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#CódigoRojo 🤡⁉ Guaidó en Colombia: ¿Lo ayudaron Los Rastrojos?
La madrugada de este lunes, el dirigente opositor Juan Guaidó emitió un comunicado para informar que está en Colombia. Su intención es participar en la Convención Internacional que tendrá lugar en ese país este martes 25 de abril. ¿Acaso lo ayudaron de nuevo Los Rastrojos? Image
Y claro, aparece la pregunta por varias razones. La primera de ellas es que desde el año 2019 este individuo tiene prohibición de salida del país por delitos contra la patria.
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#TBT: On a courtesy call to renowned Yoruba political figure, former SGF to IBB administration, and former Finance Minister, Chief Olu Falae @ his Ilu-Abo palace, Akure North. 🙌🏽 (March 2018)

Chai, otONDO like me that year wey carry PCDS project for head. 😭🤦🏽‍♂️

Chief Falae gave me the sum of N20,000 cash as support for the ‘free’ community computer appreciation training I delivered to his constituents during my service year there.

The govt. schools in the community (1 pry, 1 sec) had ZERO computers for learning purposes. 💻
Asides the free computer classes for the villagers, I constructed a mini bus-stop at the junction of a major dirt-road leading into the community, facilitated the rehabilitation of the school toilets and installation of 8 pour-flush units and a borehole water source…
Read 13 tweets
Um #tbt que hoje parece até ter saído dos confins de um multiverso qualquer. Representantes de quase todos os segmentos políticos da sociedade capixaba unidos sob a pauta de trazer investimentos da Petrobrás para o Espírito Santo.
O ano era 2010 e setores da esquerda à direita da política capixaba fizeram pressão para que a Petrobrás se estabelecesse de vez no Estado. Entre as figuras, o mesmo governador Renato Casagrande, que chegou a fazer fala em defesa dos investimentos da empresa.
Hoje ele defende exatamente o contrário: a retirada dos investimentos da Petrobrás de campos onshore para entregar às empresas privadas nanicas de petróleo. Quais interesses estão por trás dessa mudança, não sabemos e não podemos afirmar.
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diretamente de dubai
Tudo ou só a metade?
Read 24 tweets
“Believe you can and you can. Believe you will and you will. See yourself achieve and you will achieve. Never give up." This was the motto of Welsford Daniels, a Second World War Veteran and a decorated Canadian soldier. #BHM2023 #TBT 1/6 Collage of three photos. Welsford Daniels in uniform standin
Daniels was born in Nova Scotia in 1920 and raised in Montreal. When the Second World War erupted in 1939, Daniels joined the Reserve Army. Later, he joined the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS) and was sent to Europe to aid in the war effort. 2/6
He was employed as an instrument mechanic and his service took him to France during the Normandy Campaign. He arrived on Juno Beach under the cover of night with his motorcycle. He was quickly caught up in the bombings and forced to hide behind a truck for his safety. 3/6
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As we get ready to kick off our research around Play, here’s a little #tbt to our last RADAR report - A Future In Sync.

Here's a little on what it took to bring it to life:
RADAR's process is collective, collaborative, integrative and global. It's built on the strength of our community, and, well, research this good takes a village. That means:
8 weeks (more or less) of caves, campfires, exploration and discovery
Read 15 tweets
Nuestro #TBT de hoy 👇

La conferencia magistral del Dr Hernando del Portillo @HernandoDelPor1, que dio cierre a nuestro XVIII Congreso Colombiano de Parasitología y Medicina Tropical

"Vaccines against malaria: The long and winding road" 🦟🌎

🧵👇 Image
Para esta charla, @HernandoDelPor1 revisó los aspectos científicos clave del desarrollo de la vacuna contra la #malaria, una enfermedad parasitaria devastadora de la humanidad con aproximadamente la mitad de la población mundial viviendo en áreas con riesgo de transmisión.
⬇️ Image
Desafortunadamente, en comparación con 2019 y probablemente debido a la pandemia de #COVID19 se estima que hubo 14 millones más de casos de malaria y 47 000 muertes más. Además, la aparición de resistencia parcial a la artemisinina en África es una gran amenaza e indica que ..
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Motorola aplicó el dicho confunde y reinarás en sus móviles de 2021 y 2022: ah cosa pa' espantosas y disímiles en configuraciones y prestaciones. Hasta la numeración les salió chueca ya que los números mas altos no siempre son los mejores terminales.

