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Apr 17th 2023
#Sudan Coup Update - 18th April
1. Taliban’s government calls on #Sudan to immediately stop violence🫡😂 and resolve the differences through dialogue and negotiations😌🫡🤒🥴😂😂😂😂
#SudanCrisis #Sudancoup #Taliban #Afghanistan
(Statement from Zabeehullah Mujahid,…… ImageImage
2. Egypt may respond to the conflict in Sudan by siding with the Sudanese army, - New York Times.
Egypt maintains close ties with the Sudanese army, and several dozen Egyptian soldiers have now been captured by the Sudan Rapid Response Group fighting the government forces," the…… ImageImage
3. Leader of Sudanese paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) Daglo calls on the international community to intervene in Sudan fighting, claiming the country’s armed forces are waging war against civilians. RSF is attempting a coup in the country as rebels clash with the…… Image
Read 12 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
#Sudancoup update

1. Sudanese Military Junta issued a directive ordering a total cut of Internet Services in Sudan following the nationwide RSF Insurrection.
2. Sudanese army and paramilitary group attempting a coup agreed to the UN proposal for a 3-hour humanitarian ceasefire……
3. Saudi Foreign Minister calls leaders from warring parties in Sudan.
Saudi Minister calls for stopping military escalation and returns to agreements outlining the transition to a civilian-led government.

⭐️Violence erupted in Sudan on Saturday, the first time since 2019 when…… Image
4. In Port Sudan, the country's main port city, the SAF has occupied the RSF's local base and maintains control of the city's main facilities.
#Sudan #Sudancoup #SaudiArabia #Norway #USA #Russia #UK
Read 7 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
⭐️Sudan Coup
Despite a partial power outage in the Sudanese capital, armed clashes between the Sudanese Army and RSF rebels continue to ensue in Khartoum.
#Sudan #Sudancoup #USA #Russia
Deafening gunfire in video purporting to show armed CIVILIANS aiding rebel paramilitary group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) fighting against Sudanese military in eastern city of Port Sudan.
Earlier, Moscow signed deal with Khartoum to establish Naval base in Port Sudan in exchange……
The people of Sudan celebrate the partial defeat of the putschist Rapid Support Forces (HDK) with the forces of the Sudanese Army.
#Sudan #Sudancoup #USA #Russia
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Apr 15th 2023
The #SAF-#RSF war across #Sudan 🇸🇩 is not just a power struggle between #Burhan and #Hemedti, it is a clash of two military generations. Two vastly different cultures of warfare, each with a desire to dominate Sudan and have the other one be the scapegoat of decades of misery. Image
Burhan represents the old guard, the generals who took power in 1989 and have basically ruled #Sudan 🇸🇩 ever since. The SAF is a responds to ower struggles with coups and to rebellions with sieges and bombardments. It is a classic Arab military, similar to the EGA 🇪🇬or the SAA 🇸🇾 Image
Hemedti is the challenger. He represents the warlord generation, his irregular RSF was founded from the "Janjaweed" militias, which were created to do the SAF's dirty work.

RSF militants would destroy village after village in rebellious areas, slaughter thousands of civilians. Image
Read 8 tweets
Feb 19th 2023
#Sudan 🇸🇩: during a speech today #RSF warlord #Hemedti was trying to save his own skin by saying he regretted his role in the #SudanCoup.

He stated the coup of October 25th was a mistake which opened the door for the former regime (Bashir loyalists) to return to power. Image
#Sudan 🇸🇩: meanwhile #Khartoum based Resistance Committees are calling for anti-military protests on 21 February. Image
#Sudan 🇸🇩: anti-military protests in the streets of #Khartoum today.
Read 5 tweets
Dec 5th 2022
#Sudan 🇸🇩: a deal has been reached in order to end the #SudanCoup which has been going on for over a year now.

Both the #FFC and the military have agreed to a 24-month transition, under the leadership of a civilian PM, with elections at the end.

But there's a but 👇
#Sudan 🇸🇩: just as with the previous transition deal there is very little that holds either #Burhan or #Hemedti to honor their promises, meaning the country is and remains very vulnerable to another #SudanCoup at any moment.

