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Brilliant, wide-ranging conversation: @EricTopol & @ahandvanish
If you don’t care about #LongCovid, you should. Even if it never affects you directly, it is a mass-disabling event that’s unravelling society.
🧵: 1/
On the disbelief/doubt/minimization/disrespect #LongCovid patients still encounter daily: “It’s just a staggering, staggering lack of empathy. And I think it’s also fear and a defense mechanism... 2/
“People want to believe that they have more control over their lives than they do, & they want to believe that it’s not possible for them personally to get a virus & then never recover & have their life changed so substantially.” #LongCovid @ahandvanish 3/
Read 8 tweets
This report says EXACTLY what so many of us were criticized for saying: that not only do kids cause the overwhelming majority of transmission, but specifically that *SCHOOLS* cause the majority of transmission. The proof is when they chart the timeline……
“Once US schools reopened in fall 2020, children contributed more to inferred within-household transmission when they were in school, and less during summer and winter breaks, a pattern consistent for 2 consecutive school years."
Also look at the breakdowns from this section, I’ll take them one by one:
Read 26 tweets
There’s a reason that the White House still requires testing and upgraded ventilation to get anywhere near the President. There’s a reason economic/financial outlets like Bloomberg are seemingly the only ones still truly reporting on Covid. There is a reason #DavosSafe is a thing
The wealthy elite know that one of the BIGGEST competitive advantages they can give themselves their children going into the next century is not having been exposed to repeat Covid infections. It will confer so many intersecting layers of privilege that you can’t put a price on.
So to my fellow Covid conscious folks who are struggling under the weight of how hard everything is right now: try to remember, you’re essentially playing the long game. For all we’re losing out on now, our kids will thank us for it later. But more than that…
Read 15 tweets
Des millions ont dû défiler depuis le début des débats et du vote de la #ReformedesRetraite en manifestant leur mécontentement, convaincus que le gouvernement ne cherche/propose pas des solutions pérennes aux vrais problèmes des travailleurs et chômeurs pour une retraite digne …
Mais ils ont accepté et joyeusement applaudi l’abandon des:
-arrêts de travail pour isolement
-cours à distance (pour préparer la mise aux normes de la ventilation dans les classes)
-du port du masque
sans volonté d’amélioration de la #prévention des infections./.
…pas même (un comble en période de #Pandémie) dans les hôpitaux et cliniques, EHPAD, pharmacies et cabinets médicaux où
la prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique devient risquée et bancale pour cause de manque ou épuisement des soignants et de rupture de médicaments‼️
Read 15 tweets
Even Mina's "getting colds in inevitable" is weak.

My #DavosSafe lifestyle (a combination of my ability to question authority and my fortunate circumstances) means I haven't even had a COLD in over three years.

As long as I can control my life, I may never have a cold again.
Unfortunately, because the masses are delighted to go around spreading a #kovid plague that's destroying themselves, I have to wear top quality biohazard level three PPE when I leave my apartment, even in the hallways and common areas of my building.
And I only leave my apartment when it absolutely cannot be avoided.

I was lucky to get a lot of very necessary dental surgery done in 2018-2019.

I'm finally at a point in my life where I can pay for any dental care I need by swiping my debit card. But now I have to avoid...
Read 4 tweets
🧵 @MeetJess 🟪ENTREVISTA🟪
1⃣"No estamos a salvo hasta que todos estemos a salvo. El COVID es una enfermedad prevenible, no es lo mismo que alguien muera por algo que no pudimos prevenir"…
2⃣Lo que veo es un patrón de funcionarios y medios que niegan el COVID y etiquetan todo como una "enfermedad misteriosa", lo cual es ridículo.
Se ha vuelto completamente tabú incluso sugerir que esto tiene algo que ver con COVID.
3⃣Las palabras “COVID” y “aéreo” casi han sido borradas del discurso público.
Hasta que se realice una autopsia, no podemos decir con certeza si murió de COVID u otra enfermedad. Pero, ¿por qué no han vuelto las mascarillas a la escuela?
Read 25 tweets
I interviewed @MeetJess on the death of 6-year-old Jimari Williams from a “mystery illness” in Detroit & the broader context of governments dismantling all mitigation measures to slow the spread of #COVID19 and other pathogens. A🧵of key quotes. 1/…
"Until an autopsy is done, we can’t say for certain whether he died of COVID or another illness. Will we ever know what happened to this child? I don’t know. But why haven’t they brought back masks into the school? " #BringBackMasks 2/…
"We know that COVID can damage the immune system... Jimari’s death could have been brought on by COVID, or perhaps past COVID infections could have made this H. influenzae infection worse than it would have been otherwise." 3/…
Read 16 tweets
Le message de l'OMS, confus, est désastreux. Sans surprise il a été largement interprété comme une fin de danger.
Et confondre médecine et santé publique est aussi une erreur. Cela mène à des analogies conduisant à affirmer que l'hôpital n'est pas un lieu de prévention... 1/⬇️
Le vaccin en outre, ne nous permet en aucun cas à lui seul de sortir de cette pandémie, le Cøvid-19 s'étant au contraire installé.