Tristeza que exterminaron las icónicas familias gama media alta como Motorola One, los Moto Z con módulos personalizables para ampliar cámara o sonido, y los muy entrañables gama alta Moto X que tenían un programa de personalización de skins en los colores que el usuario deseaba ImageImageImage
#TBT Cuando salió el primer Moto G por allá en 2013, dije: wow por fin un competidor que le daba la talla a Sony Xperia. Antes de que Xiaomi y Huawei tomaran fuerza y con una Nokia alicaida con ese Windows mobile, se podría decir que Motorola lo tenia todo para ser el rey. Image
Read 15 tweets
#TBT - 9/20/16. First @mlb walk-off hit. Below are 3 tips any ballplayer can use to get their mind right in big at-bats 🧵 cont…
1. ALWAYS BE READY: You never know when your number will be called. Do your part and stay locked in throughout the game, know what situations you may be called on, and be mentally prepared/ready with a rock solid plan of attack.
2. TWO-STRIKE APPROACH: Personally I liked to spread out, choke up on the bat, and think hard line drive the opposite way with 2k’s. This helped to stay short, keep it simple, stay on top of the ball, see the ball better, and let the ball travel as deep as possible. Have one!
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#TBT Game 7 of the 2016 World: Biggest at-bat of my life. Ripped a line drive to right center for an RBI double. Not posting this to flex, just putting it out there because I think a lot of people could get some value out of how I kept my mind right during that at-bat. 🧵 Cont…
This at-bat, just like all the others, started way before I actually got in the box. It started before each game.

The biggest part of that pre-game routine was visualization: putting myself in different situations and envisioning success.
This obviously doesn’t guarantee success by any means, but it does 100% put you in a much better position to succeed.

It’s a game changer. Many studies show that through visualization you can enhance your skills with very similar payoffs of actual physical practice.
Read 10 tweets
Hoje é dia de #tbt e, considerando que entramos no mês de novembro, venho trazer para vocês 8 fatos que comprovam como é fácil e bom ser branco e rico no Brasil.
Vem comigo nesse fio:
1- Um dos últimos casos casos mais alarmantes é que a Deputada Carla Zambelli, depois de uma discussão com pessoas de outra ideologia política, correu atrás com sua equipe apontando uma arma ameaçando a integridade física de um dos rapazes. Image
Detalhe: foi véspera de eleição e era proibido o porte de arma naquele período. Detalhe n° 2: ao invés de ter sido detida pela polícia, ela foi quem prestou queixa mentindo sobre o ocorrido
Read 14 tweets
Un #TBT de cada Halloween que tuve es que siempre hacia una buena recolección de bananas, tanto que había que llevar segundas bolsas para el preciado botín. Lo triste es que al día siguiente, si había un 5-10% de lo recogido era mucho, por que mi señora madre re-repartia el botin
Ya que me iba a dormir temprano en esa época. Una vez logré salvar la mitad del tesoro, con tan mala suerte que los dulces escondidos, ya viejos estaban reblandecidos y con hormigas encima. Resolví para los últimos años de infancia a los 13-14, no salir a pedir dulces y....
...en su lugar exigir salir a comer una hamburguesa o a cine o a los juegos mecánicos de la 14 de Calima y me funcionó esa estrategia.

Cada año reparto los dulces en casa y dejo mi pequeño botín.
Hoy pudiera comer todo pero no puedo x q ique por el azúcar los triglicéridos etc
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@TumorBoardTues @n8pennell @MPishvaian @ShrutiPatelMD @NarjustFlorezMD @OncBrothers @jillfeldman4 @Joshua_Reuss @JineshGheeya @ClevelandClinic 2/4 #TumorBoardTuesday
Thurs Case🎀
✅Wait on NGS- IO +TKI=⬆️tox
✅Osimertinib= ex19, 21m
✅New ADCs, small molecules= future options
✅ Re-bx on prog EGFRm- rule out small cell transformation

📚We captured @n8pennell’s discussion:…
@TumorBoardTues @n8pennell @MPishvaian @ShrutiPatelMD @NarjustFlorezMD @OncBrothers @jillfeldman4 @Joshua_Reuss @JineshGheeya @ClevelandClinic 3/4 #TumorBoardTuesday
Thursday Case🎀

📷 #TBT in an image: we’ve summarized some key pts re: EGFRm #NSCLC & emerging data- hope to see more ADCs as 3L options for pts with EGFRm disease in the future! Image
@TumorBoardTues @n8pennell @MPishvaian @ShrutiPatelMD @NarjustFlorezMD @OncBrothers @jillfeldman4 @Joshua_Reuss @JineshGheeya @ClevelandClinic @esinghimd @nihardesai7 @NicoGagelmann @drteplinsky @jacobadashek 4/4 #TumorBoardTuesday
Thurs Case🎀

🐟Thanks to @n8pennell for an excellent discussion about the future of #EGFRm directed therapy!