There is also no mention of any reform of the military
#Sudan 🇸🇩: the Resistance committees, which were the backbone of the December Revolution have already voiced their opposition to the deal since it doesn't include any framework to bring justice to the 110+ protesters who were killed since the #SudanCoup.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
#Hemeti the #RSF #Janjaweed leader bought one of Khartoum’s landmarks: As-Souq Al-Afranji or the western market. He effectively closed one of the oldest bookstores in the capital; Meroe bookshop & ordered the owner Ms Ikhlas to vacate the premises.👉🏼

Marawi (Meroe) bookshop was established by a greek man named Iskander Fahmi. The #NCP regime treated #Sudanese from non-Sudanese origin badly & confiscated their property including Mr Fahmi’s family.
Most of the western market was owned by Sudanese Jews, Christians &.. 👉🏼
👈🏼#Sudanese from European origins.
#Hemeti “bought” the prime property. I doubt very much that there was real acquisition deal. He doesn’t buy, he “takes”
The #RSF Janjaweed have no use for knowledge or education. They get ahead by violence, coercion, bribery & gun-toting.
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Jul 31st 2022

The first march after the friction between resistance components. I hope it will bring people together.

The usual drill went as expected, bridges closed, etc.

The kickoff at the rendezvous point in Bashdar, Khartoum

#SudanCoup #Sudanese
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

#SudanCoup forces never miss an opportunity to crackdown on peaceful protesters.

Footage from Sharwani, Khartoum.

#Sudanese #Sudan

Madani, Al-Gezira state

Song & high spirits

#SudanCoup #Sudanese
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan…
Read 7 tweets
Jul 19th 2022
Wikileaks Al-Fashir traced the violence in the Blue Nile state to SPLM-N Malik Agar, who charged the native administration’s structure by appointing one of his relatives as chief for all the Blue Nile tribes.

This supreme chief ..👉🏼

#SudanCoup #Sudanese
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan
👈🏼chose a chief for the Hausa & decided the geographical limits of the tribe’s lands as well as a site for an administrative building that didn’t sit well with the Hausa (no explanation)
The new Hausa chief decided to prohibit all Hausa girls from working in the market 👉🏼
👈🏼& other public places after one of the Hausa girls was sexually harassed. He even set checkpoints to intercept the Hausa girls who defy him & go to work, they often get beaten & returned home.
King Adlan of the Blue Nile tribes summoned the chief & asked him to stop 👉🏼
Read 5 tweets
Jul 13th 2022
Retired police officer Abdalla Suleiman - member of the dissolved Empowerment Removal Committee & recently released after 8 months detention - revealed that Mubarak Ardol, director of the #Sudanese mineral resources 👉🏼

#SudanCoup #Sudan
👈🏼company was behind his arrest.
He mentioned that Sawi gold mine in the River Nile state produced 86 kilograms in 2020-2021 which remain unaccounted for.
He said that the mills belong to NCP Holy Quran association (was dissolved by #DERC but resumed activities after #SudanCoup👉🏼 Image
👈🏼 He said that he reviewed the case,visited the area, talked to technicians on site, personally wrote the report & 2 days before #SudanCoup filed a police report against Ardol who also employed 4 of his relatives in the mine.

#Sudanese #Sudan
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Jul 6th 2022
The tragedy of #Sudanese & sub-Saharan #African #migrants in #Morocco #Spain border, hasn’t had much coverage- as far as I can tell.

It was well documented by the AMDH -Nador:

This🧵 is dedicated to the dead, missing & survivors!

I’ll start with @pavan_777 excellent report:
“At least 37 deaths were confirmed by the NGO Walking Borders, while Moroccan authorities claimed that 23 died in a “stampede”

#Morocco has been so eager to please the EU at any price.

#Sudanese #Africans…
Association Marocaine des Droit Humaines - Section Nador - has been following up on the victims.
Information & photos are published regularly on their Facebook page:
I’ll compile a list to raise awareness & maybe help identify someone.
#Sudan #SudanCoup
Read 11 tweets
Jun 2nd 2022
This🧵on April-May incidents in #Darfur has become too lengthy. I’m starting a new one!

Sadly, since I started the first thread, incidents with deadly outcome occurred almost every day!
I hope by some miracle, this will be the last.

#SudanCoup #Sudan
Al-Geneina RCs summarizes the situation in West #Darfur state in the past 3 years:

1) All kinds of #HumanRights violations were committed against civilians
2) Almost 1000 deaths, 100s of casualties
#SudanCoup #Sudanese
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan…
3) 1000s of IDP/refugees

4) In 6 out of 8 municipalities scores of entire villages were completely burned down.

