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Apr 24th 2023
(1) My mind is blown by AI image generation so I decided to put #midjourney to the test myself.

I decided to dress famous Indian political leaders in the top fashion labels of the world.

I called my experiment BJP in Vogue

Here are the results 🤯.

🧵 Image
(2) First up, I decided to try and style Narendra Modi in Gucci. I think that our PM looks suave AF rocking a vibrant orange #Gucci suit. #Gucci #NarendraModi #AIart ImageImageImage
(3) Sticking to the #Modi theme, I wanted to see how far I could take #midjourney . A world leader in a suit isn't all that impressive so what if I went for something more street. That resulted in the following images. #NaMo dressed in #Versace, #Offwhite and #Ovo 🤣 ImageImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
Exodus of Kashmiri Hindus happened around 1990, I was studying in the school ! Neither my parents nor my grandparents discussed all this..I was happily roaming and playing without knowing what's happening around!
Watched the entire Ramayana episode as +
a kid without having the consciousness of asking why our Lord Rama birthplace got occupied by some xyz in his own land ?!
Laughed at every film mocking our hindu sentiments thinking it as a comedy without knowing the missionary plan !
In every film hero dressed up like temple poojari giving love letters and happily enjoyed every scene without having the consciousness as a hindu!
Read 9 tweets
Dec 14th 2021
My opinion with @ShivaniGupta_5 on @CNNnews18
Crux: a)By logic of “True Secularism”of Luther,Hindus need to ensure non-Hinduness is controlled

b)If equity is case,then better don’t abuse Savarkar. His Constitution & not current treated all with equity.
I am wondering how PM taking part in #KashiVishwanathCorridor can ever be questioned?

Who is he PM of? He is PM of country that is defined by article-1, "India, that is Bharat".

& what is Bharat? it is the Civilizational State of which Kashi is pivot.
If you question PM @narendramodi taking part in it grandly, you certainly are also mocking the constitution makers who refrained from inserting "Secular"as they thought Bharat's culture has it by default.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 7th 2021
#TOPS (Target Olympic Podium Scheme) திட்டத்தின் மூலம் ஒலிம்பிக் சாதனைகளுக்கான அடித்தளம் தொலைநோக்கு கொண்ட நம் பிரதமர் திரு @narendramodi ஜி அவர்களால் செப் 2014ல் அமைக்கப்பட்டது என்பது நம்மில் எத்தனை பேருக்கு தெரியும்? #TOPS திட்டம் இந்தியாவின் சிறந்த வீரர்களை அடையாளம் 1/n
கண்டு அவர்களுக்கு தேவையான கீழ்கண்ட உதவிகள் செய்து வந்தது.
*உலகத்தரம் வாய்ந்த பயிற்சியாளர்களைக் கொண்டு உயரிய விளையாட்டு பயிற்சி கூடங்களில் பயிற்சி கொடுத்தல்
*விளையாட்டு உபகரணங்களை வாங்க உதவி செய்தல்
*physical trainer, physiotherapists போன்ற support staff கொடுத்தல் 2/n
*மாதாந்திர தேவைக்கான பண உதவி 50,000/- pm கொடுப்பது
*2020ல் ஜூனியர் வீரர்களுக்கு இந்த #TOPS திட்டம் விரிவு படுத்தப்பட்டுள்ளது.
* Ref: #PVSindhu #NeerajChopra
#MaryKom #SaniaMirza #SakshiMalik
Pls read:…

@annamalai_k #NaMoForIndia…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
The Myanmar Coup, China Sea routes and the 3 “C”. The 3 "C" who want to destroy India are Congress, Communist, and China but Why? By Dr Gaurav Pradhan

Let’s understand this loud and clear that the world we live in is all about BAZAAR (Market)
Around January 25, 2021, a meeting between Pakistan & China and China was unhappy with the Baloch movement as the Pakistan army failed to stop it.

In that meeting, China said “we will find our way if you fail and that will be Pakistan's loss.
Within a week after that Military threw out Myanmar elected government.

