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"Candidate Quality" is the buzzword that the Gulag Guards told the inmates about after breakfast was denied.

The prisoners turn on each other thinking they stand a chance if only they behaved better.

Dems can take out anyone with the same ease; regardless of "quality."
"They lost because they spoke about 2020," say the Gulag Guards who won the House, White House and Senate after spending years investigating the legitimacy of the 2016 elections.

cc @brithume @RonColeman @JackPosobiec @redsteeze
The Gulag Guards who spent 72 hours talking about Trump's fitness for office and the need to trigger the 25th after his slow walk down a ramp at West Point, R convincing the inmates that Fetterman's health was a plus for him.

I am sure that would be the talk if he were a GOPer.
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NEW: Sen. @MichaelBennet (D) says he was surprised by his 12-pt margin of victory over @ODeaForColorado (R). Bennet told me he expected an 8-pt win. He pointed to Democrats closing the gap in populous red counties like Douglas and El Paso. #cosen #copolitics
If Bennet serves his entire third full term, he will become the longest serving US Senator from Colorado in a century. But Bennet said he has no desire to grow old in the Senate, as some of his colleagues have done.
Bennet said both he and Gov @jaredpolis (D) could be in the presidential conversation if Biden chooses not to run in 2024. "I think both of us could be in that conversation," Bennet said. "Because Colorado is such an interesting state politically for the country."
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Colorado Progressives Celebrate Another Night of Historic Victories… #copolitics #coleg #cogov #cosen
"If Colorado Republicans couldn’t win this year, they have only themselves to blame and they may truly be on the verge of permanent minority status in our state."… #copolitics #coleg #cogov #cosen
"Colorado Republicans under Trump have made themselves toxic to Colorado voters, and voters saw right through Joe O’Dea’s desperate attempts to distance himself from his own party’s brand." @SaraLoflin… #copolitics #coleg #cogov #cosen
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Congratulations to @jaredpolis and Lt. Gov Diane Primavera on their re-election! #COPolitics #COLeg
Congratulations to @SenatorBennet on winning his reelection! #COPolitics #COSen
Congratulations to @JenaGriswold on winning her reelection for Colorado Secretary of State! #COPolitics #COSoS
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Very early, but the first #cosen returns of the night look pretty good for Michael Bennet. With big chunks of the vote in from Jefferson, Arapahoe and Denver counties, he's running about even with Hickenlooper's margins in 2020. ImageImageImage
Strong early results across the board for Bennet; these are great margins for a Democrat in Mesa and DougCo, and the totals are over 80% of the 2018 vote. Late returns are gonna have to start breaking super hard, super fast in Rs' direction for O'Dea to have a shot. ImageImage
JoeOdeaStan has seen enough. Image
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We watched 135+ debates so you didn’t have to — and Democrats said some crazy things.

Here are some of the most insane debate moments from Democrats this cycle.

Minnesota Democrat Rep. Angie Craig: “I will never stop standing up for Big Pharma and standing against my constituents!” #MN02
Oregon Democrat Tina Kotek called for "meth stabilization center[s]" in Portland — "in addition to making [full drug decriminalization] work." #ORGov

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#COSen Republican Joe O'Dea drops another $500,000 into his campaign, bringing his out-of-pocket spending to a little over $3.1 million.
#COSen Republican Joe O'Dea putting another $1 million into his campaign committee and upping his investment to over $4.1 million
O'Dea also getting some last-minute help from George & Laura Bush
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You guys really should watch the #cosen debate…
We're not as exciting as PA but we're prettier
Juggling domestic stuff so didn't live tweet it but O'Dea's close was: "Colorado, give me a shot."
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NEW: Colorado Senate candidate @ODeaForColorado (R) claims Google is censoring his campaign messages and pulling his ads. His campaign declined to provide any evidence of the claim. #copolitics #cosen…
@ODeaForColorado A review of O'Dea Google Ads history, which is publicly available, does not support the campaign's claim. A single O'Dea ad was pulled from Google in June. The O'Dea campaign declined to say which policy violation was alleged and whether Google's decision was appealed.
@ODeaForColorado Such notices are common and quickly resolved. The notices can be a result of something as simple as a spelling error or formatting issue with the ad. According to Google, O’Dea’s advertising accounts have had a small number of violations, mostly due to formatting issues.
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GOP senate candidate Joe O’Dea said in CNN yesterday that he’s “going to actively campaign against Donald Trump.” Looks like Trump is now openly campaigning against O’Dea & seems to indicate MAGA supporters wouldn’t vote for O’Dea. #copolitics #cosen
This might help O’Dea with moderates. But w/ Ron Hanks endorsing the Libertarian candidate and now this, I wonder how it will affect the conservative base.