5) Economic losses in astronomical figures

6) Most IDP families & local industries are no longer productive

#SudanCoup #Sudanese
#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan
Read 14 tweets
May 26th 2022
A thread on our report detailing the return of the NCP to power #SudanCoup

Burhan promoted Lt.-Col. Mudathir Osman (red arrow) as his office secretary in the army headquarters – the son-in-law of the fugitive Islamist leader, Ali Karti.
Burhan also appointed Husham Hussein (Al-Sobat), the former office manager of the NCP’s security service, as the deputy director of the General Intelligence Service. Hussein played a pivotal role in the pro-military protests that took place before the coup
While some in the judiciary have actively opposed the coup, Burhan’s appointments of two well-known Islamists and NCP members: Chief Justice Abdelaziz Fathal al-Rahman and Public Prosecutor Khalifa Ahmed Khalifa –have paved the way for the NCP’s return to politics
Read 9 tweets
Mar 20th 2022
مثل كثيرين في السودان، يعاني محمد من نقص في السلع الأساسية بالإضافة إلى ضرائب جديدة وزيادات كبيرة في أسعار الوقود والكهرباء والغذاء منذ الانقلاب العسكري في أكتوبر بقيادة عبد الفتاح البرهان.
ولم يعد بابكر محمد، المدرس الذي يعول أسرة من 6 أفراد، يعرف كيف يوفر قوت أسرته بدخله الشهري الذي لا يزيد عن خمسين دولارا، ولم يعد يكفي لسد الاحتياجات الأساسية.
ويقول محمد لوكالة "فرانس برس": "قبل الانقلاب بسبب وجود الخبز المدعوم، كنت أشتري عشرين رغيف خبز بمئة جنيه
والآن اختفى الخبز المدعوم وصار سعر الرغيف 50 جنيها، أي أنه تضاعف سبع مرات، وحدث الشيء ذاته لخدمات الكهرباء والمياه".
ويضيف "إنني اليوم أنفق 27 ألف جنيه، أي 90 بالمئة من راتبي، لشراء الخبز، ولست واثقا من أنني سأتمكن من سداد نفقات المدرسة لأطفالي".
Read 14 tweets
Mar 19th 2022
بحسب موقع @AfricaIntell، حمدوك اجتمع مع مستشار الأمن الوطني الإماراتي طحنون بن زايد آل نهيان قبل اجتماعه مع البرهان.

التسوية الإماراتية المقترحة تتضمن تشكيل مجلس سيادي يرأسه حمدوك ومجلس أمني يرأسه البرهان ومجلس تشريعي يضم أحزاب قحت
ترغب الإمارات في استغلال التوترات المتزايدة بين البرهان وحميدتي؛ لإقناع "البرهان" بقبول عودة حمدوك مقابل دعم ماليٍ كبير.  

بن زايد أبلغ البرهان أن عودة حمدوك ستتيح رفع كثير من القيود المفروضة على السودان في أعقاب انقلاب 25 أكتوبر 2021.
هناك عقبتان تعترضان التسوية الإماراتية: معارضة مصر لعودة حمدوك + حميدتي المدعوم من روسيا وقد أصبح يتحدى البرهان بشكل واضح.

الموقع الاستخباراتي يستبعد قبول حميدتي بتقاسم السلطة مع المدنيين. وقام بإرسال قواته إلى الشمالية للسيطرة على طريق شريان الشمال.
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Mar 18th 2022
More than 10 cars belonging to Sudanese were vandalized in one residential complex for the purpose of looting their contents last night in Khartoum.

Many videos unequivocally showed the joint forces of #SudanCoup hitting and looting citizens.
Video shows coup forces looting public transport passengers.
Hitting and looting people in the streets
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Mar 15th 2022
🚨 ANALYSIS (1/3)

How will #Russia’s war in #Ukraine impact #Sudan?

1️⃣ The war may influence the power dynamics of the #SudanCoup regime.

📝 Featuring insights from:


🚨 ANALYSIS (2/3)

2️⃣ #Sudan’s economic crisis will intensify as #Russia’s war in #Ukraine raises global fuel prices.