➡️Please be sure to join us in 2 weeks on 10/18/22 when @drteplinsky presents a case of
Early-stage #HER2+ #BreastCancer 😀
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@TumorBoardTues @maryam_lustberg @JasmineSukumar @MPishvaian @JaniceTNBCmets @drteplinsky @ParamMD 2/ #TumorBoardTuesday
Thurs Case🎀

Take🏠messages :
PIK3CA mutations in ER+ #mBC
✅PIK3CA mut are common- 20-30% of all #BreastCancer & 40%+ of ER+ #mBC
✅PIK3CAm are present in founder clones!

📚We captured as much of the discussion as we could:
Pt 1…
@TumorBoardTues @maryam_lustberg @JasmineSukumar @MPishvaian @JaniceTNBCmets @drteplinsky @ParamMD 3/5 #TumorBoardTuesday
Thursday Case🎀

Take🏠messages (Part 2):
✅Alpelisib is a PIK3CA inhib= 5.3 mo ⬆️in PFS
✅Side effect mgmt is key- esp. 💩diarrhea,
✅Personalized medicine needs personalized side effect mgmt

Part 2 of our convo…
@TumorBoardTues @maryam_lustberg @JasmineSukumar @MPishvaian @JaniceTNBCmets @drteplinsky @ParamMD 4/5 #TumorBoardTuesday
📷 TBT in an image: Take a look at how PIK3CA inhibitors can be clinically deployed, key side effects to watch out for, and the data that supports their use.

👀Look for more developments in this space and even more, highly specific inhibitors to come. Image
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#TBT en un Jueves como hoy, 22 de Septiembre, pero de 2005, Johnny Silva, apreciado compañero nuestro y estudiante de Quinto semestre de Química, era asesinado vilmente por el ESMAD -bajo órdenes de Álvaro Uribe Vélez- al interior del Campus de Meléndez de Univalle. Abro hilo 🧵
Ese día, la Universidad estaba enrarecida pues las protestas contra el inminente TLC no se hacían esperar. La mañana transcurrió en plena normalidad, igual el medio día, fue justamente el momento del almuerzo el último que compartimos con él a su lado, estando vivo.
Llegadas las primeras horas de la tarde, un grupo de encapuchados se apostaron sobre toda la avenida pasoancho haciendo un plantón pacífico en protesta del TLC. Opté por irme a casa a eso de las 15:40, sin saber que dos horas después iniciaría una encarnizada lucha x sobrevivir
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Happy Pride Week Calgary 🏳️‍🌈!

For #tbt this week, we are taking a look at a beautiful NW house that has ties to the 2SLGBTQ+ community – the Arthur Bishop Residence.
The home was built in 1912 for Arthur Herbert Bishop, a carpenter & property investor, during Calgary’s first population boom (1907-13). The Bishop Residence is a good example of a substantial house from the period, & is symbolic of the founding & development of Crescent Heights.
Built in a vernacular style from a standardized plan, it has a very steep side-gable roof, 2nd-storey front extensions, and an enclosed front veranda with a central front entrance.
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“I died in hell, they called it Passchendaele” – “Memorial Tablet” by Siegfried Sassoon