Par ailleurs, les citoyens ne sont pas des patients auxquels on ne pourrait imposer aucun traitement.
Sauf à raisonner comme A. Desbiolles, signataire de la GBD qui s'appuie sur le "consentement" prévalant en médecine, ce sont des gens confrontés à un problème de santé publique nécessitant une action collective et solidaire, qui ne se confond pas avec les pratiques médicales.
Read 27 tweets
The two favourites for the top Giro d'Italia tour, cycling stars Primož Roglič and Remco Evenepoel, are adopting advanced safety measures to avoid a SARS2 infection, including mask use, air purifiers, testing, and single rooms for themselves and teams 🔥…
The top Giro d'Italia has been hit by a round of withdrawals due to Covid, including from home fav Giulio Ciccone. Primož Roglič, 33, has been indirectly hit himself: his team Jumbo suffered three withdrawals due to covid just before the start, including world champion T. Foss.
World and Vuelta champion, Remco Evenepoel, 23, from the Quick-Step team, has also specifically asked journalists to wear a mask before meeting him. Both Roglič and Evenepoel, obviously, want to avoid putting in jeopardy their chances of winning the Giro #davossafe
Read 9 tweets
1. the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is not over
2. SARS-2 transmission is through airborne aerosols
3. vaccines provide limited and waning protection
4. there is no lasting immunity
5. reinfections are common
6. asymptomatic spread is common
7. SARS-CoV-2 is a multisystem vascular pathogen
8. every infection causes organ damage
9. organ damage is cumulative and durable
10. at least 1 in 10 infections cause long COVID
11. viral persistence is a mechanism in most long COVID cases
12. there is no evidence that most long COVID cases ever recover
13. viral persistence results in immune exhaustion
Read 7 tweets
I don't think we should accept a "new normal" where going to a conference or to the dentist could cost your life, or cause disability, because a SARS virus is let to rip rampant, with no mitigations
I don't think we should accept a "new normal" where you have to choose between cancer treatment and risk of infection with a SARS virus, because hospitals refuse to implement mask mandates
I don't think we should accept a "new normal" where people are going on a cruise with no mitigations; and get sick in the hundreds with a SARS virus; and authorities have to decide where the ship is to disembark, while people are sick on it with poor medical care
Read 29 tweets
Die rekombinanten hochgradig immunevasiven #XBB-Varianten zeigen deutlich, dass wir uns mit der derzeitigen #Corona-Situation nicht abfinden dürfen.
Die Überlastung der Spitäler ist ein völlig unzureichender Massstab für die immensen gesundheitlichen Schäden, die weltweit 1/4
durch #Covid19 verursacht werden.
Entgegen der anfänglichen Ansicht vieler Experten hat #SARSCOV2
ein riesiges Mutationspotential.
Die ungebremste wiederholte #Durchseuchung der Bevölkerung resultiert in vielen chronisch Infizierten, die ein Reservoir für Evolutionssprünge 2/4
Die „kryptischen“ Sequenzen massiv mutierter #SARSCoV2-Varianten wurden z.T. in riesiger Menge von einzelnen Individuen mit z.B. chronischen #Covid19-Darminfektionen ausgeschieden.
Sie zeigen das gewaltige Potential des Virus, sich genetisch weiterzuentwickeln. 3/4
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Weil die meisten Menschen in Deutschland keine Ahnung davon haben, was im Ausland längst passiert, zeige ich mal einige Beispiele zur #Lufthygiene und wie man anderswo damit umgeht.

Restaurant in Kanada: (#ApricotTreeCaf1)

CO2-Messung am Eingang und HEPA-Filter überall. Zudem kann man wohl auch online vorab die CO2-Werte ablesen.
Theater mit großen Bildschirmen auf denen in gut leserlicher Schrift der CO2-Gehalt im Raum angezeigt wird. Image
Read 65 tweets
There is no question in my mind that these people did not START OUT as living vectors of infection and potential incubatores of new Covid mutations (due to multiple strains in lungs, but a combination of factors has resulted in this reality.

2. "Setting the stage". Thinking back to winter 2020, I think what we are urged to "live with" now would have horrified these same people. It took a lot more to harden opinion.

In early February 2020, while I was riding the DC subway happily ignorant and maskless, the then-President was perfectly well aware Covid was a respiratory virus and a serious threat. Both he AND Bob Woodward kept this well under their hats.

Read 31 tweets
Understanding the science of the Sars-2 pandemic has been difficult enough (see 👇), but, my main interest, as a lay person, was on pandemic policies. While policies are informed by science, the relation between them isn't always straightforward.
2/ Let's get one thing out of the way: could we let the technocrats decide the pandemic policies?

Absolutely not!

