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Nov 4th 2020
7 reasons that make #Trump good for the Middle East

#America will choose its president. But from a strictly objective look at the Middle East, @realDonaldTrump emerges as someone who has done the unthinkable in the region, ideally making him the choice for #Muslim-Americans. Image
#Trump did not launch new wars in the Middle East. A sign of deft diplomacy, from avoiding new conflicts in #Syria while holding #Assad accountable for possible war crimes, to avoiding a war with #Iran.

#ElectionNight Image
#Trump ended regime change wars induced through Islamist proxies. This allowed important players like #Egypt & the #Gulf to avoid collapse & chaos. Even #Iran received a signal from Trump that it is about behavior change, not regime change.
#ElectionNight Image
Read 9 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
Biden or Trump - Who’s going to win?

@SandraGathmann asks the man who’s picked the last nine presidents in a row on #AJStartHere.

#ElectionNight #ElectionDay2020
@SandraGathmann As Americans wait for the #ElectionNight outcome, social media is flooded with humour, analysis and anxiety

Here's some of the best tweets from #Election2020 Image
Do you think Allan Lichtman has got it right?

#ElectionNight #Elections2020
Read 5 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
Haven't voted yet? You have less than an hour left to do so in Colorado, folks! Polls close at 7 p.m. 🇺🇸

Follow our liveblog for statewide election coverage, including the biggest race calls across the nation. #ElectionDay2020
#BREAKING: It’s 7 p.m. and polls are now closed in Colorado unless you’re still in line to vote! 🇺🇸

Keep up with local races here: #Election2020
It’s almost 15 minutes past 7 p.m. and Colorado hasn’t called any races yet, but here are some initial results from early returns:

John Hickenlooper (D) leads Cory Gardner (R) 61.46% to 36.68%.

Live blog: #Election2020
Read 30 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Voter suppression is real, and it’s happening right now in Reading, PA. It looks like long lines, failure to provide interpreters, and racism against Reading’s Latinx voters. THREAD⤵️
Our teams have been at 100+ polls across PA to make sure Black, Latinx, and working class folks are able to vote safely, and our partners at @joytothepolls @danzanes brought music and joy to the lines. But no one should have to wait hours or be discriminated against when voting.
@JoyToThePolls @danzanes Reporter @ddguttenplan spoke to the judge of elections, who said “the Spanish people with all their names” are causing long lines and delays. Fact check: Language access is a right, and every registered voter has the right to cast a ballot without intimidation or discrimination.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
An #electionday2020 special! The full "Trumpian Rhapsody!"

Directed by: @wbezz
Filmed by: @drwrobinson

An #electionday2020 special! The full "Trumpian Rhapsody!"

An #electionday2020 special! The full "Trumpian Rhapsody!" (their peeeeeeeeeeee!)

Read 6 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
Hey Arizona! Follow our reporters for live round-the-clock coverage of #ElectionDay here ⬇️
If you want to stay updated on the #AZElections, there are a few ways you can do it.

1/Our live blog: Bookmark this page and check back for updates on everything from polling places to election results:…
2/For the latest updates from voting centers across the Valley and beyond, follow our Twitter list of @azcentral reporters covering the polls here:…
Read 4 tweets
Nov 3rd 2020
We're following every step of #ElectionDay today as the US enters its final day of voting in the 2020 Presidential Election. | @NWWhigham #Election2020…
@NWWhigham Election officials in St. Louis Missouri wearing full PPE hand ballots to a person who tested positive for COVID-19 during curbside voting on Election Day. #Election2020 #USAElections2020
@NWWhigham Typically it only takes a few hours after polls in each state close to get a picture of how the election will play out. It may take much longer to get a result this year. | @NWWhigham #ElectionDay #USAElections2020…
Read 5 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
Please VOTE... a thread:

For those of us who can’t because of voter suppression...

#Vote #vote2020 #ElectionDay #ElectionDay2020 #kamalaharris #imspeaking #ivoted #ivotedearly #ivoted2020 #BidenHarris #BidenHarris2020
#Vote For those of us who fall prey to the algorithms of social media who won’t get this message...

#vote2020 #ElectionDay #ElectionDay2020 #kamalaharris #imspeaking #ivoted #ivotedearly #ivoted2020 #BidenHarris #BidenHarris2020
#vote For those who’ve been rendered voiceless to the ballot by way of incarceration or documentation status...

#vote2020 #ElectionDay #ElectionDay2020 #kamalaharris #imspeaking #ivoted #ivotedearly #ivoted2020 #BidenHarris #BidenHarris2020
Read 8 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
Here are a few resources to help you start the journey to being part of the solution:
1) Race and Equity BootCamp @FreedomRoadus (not just basic stuff)…
2) How to Decolonize the Bible Series @FreedomRoadus (Absolutely essential)…
Read #VeryGoodGospel and check in with our IGTV Book club @lisasharper .…
Read 10 tweets

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