Reminder O’Dea defeated Hanks in the GOP primary 54.5 to 45.5. (A Democratic PAC helped prop up Hanks.)
Trump attacks Colorado GOP Senate Candidate O’Dea…
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NEW: Colorado GOP Senate candidate @ODeaForColorado acknowledges his pledge to protect abortion rights comes with strings attached and he wants to bring "balance to women's rights." #cosen #copolitics
O'Dea describes himself as a moderate Republican who will work with Democratic leaders. When asked, O'Dea could not name any Biden policy blocked by Senate Republicans that he would support.
In O'Dea's first interview with 9NEWS since he launched his campaign 11 months ago, he backed off his pledge to vote for former President Trump if Trump is the 2024 nominee. O'Dea says he'd prefer someone else but would no longer say if he'd vote for Trump if he's nominated.
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They called Joe O'Dea a "moderate."

Here's the problem with that.

#copolitics #cosen
Consider how far we've fallen:

➡️Trump does violent attempted coup
➡️Stop-the-steal still going
➡️Democratic norms trashed
➡️34 new laws in 19 states restrict voter access
➡️120 election-related criminal penalties in 26 states
➡️Election interference laws emerge, like in GA
➡️@BrennanCenter says election interference laws were GOP priority this year, with versions passed in 6 states
➡️Voter-fraud police unit championed by FL’s DeSantis, though voter fraud's rare
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NEW: A spokesman for Colorado GOP Senate candidate @ODeaForColorado said a newly-introduced bipartisan bill to restore federal protections for abortion and contraception is a "positive step" but said it needed additional restrictions to earn his support. #copolitics #cosen
Senators Kaine, Sinema, Collins and Murkowski are sponsors of the Reproductive Freedom For All Act , which would codify abortion rights and access to contraception.…
O'Dea spokesman Joshua Marin-Mora called the bill a "good start" on a issue where O'Dea has broken with many in the GOP. "It's a positive step," Marin-Mora told 9NEWS. "Joe thinks we need to find common ground and move forward and this is clearly a good faith attempt to do that."
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In a shocking development that absolutely no one could have seen coming, Democratic Colorado, the group that spent over $4M in the #COSen GOP primary trying unsuccessfully to keep Joe O'Dea out of the general election, was entirely funded by Chuck Schumer's Senate Majority PAC Image
Senate Majority PAC raised $29M in the month of June, chiefly $13M from its dark money affiliate Majority Forward, $4M from Fred Eychaner, $2.5M from George Soros' Democracy PAC. It disbursed $12.4M to other cmtes, made $1.6M in IEs, and has $65.6M banked.
RIP. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
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It's a Super Tuesday with a special House election in Nebraska, House GOP runoffs in Mississippi as well as primary elections in Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Utah.
Special #NE01 House election today to fill fmr GOP Rep. Jeff Fortenberry's vacant seat until end of 2022.He resigned March 31 after being convicted.Fmr NE Legislature Spkr Republican Mike Flood & Democratic State Sen Patty Pansing Brooks face off in both today's & fall elections.
Two House GOP runoff elections in MS today: 6th term #MS04 GOP Rep. Steven Palazzo,who is facing Ethics Cmte investigation for allegedly misusing campaign fund,& 2nd term #MS03 Rep. Michael Guest,who voted to create independent commission to investigate 1/6 attack on US Capitol.
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This is the Republican Party. Through and through. Read exactly where Republican Senators and candidates stand and the world they want for women and patients across our country.
"Every GOP Senate candidate running in Arizona supports overturning Roe v. Wade and outlawing abortion." #AZSen
"Ron Hanks is currently pushing a bill to criminalize abortion in Colorado and 'enforce homicide and assault provisions without regard to the opinion of the United States [S]upreme [C]ourt in Roe v. Wade and other supreme court decisions, past and future.'” #COSen
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Haven't voted yet? You have less than an hour left to do so in Colorado, folks! Polls close at 7 p.m. 🇺🇸

Follow our liveblog for statewide election coverage, including the biggest race calls across the nation. #ElectionDay2020
#BREAKING: It’s 7 p.m. and polls are now closed in Colorado unless you’re still in line to vote! 🇺🇸

Keep up with local races here: #Election2020
It’s almost 15 minutes past 7 p.m. and Colorado hasn’t called any races yet, but here are some initial results from early returns:

John Hickenlooper (D) leads Cory Gardner (R) 61.46% to 36.68%.