📸 Library and Archives Canada/Brittanica/Canadian War Museum

#CAF #TBT #ThrowbackThursday #CanadaRemembers #Canada #Motivation #Inspiration #History A painting of Canadian Gunn...
Passchendaele is often remembered as one of the most horrific battles of the First World War. But it’s also a story of how Canadians earned a hard-fought victory against unimaginable hardships in the fall of 1917. 2/11 A photo of the battlefield ...
The Ypres area of Belgium—where Passchendaele is located—was the scene of many devastating battles, including the first recorded use of poison gas. Ypres was also the last portion of Belgium that was not in German hands, so it held great symbolic meaning to the Allies. 3/11 A soldier walking through a...
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Como hoy es Jueves de #TBT y a mi no me gusta subir fotos en el instante que hago las cosas, traigo un hilo visual 🧵 de lo que fue el #pride2022 en Cali del 4 de Julio de 2022.
Las fotos aquí subidas contaron con el permiso de los fotografiados. Sin mas que decir, empecemos.
La previa antes de salir. Punto de encuentro en Cosmocentro sobre la Cll 5. Cabe resaltar que los ojos de mi amiga y los míos vieron mucho mas de lo que captó mi humilde lente de cámara de teléfono.
La bonita energía de estas madres acompañado a su hijas es indescriptible. Resalta la originalidad y creatividad en los mensajes "transgresores" para la sociedad intolerante.
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A partir de 1872, o transporte público em São Paulo começou a ser feito por bondes. Os pesados carros-vagão eram puxados por bravos e fortes burrinhos! No início do século 20, os animais foram substituídos pela eletricidade.
A cidade chegou a ter 900 km de trilhos, até serem desativados, em 1968. Este cartão postal que ilustra o post e que pertence ao nosso acervo, com foto de Werner Haberkorn, mostra a Praça João Mendes, no centro da capital paulista.
Na imagem, vemos uma cobertura, construída na década de 1940, que servia de parada para os bondes. Um desses pontos, o que aparece em segundo plano na imagem, ainda está de pé, resistindo diante de dois outros lugares icônicos:
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Vocês reconhecem esse jovem? Sou eu, eu mesmo!

Na semana do orgulho Nerd 🖖, o #TBT é do meu emprego como programador no Liceu Eduardo Prado. Eu consegui o emprego, pois tive uma oportunidade de me qualificar de forma integrada com o emprego (+) Image
É isso que me motiva para junto a @cirogomes e @elviscezar_ofc a desenvolver um grande programa de qualificação de profissionais em tecnologia da informação para formarmos novos profissionais e reconverter trabalhadores de outras áreas vocacionados para TI (+)
que estão parados ou na brutal informalidade aguardando uma oportunidade que muitas vezes não chega. Segundo o mercado, até 2025 serão mais de 500 mil vagas em Tecnologia da Informação que não serão preenchidas por falta de mão de obra qualificada. (+)
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From June 2020: How to avoid or minimize using the police in superhero stories?… #superheroes #police #TBT #ThrowbackThursday
For the TLDR crowd, the options:
- “High stakes” adventures focus
- Low stakes adventures or being Good Samaritans
- Kids (or rare adults) learning how to be superheroes
- police tied heroes switch jobs (such as private investigators)
- focus on the heroes’ private lives
- the heroes play judge jury and executioner
- the heroes are regulated by state, federal or global authorities
- the villains are too powerful or difficult to arrest
- in-universe policing reforms shown
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#tbt This is Toshiko Yuasa, the first woman physicist from Japan. It's 1940 & with her science prospects at home blocked by gender prejudice, she'd managed to get into wartime Paris to do physics research...…
...The drawcard in Paris was Marie Curie's daughter, Irène Joliot-Curie & her husband Frédéric. Yuasa was inspired by their papers on artificial radioactivity.
Here's Toshiko & Irène at the Joliot-Curie home in 1941...…
...Yuasa was born in downtown Tokyo in 1909, the next-to-youngest of 7 children. Her mother came from a long line of poets, in the family of a renowned 19th century scholar, Tachibana Moribe. Her father was an engineer & inventor who worked at the patent office...
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Começando a listagem de tweets recuperados para Ney Leprevost.
O tweet com id 1517462976680321027 criado em 2022-04-22 11:19:01 foi apagado após 3:41:14. Ele falava sobre:
Na foto, inauguração do Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (Cras) em Bocaiuva do Sul .

#NeyLeprevost #jáprovouquefaz...
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#TBT Some call her The Mother of #BalboaPark, The Plant Lady, or even The Female Johnny Appleseed. At The Nat, we just call her Kate.

Kate Sessions was a pioneering woman for any time period, let alone the 1800s...🎩1/5
A lifelong lover of plants, she got a science degree from #UCBerkley, but there weren’t many opportunities for a college-educated woman in the #Victorian era. 🎓 So, Kate decided to create her own opportunity and started her own business. 2/5
She founded a nursery in what is now #BalboaPark in 1892 & expanded from there. She was an early member of #TheNat, planted #PalmCanyon & the Aloe and Agave Garden, & was hired by the city to plant 100 trees every year for 10 years. 🌳 But this work wasn't perfect... 3/5
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