#Syria's President #Assad did not gas his own ppl👇Facts Matter‼️
It’s now revealed that @OPCW suppressed expert engineers report that found the cylinders were staged & not dropped from the air:
It’s now revealed that #OPCW suppressed expert engineers report that found the cylinders were likely not dropped from the air.
#Tulsi2020 #TulsiGabbard #NoMoreWars #ForeignPolicy #Syria #Assad
The #OPCW confirms that a leaked document on alleged gas cylinders at #Douma in #Syria is genuine. It says it is conducting 'an internal investigation' about its 'unauthorised release.' :
11 Feb 2016
#TulsiGabbard #Tulsi2020🌺 #ForeignPolicy #NoMoreWars #GolanHeights #Iran
"Bomb #Syria" #CIA Director #JamesWoolsey advises #JohnMcCain - Destroy all #Israel's perceived enemies.
#Tulsi2020🌺 #Assad #Russia #Iran #JCPOA #IranNuclearDeal
"we should be hitting #Syria and #Assad" Puppet of #Iran.
#JCPOA #IranNuclearDeal #Tulsi2020🌺@TulsiGabbard
Sen. #JohnMcCain threw a tantrum when a delegation #Syrian Christian Clergy came to plea #Washington not to support "rebels" in #Syria. Source:judicialwatch.org/blog/2014/02/g…👈LINK
an angry meltdown. Feb 18, 2014
#Tulsi2020🌺#Syria #HandsOffSyria #NoWarWithIran #NoWaronIran #NoWaronVenezuela #HandsOffVenezuela #HandsOffIran
#DickCheney, #JamesWoolsey #JacobRothschild & #RupertMurdoch are board members‼️

"I'm envious as hell," he told Fox’s Sean Hannity. "That was on my bucket list."
😡Genocidal Psychopath‼️
#Bush, #Cheney, #PNAC, & The Criminal Conspiracy To Invade #Iraq,
#Libya, #Syria and finally #Iran.
#Israel #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #JINSA #PNAC
"He (#McCain) also discussed briefly the use of #ChemicalWeapons"👈🤨⁉️
👉#Ghouta CW attack blamed on #Assad was in Aug 2013 - 3 MONTHS LATER‼️
Company Boardmembers & Investors:
Lord #JacobRothschild
#JamesWoolsey #CIA Director
#LarrySummers #US Secretary of the Treasury
#BillRichardson Governor of #NewMexico
and more...
Soon After 9/11, 2001 Jewish Institute For National Security Affairs (#JINSA) statement how the #US should proceed, in 2002 #Syria was included to the axis of evil
See thread 👇
#TulsiGabbard #Tulsi2020🌺#Assad