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Sep 22nd 2022
The Nigerian Police urgently needs to be devolved. The police council as it is constituted today can effectively do it under a transition arrangement without requiring a constitutional amendment. It should be LG based and community not state governor controlled. It is not working
Whether the video making rounds is true or not is mute. A unitary police system is a complete and utter failure. Only local police specific to the 774 LGAs of the nation, funded locally with additional block grants from FG and States can secure a diverse, federal union.
The easiest way to achieve this is for the Police Council made up of the 36 Governors, IG & President to set up community policing committees by gazette with stakeholder representation, & delegate the powers of police operational management & control to them- away from IGP.
Read 32 tweets
Sep 22nd 2022
After analysing 60+ leaflets, working in healthcare 15 yrs and being a patient advocate for many years, here's the thread with 23 poster visuals all hospitals can do to empower patients to lead on their care. Fully educating, empowering and encouraging patients can save lives 👇 Image
1/23 Let’s start with falls. Do all patients know what to do to prevent a fall? Do they know an assessment is done? They don’t need an overly complicated leaflet, they just need to know what to do and what is done. Simple = more people will understand it #FallsAwarenessWeek ImageImage
2/23 Let’s move to hand hygiene. We have reports, targets, audits and working groups for this; but again, do patients know what we are aiming for? Do they know when to challenges us and what hand hygiene means? After all it’s for them we do it... #infectioncontrol ImageImage
Read 25 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
Action coup de poing de la @ConfPaysanne avec @lessoulevements dans le Var contre l'accaparement du foncier. Lancement d'une vendange militante d'un domaine racheté par @LVMH @chateaudesclans
Les montages sociétaires ne sont pas régulés en France pour favoriser l'installation et la dynamique de nos territoires. Des investisseurs comme #BernardArnault s'accapagent ainsi des domaines viticoles. Non à une viticulture sans paysan.nes! Stop financiarisation !
Nous reprenons la terre à la finance ! Vendange dans la bonne humeur pour stopper la spéculation sur les terres agricoles!
Read 14 tweets
Jan 20th 2022
#Palantir $PLTR explained by one of the co founders of palantir. @JTLonsdale
Great explanation of their purpose. Thx #Palantir for supporting the fight against #terror and help the world being a #Safer place. 🌍✌️
Read 4 tweets
Oct 22nd 2021
⤵️>>>"#ONENATION" première bataille gagnée!!! ✊<<<
Nous apprenons à l'instant que One Nation déclare forfait. Suite à la préemption de la #SAFER, ils stoppent leur projet sur Sénaillac Lauzès.
2 Ils demandent également à leurs donateurs de ne plus verser d'argent sur le compte en banque indiqué.
Il faut dire que la banque " @getqonto qu'avait choisit "One Nation", avait été alertée des manœuvres du groupe politico sectaire par nos soins... 😁
3 Les donateurs ont reçu un mail de "LaboLib" (l'émanation des OneNation") que vous pouvez lire ici en pièce attachée. One Nation a en effet constitué un fichier des donateurs... La @CNIL quelque chose à redire à la constitution de fichiers informatiques????
Read 5 tweets
Dec 31st 2020
I followed @FitTuber advise and got all these #Ayurveda medicines which he outright claimed are '#safer', ''#effective' than conventional prescription drugs for day to day use. These will be tested for #safety first - will undergo GCMSMS, ICP-OES and FTIR analyses.
I looked at packaging and found interesting (poor regulation, absurdity), #quackery, #pseudoscience based descriptions like this:
Malaria - caused by parasite
Dengue - caused by virus
Typhoid - caused by bacteria.
One tablet to rule them all. Reminds me of lord of the rings.
This particular #ayurvedic tablet is good for indigestion, hyperacidity and THEN - like a @starwars hyperspace jump 🤯SCABIES🤯. How? Why? What is the mode of action within this very broad range of 'symptoms to disease'. You know this medicine is #fraud.
Also check out 'etc'🙅‍♂️
Read 8 tweets
Dec 16th 2020
NEW #DTAT paper: What Were They Thinking? Pharmacologic priors implicit in a choice of 3+3 dose-escalation design

“The unexamined trial is not worth conducting.”

— Socrates 1/

This latest #DTAT paper @arxiv sets out to reverse-engineer the unstated (∴ unexamined!) pharmacologic intuitions that underlie the #trialsafety claim implicit in the decision to conduct a dose-escalation trial. 2/ Image
Prior elicitation from doctors has never been easy, especially about #pharmacology or the future of the #Daleks: 3/

Read 39 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
#Spotlight: The #Houthi militia have turned a deaf ear to the UN chief’s appeals for access to experts to the oil tanker #FSOSafer. If the ship sinks or explodes, ordinary Yemenis will pay a heavy price Image
Yemen calls for Arab, regional and international pressure to take resolute measures without tolerating the Iran-backed #Houthi militia, in an emergency meeting of the Council of Arab Environment Ministers on the #Safer oil tanker Image
Yemen' Cabinet calls for pressure to allow an international team to access the reservoir where stranded #Safer oil tanker is, assess the current situation and necessary steps to avoid the largest oil spill disaster ever Image
Read 3 tweets
Jul 26th 2019
21. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany
#Yemen #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrime #Holocaust #YemenCantWait #YemenHolocaust #WorldHypocrisy
1-20. Holocaust in Yemen caused by US, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, UAEmirates, Israel, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Senegal, Sudan, Qatar, Morocco, Canada, Australia, Germany 🤨👇🏼…
"The Houthi group in Yemen yesterday announced that it had released 12 detainees in the central province of Dhamar."

Houthis pardon 12 held for ‘supporting Saudi coalition’…
Read 137 tweets

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