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Nov 9th 2022
Since a few days have passed and thing have "relatively" calmed down, I want to comment on the optics of bringing out APCs in #Lahore Cantt. You all have seen the images go viral on this platform, and some were rightly outraged. 1/n
However, this isn't the first time #PakistanArmy brought out APCs against protesting public. Many years ago, there was a dispute between farmers and the Army over some land in #Okara. That's when this image was shot. For me, personally, it became of the most defining images 2/n
of how the Army behaves in the country. My shock stemmed from the fact that my father commanded 40 AK, which is equipped with TOW mounted APCs for hunting enemy tanks. How could the Army bring out APCs - which are essentially troop carriers - mounted with machine 3/n
Read 18 tweets
Mar 21st 2021
1 - Mr #ImranKhan demands apology from Pakistan to #Bangladesh |… ( March 24, 2011) Fifth Columnist at #LUMS on #FallOfDhaka are being educated by Fe'reeha Idrees #Fereeha & Javed Chaudhry
2 - Mr #ImranKhan demands apology from Pakistan to #Bangladesh |… Fifth Columnist at #LUMS on #FallOfDhaka are being educated by Bob Geldof aka Ali Azmat , Ahmed Quraishi aka Cyrus Vance & Zaid Hamid aka Jean-Jacques Rousseau | on #JangGroup ‘s Fire TV
Mr #ImranKhan demands apology from Pakistan to #Bangladesh |… Fifth Columnist at #LUMS knows Zilch about #FallOfDhaka | They must watch Mr Imran Khan lecture | Indian IJA Press Conference in London : Full Segment |
Read 15 tweets
Sep 12th 2020
In 2007 during #Musharraf’s #Emergency I was invited by my alma mater in US to come & speak about it. This was a time when Musharraf Govt sent a delegation with Kashmala Tariq as part of it to promote it’s stance. My talk went well. There was a clear divide between US Govt’s 1/
& US academia’s stance towards Musharraf & his travesties. As it turned out I was then invited by several other universities/other platforms to speak & did my best to push back against Musharraf’s illegal policies. A day or so before my departure back home some lawyer friends 2/
urgently got in contact/advised that I stay back as an FIR had been lodged against me/3 fellow #LUMS profs for inciting students against govt. This was the initial stage of Emergency when civil society protestors were being actively clamped down on. The FIR made for hilarious 3/
Read 11 tweets
Aug 21st 2020
Researchers from the Department of #Biology at SBASSE have identified genome-wide transcriptional changes during trophoblast stem cell differentiation, a key event during placental development.
#LUMS #SBASSE ImageImageImageImage
This work from Dr. Rahim Ullah’s #PhD thesis was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Amir Faisal and has been published in BMC’s Stem Cell Research and Therapy.
#LUMS #SBASSE #Biology
This multidisciplinary research highlights collaborative efforts between various groups in #Biology, including those of Dr. Aziz Mithani and Dr. Muhammad Tariq.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
LUMS 1, Digital Deepfakes 0
SSE Researchers Part of the Winning Team of the @Facebook Research Award 2020

Have you ever used filters on your @Snapchat? Of course, you have! We love filters that can make us look older, younger, or just outright funny.
However, a sinister extension to this technology, appropriately named ‘deepfake’, can recreate anyone’s voice and video with unprecedented accuracy and can be used to project fake identities of influential people to create anarchy, distrust and political polarisation.
Bad, bad stuff!

But worry not – Team LUMS to the rescue!
#LUMS #LifeAtSBASSE @lifeatlums #deepfake @Facebook
Read 10 tweets
Jul 29th 2020

Dr. Nauman Zaffar Butt in the electrical engineering Dept. leads our efforts on photovoltaics which has now crossed over into the realm of agriculture, to produce the budding field of agrivoltaics.
Powering agricultural farms through solar energy requires creative designs in both solar cells as well as how solar cells will be integrated into a solar system that can power agri-farms.The Water-Food-Energy nexus remains 1 of the 6 forefront areas being pursued at SBASSE
Dr. Butt's PhD student Hassan Imran has now produced an amazing body of work that helps achieve both of these tasks. Novel materials, novel designs of the heterofacial structure of solar cells and employing two-dimensional layers [...]
#solarenergy #SBASSE #LUMS
Read 10 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
LUMS students are distributing ration bags all around the country to the people who got affected due to lockdown. But no, you are not ready for this conversation and have only something to shit about #LUMS
I am proud of all those wonderful students going out of their way to help
Me: Why don't you appreciate LUMS students and always just shit about LUMS?

Twitter people: Look, she is saying LUMS students are the only one doing good things and we should ignore their shit.

O Bhai Maaro, mujhy maaro...
Thank you for taking my tweet out of context and interpreting in your shit ways.
Read 3 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
“Coming from an NOP”

The concept of free choice is a myth when it comes to getting education at an elite institution. The purpose of this piece is just to highlight struggles of NOP students.

Sometimes, we are so privileged to understand those problems
and it is important to acknowledge those. Many people don’t open up about their struggles as they fear the judgements people might pass.
I feel it is important to share voices of people so that people can be considerate towards their choices.
I want people from good socio-economic background to read this and understand the struggle. Maybe we can practice empathy and be considerate after knowing these struggles
Read 4 tweets
Jan 18th 2018
The #ISI paid a DEAD #MullahOmar crores of rupees to kidnap #KulbhushanJadhav from #Iran... says the #Indian media via #MamaQadeerBaloch.

#InfoWars begin again with a fake story attempting to connect the #ISI with the #Afghan #Taliban (#IEA).…
#MamaQadeerBaloch is the same #Baloch “activist” that took millions of dollars from foreign sponsors to march from #Balochistan to #Islamabad.

The march was as much of a farce as Mama Qadeer himself.
He is also connected with a supposed claim that 2 #ISI officers walked into #LUMS and threatened the university to cancel an anti-#Pakistan event featuring #MamaQadeerBaloch.

Yet, no video or letter has ever been produced to authenticate this statement.
Read 3 tweets

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