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Mar 20th 2023
I think we were on the cusp of a huge ideological breakthrough when covid hit. It was a wake up call: our lives, health and relationships are important. Mindless consumerism is not the answer, working ourselves into an early grave doesn't appeal... and clean air is important
Covid showed us change *is* possible. Drastic change IS possible (if only initially to protect old white men). But then as the wake up call started to take hold, and more evidence that it was airborne came to light, people in power started pushing for "normalcy" again
Now that the rich and powerful knew how to better protect themselves by making their environments #DavosSafe they could push the plebs back into the cycle of endless consumerism and obedience
Read 12 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
While Westminster purchased and Installed Hepa Filters for Parliament in 2020 …. While MPs like Bridgen lied about Vaccines in debates and on Social Media, & parents were fined by Govt for non attendance in UKCovidUnsafeSchools 💥😱👇🤬
Now everyone knows why #ABrigden is lying his head off with Antivaxxer bollox on Twitter: to cover up the fatal errors by the Government he is still part of, backed by antivax AstroTurf groups like Hartgroup . #LyingToryScum
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Dec 27th 2022
To @keithbaldrey,
Actually, COVID-aware *are* in step w/ science; it’s “if we have to live w/ this virus, let’s be smart about it instead of #LetItRip nonsense.”

Let’s look at the science, shall we? And about public opinion…let’s look at that too.

A thread 🧵…

2/ First, who are these people you deride as “COVID zero”? Many have good reason to seek out info to keep ourselves & others safe:
- front line workers
- caring professions (schools, LTC, hospitals)
- immunocompromised or live w/ someone who is
- have #LongCovid
- have empathy
3/ So, with the above motivations, COVID-aware looked for evidence to understand what the world is facing w/ this virus.

No 1 basic fact: #COVIDIsAirborne, but unfortunately political forces (incl 🇨🇦PH) deny & obfuscate that.

It’s a massive failure. Mario Possemai says it best:
Read 24 tweets
Oct 2nd 2022
So is some genius out there planning to deleverage all the 40+ years' worth of “immunity debt” we've accrued since eradicating smallpox in 1980? That's just unsustainable debt after all and the sooner we start paying it off, the better, right?...right? #LetItRip
The laissez-faire economic argument is that intervention just delays the inevitable, so #LetItRip—get the “depletion of susceptibles” done. It is futile to oppose Nature and her law of survival of the fittest. Intervention just perpetuates the survival of unfit elements.
Economic intervention during recessions allows the perpetuation of unfit entities better off liquidated. Medical intervention allows unfit individuals to survive and breed in violation of Nature's law of survival of the fittest. Intervention in Nature only delays the inevitable
Read 4 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
Hi @mdeperno! 👋 Ingham County Clerk Barb Byrum again… It was nice seeing you on #LetItRip with @rooprajfox2 last night. I heard that you thought I went silent… perhaps that was just because you took up most of the oxygen with your bloviating.
But since you tweeted at me, this morning, I would like to take the opportunity to expand on a few things: You would be a dangerous AG and are a threat to our democracy.
You were asked several times if you were in possession of tabulators and never satisfactorily answered the question. Did you possess them?
Read 21 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
Provinces DID NOT follow “duty of care” when removing universal masking policies in schools.

1) Latest revelations from NB:

Request for justification reveals a single study, later debunked. Study funded by right-wing libertarian group w/ ties to big oil & GBD.😱

See 🧵⬇️:
2) A court challenge in Alberta for the govt to reveal justifications for removing mask protections in schools, revealed that AB gov’s OWN DATA showed that masks reduce COVID-19 cases in schools & in community (less hospitalizations too), yet gov removed masks anyway!

3) That’s 2 provinces shown to use sloppy, cherry-picked studies from dubious sources or making decisions despite data showing otherwise.

Political, not evidence-based.

