#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter
But has USA a military presence in Columbia or Venezuela?
Imagine the siege of the🇻🇪embassy was happening in Tehran,not DC.Imagine 🇮🇷had shut off water,power..& then raided the🏠by force.Then imagine how our press would cover it.Then realise it’s absent from literally every MSM FrontPage right now.
Based on the lies and shear deception being spat out by @SecPompeo & @AmbJohnBolton over #Venezuela & #Iran, they should be removed from their positions immediately. They both pose a grave danger to global & national security. #Trump now also poses similar risk too.
Critical action on Wed at Venezuela embassy. Congress & Trump need help deciding which way forward. Will it be the rule of law, or the law of the jungle? Let's show them the way - in Venezuela, Iran & beyond.
'How the Venezuelan intelligence service SEBIN (Bolivian National Intelligence Service) defeated the CIA'😉👇🏼

Back at the Venezuelan Embassy. A raid is expected soon. A state department representative is stationed by the main entrance
Police just kicked me out of the press area after the opposition told them I am not a journalist
I talked to the commanding officer who refused to give me an explanation as to why I'm not allowed to stand with my colleagues
I tried to get an interview with Mohammed, who broke into the embassy and vandalized an office, but he refused. "Take the rats out," he said
This gentleman didn't want to talk to me either
Activists chant "hands off Venezuela!" Embassy protectors look on from the second floor window
Nica Lenin continues harassing the press with impunity. He got in my face and touched me three times. Police did nothing
Longtime embassy protector and collective DJ Bobby Robinson with a new chant fresh off the charts:
"Even with the US might
You will never win this fight
You can beg, you can try
In the end your coup's a lie"
Another coup bites the dust
Supporters on the outside as embassy protectors look on through the second story window

Bobby Bobinson explains what a protecting power agreement is
I walked over to the opposition side. It went down as you may have expected
The pro Guaido guy Carlos who had a bow tie told me “if this was🇻🇪we’d go in and kill all you people. Then cut you to pieces & eat you. But here we have to follow the law so we’re leaving you there.” I was like, yeah that’s probably true.
President Bolton ( I thought he was only an advisor but I was mistaken ) likes to focus on Cubans when not Iran . Americagate is where Americans 💩 tell Venezuelans how to run their country
US Media Coverage of Venezuela Reaches All-Time Low mintpressnews.com/us-media-cover…
Guaidó Calls🇺🇸Military Cooperation, but few🇻🇪Support the Move
Venezuela reads the riot act over embassies to usa
Venezuela accuses four opposition lawmakers of #treason for supporting a #coup attempt against the elected government of @NicolasMaduro ptv.io/2jWs

By @PressTV
Trump considering replacing John Bolton: Report ptv.io/2jXD

May 14
#US to evict #Venezuelan embassy protectors in #WashingtonDC , violating international law. #HandsOffVenezuela
You do not be fooled by this shit that is not worried about the suffering that the new sanctions can cause the #Venezuelan people. Juan Guaidó only thinks about his interests🤬.
By @telesurenglish
May 14
The People's Republic of #China delivered a large amount of humanitarian aid to #Venezuela, completing their second long haul of cargo to the Bolivarian Republic since March.
May 14
Metropolitan Police of Washington D.C arrived at the Venezuelan embassy to break the locks and carry out the illegal eviction of international NGO @codepink who have barricaded themselves in the embassy.
#Venezuela's Constituent Assembly approved a resolution stripping four opposition lawmakers from immunity, accusing them of treason.
"Rev. Jesse Jackson manages to deliver food to the activists who protect the🇻🇪Embassy in Washington DC, after a violent resistance & struggle of Guaido supporters,who are determined to prevent them from receiving water, food & medicine."
Pentagon @DeptofDefense has such a good record of bringing democracy!
thanks u Jesse jackson! delivers food to venezuela embassy: him the thugs didnt dare attack
A real psychopath.Incites violence in which he knows people will be injured or killed,invites sanctions which are known to kill large numbers of🇻🇪people & invites military intervention which is known will cause civil war with a repeat of🇮🇶 or
To the heroes & heroines who bravely defend the legitimate rights of Venezuela at our Embassy in Washington receive our recognition forever! We are brotherly peoples,of peace, of hope! Thank you Reverend Jesse Jackson for your solidarity!
US-backed Venezuelan Opposition Continues Asking For Foreign Interference To Overthrow Maduro Government southfront.org/us-backed-vene…
By @ConflictsW
The 4 people remaining inside the Venezuelan embassy in D.C have been arrested and the embassy is now empty
BREAKING: Four embassy protectors have been arrested! Ann Wright, former state department diplomat, explains why the arrests are ILLEGAL!
That's the end if the Vienna convention and during @realDonaldTrump presidency. Now any embassy can be raided by police
Atty Mara Verheyden Hilliard: The fact that the State Dept has broken into a protected diplomatic mission to arrest peace activists will have repercussions the world over. This is an extraordinary violation of the Vienna Convention. #EmbassyProtectionCollective
It's a world first and occurs under MAGA obsessed @realDonaldTrump
Has @MayorBowser taken notice this has happened during her term as mayor?
End of Vienna convention . Well the rogue state thinks it can appoint ptrsisentpresident so why not police state raid an embassy. Any sign @MayorBowser Aware what's happening in her city ?
#UnitedStates | The police have illegally entered the Venezuelan Embassy in #WashingtonDC to arrest the four remaining anti-war activists.
#Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela
Isn't this like an invasion into a foreign country. Isn't the territory of an embassy sovereign soil of the country that runs the embassy, in this case Venezuela?
I hope🇻🇪confiscate🇺🇸embassy & all🇺🇸property in Venezuela as a response.
An📷presumably showing the moment of the arrest of the 4 activists of the #EmbassyProtectionCollective. In the📷that appears to be a screenshot of another image, you see David Paul, Adrienne Pine & Margaret Flowers.
Photo via: .@AlinaTelesur