China had to have access to the Arabian Sea. It has 3 options

Route 1

via Baloch which is in control of Pak but in this China had to pass thru Kashmir. “CPEC” but in this route, China had to face India
Read 16 tweets
Feb 9th 2021
Have you heard yesterday’s 75 mins speech of #NaMo in RajyaSabha? Brilliant, full of wisdom,truth of polity, nationalism and growth. If you haven’t, pls do. But Modi haters will not discuss on those 74 mins of goodness and wisdom, rather they have reduced the discourse to
That one minute of his speech, mentioning #andolanjivi They have started interpreting that “one minute” of the speech, ignoring the rest 74 mins, in there own way equating it to India’s independence aandolan and started saying he disrespected the freedom fighters.
If you listen to him properly he was talking of today’s armchair revolutionaries who are found commenting / twisting / channeling any form of protest into a revolution against state. Harming the protest, twisting the agenda and finally killing the objectives of protest.
Read 6 tweets
Dec 3rd 2020
Political equations in TN now change - and change it'll be for the better. There are quite a few of us who stand by #Namo and BJP because of him, (not that as a party,they're good , comparatively to any other), but a combo of him and #AS , something which I've watched from their
Gujarat days , and , one of the few who endorsed , late #Cho when he proclaimed that he should be PM of our great nation, I'm also aware of certain people who thought Cho was mad in providing so; with entry of @rajinikanth now certain, and, fresh fighting top in BJP TN, this
End the 50 odd years of Dravidian misrule and especially, @arivalayam , which needs to be wiped off the map in the history of political science in TN,which they're primarily responsible for destruction of values and more. I'm sure the paid coolies will elevate their obscene and
Read 5 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Hateful Biased narrative of #JavedAkhtar

Wrote scripts to 24 Bollywood films wth writer Salim frm '70 to '82. Mostly crime-based.

#5 Mafia dons ruled Bombay then: HajiMastan, YousufPatel, KarimLala, VaradarajanMudaliyar & DawoodIbrahim. But his films never had a Muslim villain.
In the film #Deewar scripted by #JavedAkhtar it was a familiar narrative. Hero was an atheist who wears a #786 badge which saves him when shot. Clever!

Just like this script writer who claims he was an atheist but never spoke against Pakistan or Jihadis or Muslim terrorists.
From 1983 to 2006, #JavedAkhtar scripted 14 more films but never shown a Muslim negatively. So from 1970 to 2006, in 38 films, not a single Muslim character was a villain.

But the villain was always a Hindu! Coincidence or planned? You decide.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 5th 2020

Perfection is a mirage. But the journey in search of perfection is a road worth traveling. Everyone from parents to spouses to children and friends, all of them have taught us something in that journey.

Continued... Long thread
#Part1 Image
Every moment is a learning experience if we keep our eyes open. Even strangers can leave with unforgettable lessons. Hence I salute everyone who has touched my life in this journey of five decades in pursuit of perfection.
I perhaps should have written this on Guru Purnima. But the idea just hadn't happened. Waiting for the next Guru Purnima is like looking for a mirage in these times. We don't have a warranty card against the pandemic. Hence it is "Happy Teacher's Day".
Read 25 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
This is a two for one.

Both Dev Mahajan (left) & Atul Kothari (right), seen here grinning as they meet #Modi in Houston, have collectively donated over $11,000 to Sri Preston Kulkarni. Image
Dev Mahajan is a close associate of Ramesh Bhutada & is pictured here w/Ramesh's son Rishi.

This is a four for one. L to R: Sushma Mahajan (Dev's wife), Rishi, Dev, & Thara Narasimhan. Between the four of them, they've collectively donated over $30,000 to Sri Preston Kulkarni. Image
Like @hssusa VP Ramesh Bhutada, Thara Narasimhan appears to be taking a keen interest in Sri Preston Kulkarni's campaign. Not surprising, considering her closeness to Bhutada.

Left: Narasimhan & Kulkarni; Right: Tulsi Gabbard, Narasimhan, & Bhutada. ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jun 14th 2020
#Namo - there is big and huge difference between being a head of a state and being the head of a nation; head of state has the option of being different form the actions and thoughts of the #PMO; but the #PM and the #PMO cannot ignore the state[s]; i am sure all of us understand
2. that; having said that - the following are my observations of the #PMO and the #PM and these are by and large is my personal take - [anyone differs with my thought process can keep it to themselves]; i am going to take the liberty of making my observations at 3 levels:
3. #HEADOFSTATE:- he was dead against of the use of Article 365 of the Constitution and if anyone expects him to use it - you can bet yourself it will not happen - because he is clear on it and so is the #APEX in this issue; so anyone disgruntled on this issue needs to change
Read 20 tweets
May 5th 2020
#Naveen_Pattanaik :Namaste #Modi Ji, my apologies for calling you at 12.15 midnight. I was expecting #Corona testing kits by tomorrow but some logistic issues arised and trucks carrying those kits are stuck in #Mumbai now. We need them urgently.