*All* 🇨🇦provinces who tossed mask protections look guilty of bowing to political pressure, then.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 17th 2022
@TomTugendhat Uk is no longer a democratic country , Tom. When the PM has been sacked by his own ministers - becuase he broke Ministerial Code, that he is the sole arbiter of, & does not resign. When the MPs that sacked him, are the only ones to chose his replacement , not a G.E. Wake up.
@TomTugendhat Not a democratic country when the previous Pm did not re-run a bent , advisory EU Ref : as told to by U.K. Sec services, when that EU ref broke electoral law: was gerrymandered by fake ads using targeted lies, from data scraped off FB.
@TomTugendhat Not democratic when the same #PM that did not re-run EU Ref was propped up by a supply and demand Govt held together with bribes: that forced Brexit on NI; who voted majority remain. That led to that Govts successor; Johnson , Govt Breaking International law ( NI protocol)
Read 22 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
There's sadly a very good chance that China is about to turn into a massive morgue and a SARS-CoV-2 variant factory. It's not because Omicron is unstoppable, it's because the west decided to #letitrip, making it harder and harder to prevent outbreaks.
While compared to Europe, China currently looks like this - Image
The problem is when you look closer - Image
Read 11 tweets
Feb 13th 2022
Q: What should gov'ts do to decrease the harms of #COVID19 & in particular, #LongCovid?

Dr. Anne Bhéreur @Tortillou, a Montreal physician who has Long Covid herself and is a Long Covid advocate, answers first:

Key point - TELL people how this virus transmits.
2/5 Dr. Deepti Gurdasani @DGurdasani answers next:

#LongCovid changes the paradigm to mass infection being unacceptable, and this is why gov'ts don't want to talk about it. But 1 in 50 people in entire UK now have #LongCovid so ignoring it is destroying human capital.

3/5 @DrKarinaZeidler answers 3rd:

Letting transmission run wild is an equity issue with some groups bearing the burden of #LongCovid more than others.

#LongCovid will affect everyone in society though as the ripple effects will be felt everywhere.
Read 5 tweets
Feb 5th 2022
“…person couldn’t find their father in his room, only to discover he was “sitting asleep in the shower chair in the bathroom of another resident’s room…”

#auspol #AgedCareCrisis…
“I showed up to one shift and there was just one carer per 45 residents.”

#AgedCareCrisis #auspol
The way that older Australians are being treated by the government and certain sections of the community is dreadful.

The situation being described in this article must be so scary for people, and so undignified.

#AgedCareCrisis #auspol
Read 6 tweets
Jan 24th 2022
I felt terribly sick on Saturday. Sore throat, flu symptoms, heavy head. My rapid test is negative. All my friends have #COVID19. Literally everyone. 349 cases in my kids school last week.Overcrowded and zero #ventilation. Sick teachers & sick kids. @ScholaEuropaea @JHahnEU
On Sunday the Far right of 🇪🇺 comes to Brussels to create appalling chaos. The unspeakable violence...the politicians scape goating others... It's a lawless crowd & they don't hear our prayers. 2/
Belgian 🇧🇪Twitter Pandemic experts fight over CST: vaccine obligations. Yeah, in this first world, this is the drama. My right to not wear a face covering or take a vaccine. Not about the health consequences of the children & vulnerable. 😥 3/
Read 21 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
I am yearning for some political honesty. I spent Wednesday again sitting in the ED of a major hospital with my frail elderly mother further witnessing the impacts of #LetItRip.
In NYC where I lived during the first wave, both the Mayor of NYC and the Governor of NY did searingly honest daily pressers. I am not seeing that type of honesty here. The pretense that all is well continues. And it seems to have become largely bipartisan.
We are seeing the full expression of power exercised by leadership who have been able to politic their way out of consequences their entire lives. There seems to be no sense that actions and decisions have real life (and death) consequences and not just political consequences.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
@thetimes Another day: another scandal. #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern . Might be good for popcorn sales; but it’s terrible for U.K. reputation. Insulting to HMQ to have a Govt this bad that is supported to stay by likes of Telegraph. @ClarenceHouse; #SackJohnson VONC DissolveParly, GNU. Pls.
Read 42 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
NSW Opposition Leader, Chris Minns is live now.
I'll live tweet below
#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
Minns: "Dominic Perrottet says this will be 'the last wave' but expert after expert has said there will be more variants..."
#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
Ryan Park: "This is a Premier that doesn't seem to be listening and doesn't seem to be learning."