This will worsen the suffering of a poverty-stricken population already struggling with soaring inflation, cost of living and fuel crises.

🚨 ANALYSIS (3/3)

3️⃣ Russia’s war in Ukraine will worsen #Sudan’s bread crisis by increasing wheat prices.

However, the #SudanCoup regime is unlikely to implement policy solutions for cheaper bread from @ResistCommittee.

📝 Featuring insights from @jbgallopin.

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Jan 5th 2022
When the intl community suggests “dialogue with the military”, I think they are missing one important difference between the Sudanese military & the norm in the rest of the world - with a few exceptions:
The ousted fascist islamist regime has fundamentally changed—->
<—the nature & hierarchy of the armed forces. 1989 coup planning took long time & meticulous preparations. They recruited officers to the NCP & radicalized their beliefs so that their loyalty is to the islamists ideology outweighs their loyalty to the country & their mission—>
<— the top generals are compromised beyond rehabilitation. Same generals became the Security Committee of Bashir regime & took over when he was ousted in 2019. Then they rebranded to Transitional Military Council #TMC amid the protests & sit-ins. They continued to quell descent—>
Read 20 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
The 2019 constitutional document was disputed & now practically dead. No one dares go against the will of the streets right now except a few affiliates of the ousted regime.
This statement is problematic & doesn’t rises to the level of the people’s aspirations.
The only positive thing is not recognizing any PM appointment by the junta. #SudanCoup leaders are scrambling right now to find someone to designate as the new civilian face of their kleptocratic totalitarian regime - rumors are flying around all day long.

The statement is also contradictory; they encourage dialogue which involves #SudanCoup leaders being part of the upcoming government, but at the same time wanting to hold the people responsible for the atrocities accountable. Those perps are the coup leaders. 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Jan 4th 2022
It is far from true. Even @TiborPNagyJr government doesn’t agree with his assessment. To make this objective; one should list the reasons & perceived similarities between Sudan & in this case Libya. Not just agree with a shallow blanket statement like mr Nagy’s.
I’d start with the fact that there’s virtually no difference between Bashir regime & Burhan’s. The RSF & other militias existed & were more vicious then. When Bashir’s regime fell his security committee took over & they had to share power with civilians. We didn’t become Libya!▶️
If you think the parallel is the tribal society, this is also false argument, because the nature is completely different. We’re moving away from tribalism. Just take a look at the protesters, what they want & who they represent.
Besides the non-violence. We won’t carry arms.▶️
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Jan 3rd 2022
The US seems to lack interest in the region all together. I’ve never bought that superpowers live by what they breach, but this is shameful even for the US with its history with dictatorships & wars. The US lost its compass & has no idea what democracy is anymore
I’d expect such a statement from the Gulf countries or Egypt. They worked hard to see #SudanCoup through, but the US - at least superficially- used to stand for something. Now it’s the Sudanese people vs the junta. They’ll succeed & history will remember who picked what side.
Needless to say that when I name a country, I mean the government not the people. We know very well what kind of suffering the people of the region are enduring due to the oppression by their own corrupt leaders.

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Nov 22nd 2021
We are still so focused on crimes in Khartoum and this (useless) agreement that crimes in Darfur are going unnoticed.These people’s homes were burnt to ashes. At least 21 lives were lost.

This should have been the news headline not the agreement.
The details show that the two incidents were perpetrated by “armed groups.” Given yesterday’s agreement, we can expect a surge in armed group attacks because the junta are now fully in control. #Darfur #الردة_مستحيلة
The agreement allows the junta to ‘review/audit’ the work of the
anti-corruption/NCP dismantlement committee, which was working to uncover the junta’s ‘hidden’ sources of money. The assets were to be restored to the central bank to be used by the civilian arm of gov.#Darfur
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Nov 8th 2021
Here is my analysis of what the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), #Sudan's paramilitary group, were doing to promote their image on social media just weeks before the military coup on October 25. 🧵👇…
In September Facebook removed a network of 993 assets linked to the #RSF for violating their policy against "foreign or government interference." The assets were used to amplify pro-RSF content and support the group's leader, Hemeti.…
This post from one of the most active pages, نحنا دعامه (“We are the rapid forces”) claimed Hemeti was the only hope for Sudan. The image is copied directly from his verified FB page. Image
Read 9 tweets

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