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Dec 14th 2022
The concept of Merit has become an important subject of discussion in recent years. It is at the heart of how we envision excellence in education and also of much of the debate on the issue of Reservation. Lets understand the concept of Merit and why we need to redefine it.
A students who tops a given exam is said to have merit and the others do not. The notion that the system rewards talent and hard work encourages the winners to consider their success their own doing or to the extent, a measure of their virtue & to look down upon others.

The opportunity to get such success or acquire such competency, however, is socially constructed. In this way our education system indirectly reproduce existing inequalities.
Read 43 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
I got all India rank 34(overall) & got 2nd rank in SC category in ICAR JRF (Entomology) in 2016. But I couldn't get University of my choice because that year some University didn't even had a single seat for Scheduled Caste (SC in Entomology department.

#CasteReservation #Merit
So eventually I selected a decent University, but not of my liking. Students from general category got selected from state exam (state reservation) and joined me there.
I appeared an all India exam (central) and they appeared state exam to reach the same place.
Then two of those general category batchmates have the audacity to say they were more meritorious than me.

I challenged them to appear the central exam next year & compare the scores. But they denied saying "Ambedkarwadi logo ka yahi prblm hai" 😅
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Mar 25th 2022
Read below
Horrible to see the degeneration of #Malaysia, a once upon rising star among #NICs and Emerging Market Economies, which served as a justified model and example of equitable development and growth, now, sadly, falling under the list of nations that are rotten to the core.
This turmoil started after DR Mahathir left power.
Since Dr Abdullah Badawi took over the reins of political power, Malaysia, as a country, has remained in a state of pendency.
All good work done in the 80s down the gutter due to bickering among UMNO and corrupt Najib n Rosmah Co
Read 4 tweets
Jun 13th 2021
Another Sunday. Another thread. #caste #privilege #merit #prejudice

My primary school was a govt. aided vernacular medium school run by an ed. institute (one of the better ones in my home city). My first recall of #caste is from when I was in 2nd/3rd.

One of our teachers that year was NOT upper-caste (unlike most teachers in the school), and the predominantly upper-caste parents (including mine) weren't happy with the "quota" teacher. The general mood was "our education system is going to collapse due to quota"

The thing is, this was decided based on his "surname", and of course based on prejudice of all the upper-caste teacher's, who had an obvious grudge against "quota system" that the govt. grant mandated. I don't even remember if he was a good or bad teacher.

Read 19 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
[Manifesto. #1 One]
#CivicWave is an #informalgroup of the #progressist area, on Twitter, but attentive to movements on other #social and off-network that, aware of the importance of active #participation, intends to take...

We call it #gentlerevolution.
[Manifesto. #2 Two]
Joining #CivicWave #OndaCivica is compatible with all progressive Italian and international hashtags, including:
#FR, #6000sardine, #Forumalcentro,
#FBPE, #FBPEGlobal, #FBR.

The symbols in bio are:
#OndaCivica🌊🌊🌊 #CivicWave🌊🌊🌊,
or for short #OC🌊
[Manifesto. #3 Three]
#CivicWave promotes the #civil and prolific confrontation of ideas and experiences, in #respect of the diversity of views, to reduce #conversions and protagonism, in the conviction that #dialogue is stimulus and richness and allows to highlight # common...
Read 8 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
Read this book at the time of #CAMS #IPO.
A brilliant read to know about the #growth trajectory of the #company & why it's only starting.

@YMehta_ @finthusiasts @nid_rockz @manurishiguptha @MadrasMobile @MarketScientist
@AnyBodyCanFly @ipo_mantra

Thread coming.👇 Image
Foreword by- Mr. Deepak Parekh, Chairman @HomeLoansByHDFC

He writes about India's #economy post #Liberalization & how #companies that have come up have one thing in common- #knowledge.

#CAMS began as a #software development & #computer education firm, moved to share registry services handling #IPO's, later became a Registrar & Transfer Agent (#RTA). It now also handles documentation requirements in #banking, #insurance & #microfinance.

Read 25 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
1) Evvet sevgili borsa sakinleri. Bundan sonra bu akışın altına borsa adına bilgiler, grafik veya analiz yorumları, reel sektör-borsa ilişkisi şeklinde paylaşacağım🧑‍💻

Strateji ve teknik bilgileri
Teknik analizi anlama-yorumlama-yapma
Bakış açısı geliştirmek..

2) İlk ders ise yukarıdaki paylaşımımdır

#adımadımborsa #bist #bist100 #borsa #technicalanalysis
3) KAP haberleri tüm vadeler için takip edilmesi önemlidir. Telefonunuza KAP uygulamasını indirip takipteki firmaların bildirimlerini açabilirsiniz
Mesela #RALYH için bir açıklama. Bakalım bu açıklamadan önceki-sonraki seyirleri nasıl olacak?
İnceleme periyodu 5 öncesi ve sonrası ImageImage
Read 47 tweets
Apr 29th 2020
Today at SFI:

External Professor @DaniSBassett (@Penn) on addressing #inequity in the scientific community caused by #bias in #citation practices—focusing on the evidence of a growing #gender imbalance in the reference lists of #neuroscience research.…
The proportion of #neuroscience papers with woman first or last authors grew from 1995 to 2018, but the undercitation of female authors actually *increased* in that time.

SFI's @DaniSBassett (@Penn) on #gender #inequity in the scientific community:
Undercitation of #neuroscience research with first or last woman authors appears to be driven predominantly by the reference lists of papers written by male-male teams.

This is not to say, however, that all men undercite women, or that women do not also undercite women:
Read 7 tweets

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