#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
Read 6 tweets
Jan 21st 2022
NSW, Australia & Covid. A🧵
To hold Perrottet/Morrison to account we must:
1) Compare where we are with where wise countries (NZ, Sing, Korea) are today.
2) Compare what #letitrip has done vs where we'd be with sensible public health measures.
#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
Perrottet's spin. He:
-Compares where we are against scenarios published recently by his govt. They're a distraction.
-Compares where we are today with the pain of lockdowns. The alternative to #letitrip was caution, not locking down. Don't buy it.
#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
It's gone from:
"Don't look at the cases - look at the hospitalisations!"
"Not hospitalisations, look at the ICU admissions!"
"Sure, ICU is high, but look at deaths!"
"Yes, deaths are high, but look at the health of some of the dead!"
#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
Read 7 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
NSW Covid-19 Update this morning at 10am.
Perrottet's careless #letitrip approach in NSW has just recorded its deadliest day.
I think mismanagement like this needs witnesses, so I'll live tweet some of it. Join me if you like.
#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
Here's the link to the ABC YouTube live stream of today's update.
#covid19nsw #nswpol #auspol
Read 20 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
NSW Media Conference with Perrottet, Hazzard & Dr Chant 10am today. I'll watch & live tweet below. It's way better with good company, so set an alarm for 9:55am, pop the kettle on & join me, if you like.
#covid19nsw #auspoI
Okay I'm standing by. ABC's YouTube link for the NSW Media Conference is here. I wonder if they'll delay because the PM is speaking?
Here's the context for today's media conference, which is just starting.
#covid19nsw #auspol
Read 14 tweets
Jan 18th 2022
When I hear that most of the Covid deaths overnight were elders, it’s like hearing that a library of precious books has caught fire & all the stories are gone. The painful, preventable deaths brought about by Australia’s #letitrip policy failure are tragedies, every one of them.
Our elders are sacred. All of them. Some of them teach us about the beauty of gentleness, tenderness & touch when language & memory has faded. Others because they hold wisdom that comes from years of paying attention. They’re our ancestors: the people that held us as babies.
When a politician tells us that their policy decisions are breaking elders, I want them to break down. I want sobbing. I want sensitivity. Regret. I think I watch the media conferences looking for signs of humanity. But they talk like they broke something that was already broken.
Read 5 tweets
Jan 17th 2022
Dear @VictorianCHO

There is a purpose to “prolonging the pain”.

Increased availability of quality care for COVID-19 patients and non-COVID patients. Better drugs, earlier treatment, earlier rehabilitation. 🧵

Maintenance of cohorting of airborne disease, so that vulnerable patients can access healthcare without massively increased risk of death.

Time to advocate to government for N95 or similar masks in the community to be manufactured and supplied for free to those that need it.

Gradual improvement in airborne disease management infrastructure such as HEPA in classrooms and workplaces.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 16th 2022
1/ Interesting trend of missing data that just coincidentally supports endemic #COVID19 just weeks away. Good charts by @OurWorldInData jumps out as such an example. Guess which countries that did not chart (hint: the ones the BBC reported not in line)…
2/ If you used that same method (percentage of last winter peak date shifted for lag) for #COVID19 US hospitalization you would have to use this chart
3/ The case for milder #COVID19 this time in the US falls apart when the missing @OurWorldInData chart for the US is published. In the meantime, the narrative can be solidified SA >>>UK >>>US/Can in the unexplainable absence of these obviously important charts
Read 8 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
First they said...

🌹First they said it doesn’t affect kids, it’s just the elderly. I didn't speak out because I was not old.

🌹 Then, they said don’t panic it’s just the sick & only those with comorbidities. I didn't speak out because I was not vulnerable.

🌹 Next, they said it’s ok if kids spend some days in hospital. I didn't speak out because my kids were not in hospital.

🌹Then, they said it's very few who get #LongCovid & #MISC post Covid. I didn't speak out because my kids didn't have side effects. 2/4
🌹Then,they said #childhospitalisations are high. But don't panic. They are hospitalised #withCovid and not #forCovid. I didn't speak out because my kids were asymptomatic. 3/4
Read 6 tweets

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