@narendramodi 👏👏👏
PM - I can understand. Please don't worry, I will personally see to it and ensure it reaches your #state capital sooner.

CM - Thanks. But I need it by today morning, anyhow!

PM - Do you mean within next 6 hours? 😳
CM - Yes, I insist, even before the sun rises today. Please get either #Mumbai, #Pune or #Nashik Airport opened for us, ask #AirForce to get us one flight and we will airlift the kits to #Bhubaneswar. Please don't let me down. Good night.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 10th 2020
While most of us in North are either disconnected or in dark about what is being done on the political front by @BJP4TamilNadu and volunteers, any visitor who just tries to have a look will be impressed by those innovative efforts to promote and propagate @narendramodi jis vision
In this thread I will try to mention a few that I met and came back impressed with their efforts. Most of you already know about @Mahesh10816 ji and how he has positively impacted thousands of people through PM @narendramodi jis @AyushmanNHA yojana ,by simple awareness camps
Soft spoken and impressively intelligent @SuryahSG jis name is not new to us on Social Media. Amazing mastery of "what to speak and where". Effortlessly he becomes a part of where he is!!
He symbolizes the resilience of @BJP4TamilNadu cadre that they will never give up !!
Read 12 tweets
May 5th 2019
नमस्कार आप सभी मतदाताओं का नमस्कार करता हूं
कल आप वोट देने जा रहे हैं उससे पहले मैं आपसे कुछ बातें कहना चाहूंगा
हमारे लोकतंत्र को 70 साल होने वाले हैं
फिर भी अभी भी हम जाति के नाम पर ही वोट देते आ रहे हैं लोकतंत्र का अर्थ यह नहीं है
@TajinderBagga @iAnkurSingh
परंतु 2014 के चुनाव में हम सारे लोगों ने जाति से ऊपर उठकर होने विकास के नाम पर भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त सरकार के नाम पर मजबूत सरकार के नाम पर वोट किया था तो आप देखेंगे कि क्या उस चीज से बदलाव हुआ है अगर बदलाव हुआ है तो हमें उसी सरकार को बनाएं करना
#EkBarFirModiSarkar @theskindoctor13
लोकतंत्र को सफल बनाने के लिए अपने भविष्य को अच्छा बनाने के लिए हमें जाति से ऊपर उठकर अपने देश को मजबूत बनाने के लिए देश को एक मजबूत सरकार देनी चाहिए
आप के अलग-अलग नेताओं ने आपसे निवेदन क्या होगा आपको कुछ बोला होगा आप मिलकर वोट दे रहे होंगे पर यह सही तरीका नहीं है
Read 11 tweets
Mar 23rd 2019
MODIfied Railway station's

After seeing this thread still u are voting CON party due to Priyanka's nose looks like Indira then
"इसमे आपका घाटा ,मोदीजी का कुछ नहीं जाता ।ठगबंधन वाला आता ,ओ बस लूट के जाता ।"

Manduadih station in Varanasi

Almost 65 railway stations are modified with LED lights, wi-fi, food centres, Kiosks, Exc lounges, lifts Escalators ,ramps

Modified New Delhi's railway station

#Moditransformsbharat 👇
Read 67 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
@PMOIndia #NAMO #RealityCheck
Everything just on papers!
So #Reasonable menu but the mentioned items not being sold! Image
Salesman: Asheeesh when asked for Rs.15 #JantaKhana told: "Itne mein kya aata hai saab, ye item hum nhi bechte (not available, we don't sell this item)"
When asked for Standard Tea @RS.5/- as mentioned on irctc menu displayed on counter, they said:
"Its not being sold (Hum ye nhi bechte..), only Dip Chai(Tea) @RS.7/- available or take Masala Chai @RS.20/-"
Read 4 tweets

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