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Ist "»Demokratie« tatsächlich noch zur Beschreibung »unserer Politik und unseres polit. Systems« angemessen… oder handelts es "sich bei der Verwendung dieses Begriffs lediglich »um eine zynische Geste« …, »mit der eine zutiefst manipulative Politik getarnt werden soll«
Wolin Image
Kein neuer Diktat-Frieden von Stralsund!

Ukraine-Krieg: Friedensgespräche im Rathaus? Die spinnen, die Stadtverordneten der Hansestadt. Dank kritischer Medienberichte muss man sich um die Demokratie wirklich nicht die geringste Sorge machen. Eine…
Give Peace a Chance

Kein Ende des Tötens und Zerstörens im Ukraine-Krieg: Wie bestimmte Narrative Friedensverhandlungen…
Read 34 tweets
Yes, finally! "Democracy" is coming to Venezuela, courtesy of the new and shiny gusano caucus. The first question is: how come something with so much money can't do better than a website that looks like it was designed by a high-school student in 2007?
The caucus' mission has all the usual nonsense, "democracy this," "freedom that." But then take a look at the team. Surely a bunch of (mostly) white people, trained in US universities, with experience in DC, are the proper ones to defend the interests of the Venezuelan people Image
It's not outlandish to expect these people to be the crème de la crème of the decadent, moronic Venezuelan elites. One name does stand out: Ana Julia Jatar, far-right, coup enthusiast extraordinaire and wife of Ricardo Hausmann, neoliberal academic and, well, coup enthusiast Image
Read 5 tweets
🧵🧵Venezuela has been mired in a serious economic crisis for years. In this infographic we shed some light on this complex topic, as an oil price crash and deadly US sanctions created a perfect storm that has imposed tremendous hardships on the Venezuelan people #SanctionsKill Image
📉The economic downturn has seen Venezuelan GDP contract by more than two-thirds. The recession was triggered by the 2014 fall in oil prices and later compounded by wide-reaching unilateral coercive measures by Washington and its allies which also blocked any solutions Image
📈High inflation has been a constant in recent years, mostly fueled by currency speculation. The Maduro government has managed to slow down the devaluation-inflation spiral in the past few months, but with sanctions in place recovery or even stability remain an uphill battle Image
Read 8 tweets
If we ranked the biggest imperialist cheerleaders on the Hill, Bob Menéndez would be near the top (halfwit Marco Rubio is the runaway leader). Case in point is this statement by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee w/ the ever eager acolytes (thread)…
First off, a salute to countries like the Baltics who took a break from whitewashing and glorifying their nazi-collaborating pasts to lend a hand to the murderous empire du jour. The statement is a litany of outrageous nonsense, or half-decent jokes depending on how you read it Image
"We express our support for Vzla’s National Unity Platform,as it represents the will of the Vzlan people" Really? This platform didn't exist until 2 weeks ago when the opp. realized it needed a name. Also, empires + puppets talking about "will of the Vzlan people", never gets old Image
Read 11 tweets
When it comes to effortless imperialist cheerleading, no one can top the Wall Street Journal. The headline already says it all, as apparently China buying oil from Iran and Venezuela has something to do with Biden. American exceptionalism in a nutshell…
The entire article is built around this premise. China buying oil from Iran and Venezuela kind of ruins US regime change plans. Or as the @WSJ puts it, it's a "challenge to two Biden administration foreign-policy priorities"
We won't go into all the falsehoods about Iran and the nuclear deal, since that's outside our jurisdiction. The Vzla bits are egregious enough: "the U.S. has been trying to use sanctions to pressure the Maduro regime into holding credible democratic elections." #SanctionsKill
Read 8 tweets
One of the empire's most trusted propaganda weapons, the Washington Post, is back at it. Regime change propaganda now has a shiny environmental cover. And "world must act" is code for "military intervention to return decadent elites to power"…
The piece has too many falsehoods and distortions to pick apart one by one. The fall in oil revenues is presented as a deliberate Maduro effort, and sanctions are later mentioned as "having not been effective in bringing about a peaceful democratic transition in Venezuela"
There's talk of rising malaria cases w/o mentioning how the US blockade has stopped/delayed vaccine purchases. The authors rail against obscure trade channels but don't find it relevant to tell readers that Venezuela's state mining company was sanctioned
Read 7 tweets
Elections haven’t happened and already US politicians are calling it fraudulent. No, I don’t mean @realdonaldtrump and November, this time its @senatormenendez and Venezuela’s December legislative elections.
Topic is now gold mining. Seems like it would be easier for Venezuela to clamp down on illegal gold mining if the US hadn’t sanctioned its gold sector in 2018. Maybe it would be a bigger security priority for Vzla if the US wasn’t threatening to invade.
lol @randpaul thinks Guaidó is a socialist. His party has deeply fascist roots (not an exaggeration – party founders belonged to an org called Tradition, Family, Property)
Read 19 tweets
1. I'm not sure this is a big deal for anyone except Turkish people. Hagia Sophia was a cathedral, then a Mosque, then a museum and now it will be both Mosque and museum.
2. I expect fascist ignorant presidents such as trump or bolsonaro to publicly condemn the decision while in their countries, they promote evangelical terrorism (serious). It's not like they are going to destroy anything like the Taliban.…
3. It doesn't matter what I or anybody thinks. It's their business. Just like I've called #HandsOffBolivia, #HandsOffVenezuela I say #HandsOffShitThatsNotYours . Thanks for the opportunity to remind you that there is no reason for foreign troops anywhere, from anyone, too.
Read 3 tweets
During his #COVID19 press conference, Trump announced that he's deploying the Navy to #Venezuela. Wait, what? What's #coronavirus got to do with Venezuela?


