हारा_बाप_है ImageImage
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Un décret signé par Philippe et Véran publié le 28 Mars au JO vient préciser le texte de loi du 23 mars portant sur l’Etat d’Urgence sanitaire. 🔴 IL AUTORISE L’EUTHANASIE ACTIVE des patients Covid-19.…
L’état d’urgence sanitaire met entre parenthèse la constitution (📜) Il suspend les délais de traitement des questions de constitutionnalité jusqu’au 30 Juin. Le bien-fondé des lois votées au parlement n’est plus discuté et le Gvt est en roues libres.…
Pourtant, rien n'empêche le Conseil Constitutionnel de poursuivre sa mission en télétravail. Cette situation de Coup d'État s’accompagne d’un confinement de la population qui est le fait d’un manque de masques⤵️ et de tests⤵️ que le Gvt ne peut ou ne VEUT PAS fournir
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Starting a series on clinical Pearls I am gathering in #COVID19 patients based on experiences of many experts

Will add as we go along

Feel free to add your own observations/experiences

#covidclinicalpearls /1
Anosmia is likely the most specific #COVID19 related symptom
30% of patients have anosmia as their 1st symptom
#covidclinicalpearls /2
Around 90% of patients have fever.
50% maybe afebrile at the time of presentation
Fever tends to be very resistant to routine measures in hospitalized patients
There is no consensus that NSAIDs are to be avoided in #COVID2019 patients

#covidclinicalpearls /3
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Tonight’s @seanhannity Thread.

@Surgeon_General explains why the CDC changed their position on face mask.
.@Surgeon_General says everyone should have the option to consult with their doctor about using #Hydroxychloroquine.
.@GOPLeader since now we need to be focusing on the health of the American people and that’s what @realDonaldTrump is doing as a leader. Unfortunately now @SpeakerPelosi what’s to appoint a new commission to oversee this. Of course he got interrupted and didn’t give their name.
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Tonight’s @seanhannity Thread.

@SecretaryCarson says everyone can place an significant role in bending the curve by paying attention to what the CDC says.
.@SenJohnKennedy doesn’t know why good people go through bad things but if he ever gets to happen he’s going to ask.
Great question by @seanhannity. Why is the New York governor forcing people into the hospital before they can get #Hydroxycloroquine.
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▪️ Études in vitro, in vivo et essais cliniques sur l'#Hydroxycloroquine pour le #COVID19fr

▪️ Brève présentation des AUTRES possibilités : REMDESIVIR, LOPINAVIR-RITONAVIR ...

#COVID19france Image
Comme la vidéo dure 14 min et que j'explique longuement les résultats et les limites des études du Prof. Raoult

A 14min45, j'ai mis deux diapos sur les essais cliniques sur le favipiravir, meplazumab (anticorps) et arbidol ImageImage
Ce sont des analyses succinctes et surtout il y a un nombre impressionant de publications et de préprint sur le COVID-19 qui sortent tous les jours

Le contenu de la vidéo est plus ou moins à jour du 29 Mars mais c'est possible que dans 2 semaines, cela ait évolué
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He certainly didn’t say to take chemicals used to clean an aquarium, as those are not FDA approved for ingestion.

•Post 1 of 7

@realDonaldTrump @US_FDA #ChloroquinePhosphate #Hydroxycloroquine #Chloroquine #NotTrumpsFault #BlameYourself…
He clearly said it was an FDA approved “specific medication for chloroquine-sensitive malaria.” This drug is Hydroxychloroquine, they also use it for Autoimmune Diseases such as Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have taken it myself for Autoimmune.

•Post 2 of 7
This is certainly a tragedy. However, I don’t think it’s fair for the President to take any blame whatsoever for someone that decided to go full Darwin and willingly, dangerously decide to treat themselves by ingesting something non-FDA approved!

•Post 3 of 7
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First randomized data about #Hydroxycloroquine for #COVID19. Too small to comment on anything except the fact that this IS NOT a miracle drug.… (open in chrome and use translate function)
OK. Read it (G translate lets you use "file" for upload). N=30, hospitalized for COVID-19. 1/30 (in the HCQ group!) progressed to HFNC but not intubated. Not even the barest hint of a difference in any parameters. They used the virologically potent (Yao et al) dose of 400/d x5d.
So, you'll be surprised to hear that the appropriate next step is to perform real trials and in parallel look for other treatments.
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