How resources are allocated in a society, who benefits or suffers, who lives or dies as a consequence is ALWAYS a political decision.
3/ What science tells us about a topic:
* What we know today,
* What we don't know yet and which part of that looks interesting for future research (the known unknowns),
* What methods and tools we may use or invent to study the known unknowns.
Read 55 tweets
I think we were on the cusp of a huge ideological breakthrough when covid hit. It was a wake up call: our lives, health and relationships are important. Mindless consumerism is not the answer, working ourselves into an early grave doesn't appeal... and clean air is important
Covid showed us change *is* possible. Drastic change IS possible (if only initially to protect old white men). But then as the wake up call started to take hold, and more evidence that it was airborne came to light, people in power started pushing for "normalcy" again
Now that the rich and powerful knew how to better protect themselves by making their environments #DavosSafe they could push the plebs back into the cycle of endless consumerism and obedience
Read 12 tweets
What happens to Plasymacytoid Dendritic Cells (pDCs) when you are infected with COVID19/Omicron?

What are pDCs and what do they do?

Can a cash reward help those who have been affected?

- observations of someone with ‘too much time on their hands’…. Image
“Generation of pDCs from hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells”…
“The presence of viral RNA in the bone marrow… indicates that both might represent equally advantageous environments for the virus to survive and replicate.”…
Read 25 tweets
Il y a quelques mois, 93% de la population 🇺🇸 était estimé avoir été infecté par le #SARSCoV2, aujourd’hui sûrement davantage. Pas de raison pour qu’en 🇪🇺 la situation soit différente, la circulation virale est en roue libre et nous n’avons plus d’indication sur son intensité
La 💉et l’immunisation post-infections ont fait ⤵️ la mortalité par formes sévères de #COVID19 (sauf immunocompromis) mais ne font que réduire (de 10 à 20%) les symptômes persistants #CovidLong ou #PASC
Chez cette population qui a survécu, en présence d’un 🦠 qui s’attaque +/- directement à l’endothélium+neurones+lymphocytes+microbiome etc, les atteintes neurocognitives sont désormais décrites, /ex: SAND=SARSCoV2 Associated Neurocognitive Decline
Read 19 tweets
Slowly but surely. Hygienic infrastructure en route:

“Bars in Belgium could be among the healthiest places to have a drink…a new law…requiring public venues to meet air-quality targets and display real-time…[CO2] concentrations—a proxy for…clean air”…
“Consumers in Belgium will get even more information in 2025, when gyms, restaurants and indoor workspaces must all show air-quality ratings given through a certification system. In…a future pandemic, Belgium’s rating system could determine whether or not a venue is closed.”
The reality is that cleaning indoor air is simply good economics. Always has been, always will be.
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Hosting a Wedding or Large Party.
How to ensure clean air and make it #DavosSafe 🧵

The full layered approach is vaccines, rapid tests, masks and clean air. I'm focusing here on clean air. The other steps can also be used.

Do as much outside as possible.

The bigger the venue, the better. More space and higher ceilings means better dilution and lower risk.

Your three tools are ventilation, filtration and UV. We'll go through them one by one.

Find out what you can about the ventilation. Ask if they can increase it during the gathering and ensure it is scheduled properly and not in auto. If there are windows or doors, try to open them. If there are ceiling fans, turn them on.

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What actually happens inside your body when you are sick? [Part 2]

@Kurz_Gesagt (In a nutshell) has released a great new video that explains the difference in how your immune system reacts to pathogens compared to vaccines ( ). 🧵1/ Image of Martie excited to learn how to boost her immune sys
Unrolled one-page web views for both part 1 and part 2 of this long thread that may be easier to read or share can be found here ( ). 2/
Part 1 of the thread looked at the damage inflicted to the body by pathogens and also collateral damage from the immune system ( ). 3/
Read 36 tweets
Thread: The lifting of mask mandates in healthcare settings HURTS US ALL. But let’s talk about how the burden continues to fall on disabled and chronically ill patients to keep themselves and everyone around them safe. Predisabled people, listen up. (1/9)
Scheduled physical therapy bc of limited mobility and pain. Was informed that masks are no longer mandatory & the office doesn’t supply masks to staff. I had to ask that my physical therapist (pt) wear a mask when working on me, and thankfully the pt is willing to wear one. (2/9)
So I’m bringing different types of high rated masks so my pt can try which fits best. I’ll be wearing my gvs elipse p100 elastomeric. I’m also bringing a portable hepa air purifier bc they have none. Affording these (even on sale) is a huge privilege. But it shouldn’t be! (3/9)
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❗️trigger warning ❗️
Paediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome secondary to Covid-19. (PANS)

Anna is very distressed in these videos.
I have met Anna and she is a quiet, observant girl.
She should be enjoying life right now.
Instead, due to Covid, she has lost years.
Only due to her Mum’s persistence has she got a diagnosis and treatment.
This happened before Covid to children BUT we don’t know how many children have been affected now.
Who is counting this Covid sequelae? CAMHS? Paediatrics?
It’s hard enough to find a dr to diagnose it.
It is caused by inflammation in the brain.
It’s autoimmune- think of a condition like rheumatoid arthritis but the brain is affected not the hands
It is often misdiagnosed as primary mental health disorder.
Read 13 tweets

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