Live blog: #Election2020
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The Candidate Spotlight is on two terrific #ProLife Coloradans today. First up is Senator @CoryGardner running for re-election to the U.S. Senate, who we could not be prouder to support!
#SBAListCandidateSpotlights #SBAListEndorsed #COpol Image
Senator @CoryGardner has been a champion for the unborn throughout his first term in the Senate. He voted to ban infanticide, end painful late-term abortions, & has confirmed 3 #ProLife Supreme Court Justices! See his “A” Rating & voting record below…
Senator @CoryGardner is now up against anti-life John Hickenlooper, who has already committed himself to doing the bidding of the horrific abortion industry. A vote for Hickenlooper = a vote for taxpayer-funded abortion on demand. #COpol #COsen
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Mitch McConnell's @Senate_Fund dropping over $22.5M in eight races tonight:
138,632->#KSSen… ImageImageImageImage
Independent expenditures in the North Carolina Senate race are about to hit $150 million Image
Rough approximation of the total Senate IE spending over the entire 2020 cycle so far:

$146M - North Carolina
$107M - Iowa
$76M - Georgia (Both races)
$74M - Montana
$70M - Maine
$58M - Arizona
$54M - Michigan
$31M - Colorado
$30M - Kansas
$19M - South Carolina
$15M - Alaska
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Trump’s 2016 Cambridge Analytica leak is exactly the insidious political microtargeting we’ve been up against for years, including @SenCoryGardner’s 2014 upset win. Here’s how Republicans & foreign ops have manipulated American politics for years — a thread. #cosen #copolitics
First, extreme political microtargeting (what I call “dark tech”) is when personal data is collected & aggregated to create detailed user profiles. Profiles are then categorized for targeted advertising to manipulate for political gain. More @NewslineCO👇…
These tactics can be employed for short & long-term gain. For example, it can be used to win a specific election, or to seed long-term turmoil & instability via disinformation campaigns. We’ve seen this with Russian interference — make no mistake, this is 21st century warfare.
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NEW: Democrats are leading in #AZSen, #COSen, #MISen and #NCSen, according to our new polling of likely voters, while #GASen is close to tied, ~100 days out, tracking close to Joe Biden.

Much more on our fresh state data:… Image
Our state-by-state tracking of likely voters finds a weakness for GOP contenders in #NCSen, #MISen and #AZSen: They're trailing @realDonaldTrump among likely Republican voters. (This problem isn't showing up for Gardner in #COSen and Perdue in #GASen)… Image
Democratic Senate contenders in #AZSen, #COSen, #GASen, #MISen and #NCSen are pretty much matching @JoeBiden's performance among likely voters in their states, and most have an advantage with independent likely voters.… Image
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Since @CoryGardner claims he'll fight for Colorado's #publiclands, today seems like a good day for a (THREAD) to remind folks that as Colorado's Senator, Cory:
1) As recently as 2018, voted to gut the #LWCF, the very policy he touts leading in this ad
#copolitics #cosen
2) Voted to confirm Ryan Zinke & David Bernhardt, nominated by Trump to oversee our public lands, whose policies have dismantled a century’s worth of advancement on environmental protection, trampling on human health and wildlife protections #cosen #copolitics
3) Voted for a resolution against the Bureau of Land Management’s Planning 2.0 which would permanently eliminate rules intended to include communities and the public in conversations about oil leasing decisions on public lands #copolitics #cosen
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Denver’s best interviewer, @cprwarner, tries to get @SenCoryGardner to answer they key ACA question he’s been dodging and he gets the patented talk-over-and-ignore tactic that Colorado journalists know well. #cosen #copolitics
Lots of politicians have lots of tactics to avoid questions. Gardner’s go-to move is to interrupt and talk over journalists as soon as they offer the topic of the question, making it difficult for the audience to even hear what is being asked.
Gardner’s opponent, John Hickenlooper, will often challenge the premise of questions, which is fair, but it seems to devolve into frustration that he’s being questioned at all, as when he told @Marshall9News that journalists should be “protecting” him from ethics complaints.
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In the past 36 hours, U.S. Senate candidate John @Hickenlooper has lost two court cases and been held in contempt.

Colorado's ethics commission will now consider how to punish his contempt and, later, weigh whether he broke ethics laws.

I'll tweet updates. #cosen #copolitics
Hickenlooper is not currently on the video conference but is available to testify, according to his attorney.

The commission seems to have softened when it comes to punishing Hickenlooper. They're eager to hear his testimony before they considering sanctioning #cosen #copolitics
John Hickenlooper has arrived, in a shirt and tie, on the video conference. Suzanne Staiert, with the Public Trust Institute, has begun quizzing him.

"I support Amendment 41, yes," Hickenlooper says, referring to the gift ban he's accused of violating. #cosen #copolitics
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