Trump is distracting us from his incompetence by threatening war. #HandsOffVenezuela
Trump's justification for the naval deployment is cocaine trafficking. But guess what?? #Venezuela doesn't even produce cocaine! This is just another one of Trump's attempts to #WagTheDog. Check out this map of maritime drug routes. 👇👇👇
Let's take a further look at this map, shall we?
#Venezuela is barely a blip on the map.

If Trump's excuse for deploying ships was truly about drugs, then why isn't the US imposing sanctions & threatening war on Colombia? #WagTheDog
Read 7 tweets
We are live with #vzCOA!

AS/COA VP Maria Lourdes Gallo is giving opening remarks. She'll be followed by a keynote interview between @ericfarns and Jimmy Story, CDA of the Venezuela Affairs Unit at the State Department.

Watch LIVE:
@ericfarns .@ericfarns: A lot of people want to plan for the “day after” Maduro. And we do too. But we firmly believe you can’t get to the “day after” until you get to the "day of."

As officials have said, it’s time for Maduro to go. The question is how.

@ericfarns "I judge Venezuela by the amount of hair I’ve lost. … It’s been a heck of a year. Not even talking about 2019, just this year."

— Jimmy Story, CDA of the Venezuela Affairs Unit at the U.S. State Department, speaking at #vzCOA Image
Read 21 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 83 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 89 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 142 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 179 tweets
13. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world?

#Hypocrites #DoubleStandards #Liars #Warlords #USRealTerrorists
Wrong US policies in the Middle East. Sanctions against Iran. Sanctions used by the USA as a war weapon🤨👇🏼
1. United States decided to label #IRGC terrorists. But who are the real terrorists? Who created, trained, armed & financed the worst terrorist groups in the world? 🤨👇🏼…
Read 146 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 143 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019 🤨👇🏼…
Read 90 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019🤨👇🏼…
Read 90 tweets
Attacks on @TulsiGabbard for her good judgement is nonsensical
#Syria's President #Assad did not gas his own ppl👇Facts Matter‼️
It’s now revealed that @OPCW suppressed expert engineers report that found the cylinders were staged & not dropped from the air:
It’s now revealed that #OPCW suppressed expert engineers report that found the cylinders were likely not dropped from the air.

#Tulsi2020 #TulsiGabbard #NoMoreWars #ForeignPolicy #Syria #Assad
#ChemicalWeapons Attack Were Staged👇😡‼️
The #OPCW confirms that a leaked document on alleged gas cylinders at #Douma in #Syria is genuine. It says it is conducting 'an internal investigation' about its 'unauthorised release.' :

Read 14 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 63 tweets
Now in the streets of Washington DC: “@AmbJohnBolton you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.” #HandsOffVenezuela
It wouldn’t be a DC protest without harassment from empire babies! This man tells me the US would be saving people if it invaded Venezuela... how’d that workout for Yugoslavia, Iraq, or Libya?
Spotted in Washington DC: @carlosvecchio pleads for the US to levy more sanctions against the very people he’s claiming to represent. How bizarre!
Read 5 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 95 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 135 tweets
1 to 24 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
25 - Attempted coup in Venezuela with support from the US - 2019…
Read 126 tweets

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