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Jun 13th 2023
It's a Tuesday which means we've got a list of #artsjobs and #opportunities for you all!

Stuff for creatives up and down the #UK from a range of #theatre disciplines including technical managers, directors, writers and more!

Check out the thread below🧵👇
Ricochet are seeking #writing submissions for our #writers #showcase Bulletpoints

Deadline: Fri 23rd June✍️

Pieces should be under 15mins and need no more than 4 actors

All applications can get feedback from our dedicated literary team


@KingsTheatre in Portsmouth are looking for a new #Technical Manager to join their #theatre team

PAID full time salaried position

Deadline: midday Thurs 22nd June

More info and apply:|43rKfGt

#Portsmouth #artsjob
Read 11 tweets
Apr 1st 2020
#100daysofCPD is where @UoB_HEFi will be beaming a spotlight onto #teaching and supporting #learning in #HigherEducation #CPD opportunities especially for #Beacon #HEAfellowship applicants & @uob_pgche participants during #COVID19 times & beyond Image
#100daysofCPD: #Day1 is the @UoB_HEFi #Learning and #Teaching Gateway. Full of self-paced online courses on a range of #technology and teaching topics. #BestPractice #CPD Go to… Image
#100daysofCPD #Day2: @matt_tel_brum shares this Resource - How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event containing all you need to know about Zoom’s #settings when using for #teaching, #meetings or #socializing during #COVID19 & beyond…
Read 106 tweets
Feb 9th 2020
#PARENTINGJOURNEY👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 highly enduring evolutionary instinct to foster guidance till child's maturation Focus on child's holistic attachment, when initiated with untiring effort towards their authenticity has worthy purpose to achieve independence & yearn to their secure future 1/25
#parentaldrive an altruistic attachment to promote survival, provide secure connection to emulate loyalty & belongingness with impact on child's identity
Integrity, persistence & tenacity in context to primary competing attachment determines childs individuality & significance 2
child development advances through multi contextual relationship #feedbackloop
Parental markers humility, intellect, neglect, poverty, social conditioning & ACE's guide resp interaction via diverse behaviour to rationality, vulnerability, dependency, deprivation & indoctrination3
Read 25 tweets
Feb 13th 2019
The 2 most important skills expected from a #UX is being a #Facilitator & #Catalyst. They can polish these consistent skills. #Idea generation is a skill that depends on the knowledge of a UX about the subject he/she is working with, and it vary.
But if a UX is seasoned he/she will ask the right question being a catalyst to trigger reactions & make everyone start talking.
UX also doesn't mean being witty, street smart & outsmart people that could adversely lead people to contract and withdraw participation.
It is the virtue of Empathy that UX is based on. #Empathy to acknowledge the fundamentals of #Agile that #Stories are build in #Dreams every night that are jog down in #Product #Backlog the next morning. Incremental Stories are more valued.
Read 4 tweets

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