This is the moment when the US Federal police, against all international law, broke into the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington DC.
May 16th 2019, do not forget it.

heres a reuters article on illegal raid on Venezuela embassy that manages to ignore Vienna Convention.i
No embassy is safe now @realDonaldTrump is this how u MAGA?
at least @Independent mentions Vienna Convention
hey @Doc_0 Venezuela had a free and fair election just last year.
Maduro won.
Meet the wealthy shipping magnates, arms dealers, think tankers, communications strategists and regime change lobbyists behind the rabid pro-Guaido mob that besieged Venezuela's embassy in DC thegrayzone.com/2019/05/16/gua… … via @JebSprague @RealAlexRubi
^& this follows the🇬🇧refusing to recognise political asylum for #JulianAssange & putting🇪🇨embassy under seige for years in defiance of binding UN decisions.
Taken together this is a serious Western assault on InternationalLaw & the rules-based InternationalOrder.
im almost glad as now US embassies, havens for regime change, can be entered and their inmates arrested
#ViennaConvention RIP; #VenezuelaEmbassy
end of an era with US led bh president @AmbJohnBolton tearing up the Vienna Convention
at least now US embassies, havens of coup actvity arent protected
#VenezuelaEmbassy #ViennaConvention @realDonaldTrump MAGA?

'transgression of international law at Venezuelan Embassy was likely intended as a tactical move to advance the Trump admin’s strategic goal of imposing US hegemony and installing neoliberal regimes throughout the hemisphere' coha.org/us-raid-on-the…
@codepink You should check this out, the page on the @StateDept 's website regarding the Vienna Convention is offline as of May 16th, 9:34pm EST.
@ErikThurman @codepink the page on the @StateDept 's website regarding the Vienna Convention is offline

Dangerous precedents undermining the Vienna Convention
Barrickman:”Absent popular support or backing from any major faction of🇻🇪military, Guaidó appears to be banking on direct🇺🇸military intervention. assault on the 🇻🇪’s embassy in DC may well be a warning violent assault is being prepared on the country itself”
Thank you president morales of Bolivia ! Who understands international law when Americans do not
Al apoyar a los enviados de Guaidó para que invadan la embajada de 🇻🇪 en🇺🇸,Trump violó el derecho internacional. Bajo el amparo de la Convención de Viena, los legítimos representantes del Estado venezolano son los que designa el gobierno democráticamente electo.

#Lavrov defends #Venezuela against #Pompeo, tension between #Russia and #US has global consequence is.gd/3oO14x #Maduro

TRAITOR: Guaidó officially begs for #US military #Invasion of #Venezuela is.gd/gj6f7S #Guaido #Intervention #Maduro

DESTROYING THE DOLLAR: #Venezuela and #Russia to begin trading in rubles is.gd/wMLZ0Z #USD

#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter