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Apr 10th 2021
.@POTUS’ FY 22 discretionary budget proposal demonstrates a great step in the right direction with investments in critical programs that impact our members and their patients’ health. @acog is encouraged to see: 1/
- Over $200M to help address #maternalmortality and morbidity w/ a focus on addressing race-based inequities in maternal health outcomes through investments in rural areas, #MMRCs, training to improve culturally congruent care & more 2/
- Critical investments to promote health equity in health care system, confront racial disparities in health outcomes, expand access to culturally competent care, diversify the health care workforce, and address #SDOH 3/
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Aug 26th 2020
This #WomensEqualityDay, as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment and reflect on the ongoing fight and struggle for women's equality, let's recognize the role @POTUS has played in denigrating women with his words & actions. Since 2017 he has:
Called women pigs, dogs, low IQ, nasty, fat, disgusting, horse face, not my type, slob, wacky, bimbo, that woman. And who could forget his calls to lock her up, send her back, or grab them by the p****?
Condoned discrimination by allowing virtually any employer or school to deny women no-copay birth control, used not only to prevent pregnancy but also to reduce cramps, lighten periods, and prevent acne, bone thinning, breast & ovarian cysts, anemia, endometrial & ovarian cancers
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Apr 14th 2020
Last week, colleagues @Guttmacher and I put forward 9 key actions that #Congress should take to support sexual and reproductive rights during the #COVID19Pandemic. As they work on a fourth relief package, here's a reminder of what they should do:…
1) Treat sexual and reproductive health care as the essential care it is. This includes ensuring that patients may continue to travel for reproductive health care even under any measures that restrict most commerce and travel. More on that here:…
2) Protect and expand access to comprehensive health insurance coverage, including by supporting Medicaid and expanding ACA marketplace coverage:…
Read 12 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
.@amyklobuchar is the next presidential candidate to take the stage at #OurRightsOurCourts!

We're more than halfway through our candidate interviews now, but we still have 30 minutes with Senator Klobuchar, @ewarren and @DevalPatrick.

Tune in:…
@amyklobuchar @ewarren @DevalPatrick .@amyklobuchar promises to "appoint good judges who respect the law." #OurRightsOurCourts

Our Supreme Court case is, at its core, a matter of respecting the law and legal precedent. We are challenging a law that is IDENTICAL to one declared unconstitutional by #SCOTUS in 2016.
@amyklobuchar @ewarren @DevalPatrick When asked about what she would do to ensure affordable or free contraception for those who need it, @amyklobuchar responds:

1. Fund @PPFA
2. Make it known that 1 in 5 Americans get their health care from places like Planned Parenthood at some point in their lifetime.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
Surprise, surprise - DeVos and the Trump administration are up to it again. They've proposed yet another rule to weaken Title IX, and shatter anti-discrimination protections students deserve.

Learn more about these proposed changes and how you can take action to stop them ⬇️
Betsy DeVos has proposed a rule that would expand the use of religious exemptions by schools under Title IX.

Religious exemptions allow schools to ignore portions of Title IX if they don't align with their religious practice – like being LGBTQ, having an abortion, or having sex.
DeVos proposed changes would allow religious schools to punish students for things like
❌Being LGBTQ
❌Taking birth control
❌Having an abortion
❌Experiencing intimate partner violence
Read 5 tweets
Feb 4th 2020
I'm proud to welcome Emma Bosley from Vancouver as my State of the Union guest. Emma is a wonderful patient advocate who received care through #TitleX & now uses her story to speak out against the Trump-Pence gag rule. #SOTU
When Emma was diagnosed with endometriosis, she had a minimum wage job, no health insurance, & no idea how she would be able to get the medical care she needed.

She turned to @PPFA—a #TitleX-funded provider—& she found care, managed her disease, & took control of her life.
Women & men across WA and the country are speaking out against the Trump-Pence Administration’s #TitleX gag rule that threatens health care for millions of patients.

Republicans are trying to shut these voices out—but I’m absolutely not going to let them.
Read 4 tweets
Dec 11th 2019
1. Abortion restrictions are sweeping the U.S.—and it starts at the top with the #TrumpAdmin's policies. At this very moment, we have SIX active cases fighting administration policies that jeopardize our health and rights.

In our six cases against the #TrumpAdmin, we are...
2. Fighting against a broad rule that would invite any health care worker, from janitors to doctors, to deny medical treatment and services to patients based on their own personal beliefs.
3. Challenging a contraception mandate that allows virtually any employer or university to deny coverage for contraception for religious or moral reasons.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 14th 2019
Joining @PPFA today to speak out against the Trump-Pence Administration's harmful gag rule that undermines the #TitleX family planning program and jeopardizes health care for families across the country. #ProtectX…
@PPFA Women and men in WA state and around the country have made clear they believe no one should lose access to providers they trust, affordable care they need, or medical info about their health because a politician thinks their ideological views are more important.
@PPFA But instead of listening to the patients, providers, local officials, religious orgs, & others who spoke out in opposition to the #TitleX gag rule, President Trump & VP Pence steamrolled ahead with their harmful, ideological rule while the GOP did nothing to stop them.
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Oct 8th 2019
Thank you, @PPFA Seattle for joining me today to speak out against the Trump Administration's dangerous #TitleX gag rule and the ongoing attacks on women’s access to the health care they need. #ProtectX #StandWithPP ImageImageImage
Our fight now isn’t about whether Republicans realize the health care of millions of patients is at stake because of the #TitleX gag rule—they do.

It's about whether they're going to side with President Trump & VP Pence or the women & patients in their own states. #ProtectX
I’ve been fighting back against President Trump’s harmful agenda since the first day of his Administration—and I’ve been fighting for women’s health a lot longer than that. I’m not about to stop any time soon.
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Oct 3rd 2019
We're live RIGHT NOW with #KamalaHarris. Tune in now to watch the Senator answer questions directly from the women of the Supermajority community here:
On breaking barriers: "You don't start on one side and end up on the other. There is breaking involved. When you break things, it can be painful...It will be worth it every single time, but it is not without pain, hard work, and great effort." — @KamalaHarris #theMajorityRules
@KamalaHarris What is @KamalaHarris' superpower?

"One of the greatest powers that each of us has, and it's a matter of whether or not we see it or identify it for what it is, is to lift each other up. Women do that so well." #theMajorityRules
Read 16 tweets
Oct 2nd 2019
SHE'S HERE! #ElizabethWarren takes the stage. #theMajorityRules
Tune in NOW:
When #ElizabethWarren was urged to run for Senate, she was also told she couldn't win.

"If a woman doesn't run, I guarantee a woman will never win. You won't get what you won't fight for." — @ewarren #theMajorityRules
@ewarren .@ewarren made sure she did two things every day:
— She found a group of people to talk about what's important and why she's in the fight.
— Every time she met a little girl, she'd tell her "Hello, my name is Elizabeth, and I'm running for Senate because that's what girls do."
Read 18 tweets
Sep 19th 2019
This week, NAPAWF, @NLIRH, and @BlackWomensRJ sent a letter to Congress demanding they protect #TitleX.

"Cutting off Planned Parenthood and other providers from this essential program further threatens women of color's access to essential preventive health services" @PPact
@NLIRH @BlackWomensRJ @PPact "This harmful and unlawful regulation denies people of color the ability to make healthy and fully-informed decisions for their bodies and their families, undermining individual agency and bodily autonomy." #TitleX @PPact
@NLIRH @BlackWomensRJ @PPact "Communities of color already face significant barriers to affordable health care services, and the implementation of the Title X rule poses a significant and immediate threat to these critical services." #ProtectX
Read 5 tweets
Sep 9th 2019
Welcome to the Pennsylvania Member of Congress Tracking Report for the week ending 09/08/19. This is our last recess report before we get back to normal business, as our MoCs are returning to Washington today.
#MoCTrack 1/24
If you’d like a reminder of where things left off when our MoCs left for recess, check out the Trump Tracker numbers, courtesy of the find folks at @538Politics. It gauges how much your MoC votes in line with the Trump Admin's agenda.
#MoCTrack 2/24
@538politics The rest of this report is a bit different than our normal offering.

We’ve pulled together info on official website statements, public appearances, town halls, tweets and quotes that each of our 20 MoCs made over the recess.
#MoCTrack 3/24
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Aug 23rd 2019
This week, health care centers across the country were forced to withdraw from the #TitleX program. This is just "the first step of the broader unraveling process," our attorney, Emily Nestler explains to @ericagonzo at @harpersbazaarus. 1/3…
“You’re not going to see changes overnight, but what you’re going to see is the complete dismantling of this program that has provided extraordinary care for millions of patients for decades. The long-term effects [will] be tremendous." 2/3
"What you see in states that have taken away funds [like this] is that, inevitably, clinics closed. The wait times do extend. Some providers try to hold on and they just can’t.” 3/3
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Aug 21st 2019
@TheDemocrats @DNC @DNCWarRoom issued their barking points and all the #Democrats issued their #dire #TitleX #PlannedParenthood #EndoftheWorld tweets.

Weird, really.

Congress imposed limitations on use of Title X funds. The regs were held constitutional by #SCOTUS 30 years ago.
Yet, according to nearly every #Dem spreading their lies and legs for the #presidentialnomination, the rule is "unethical" and women will lose access to contraception and basic health services.
@PPFA could continue using #TitleX funds.

They really could.

All that is required is that @PPFA segregate out its abortion and abortion referral programs and services from its #TitleX programs and services.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 20th 2019
With the changes to #TitleX, access to contraception dramatically shifted for many low-income patients across this country this week and it's a complete shame. Access to healthcare is a human right, not a political game. Patients are not pawns.…
Providers should not be gagged when it comes to sharing information and offering care to patients. We must be able to refer them to services they need based on their individual situations. This interferes with the provider-patient relationship.…
The plan is to isolate providers offering contraception & abortion; stigmatize them out of existence. They're making it financially inaccessible for patients to go to their providers of choice for all of their reproductive healthcare. The goal is to further stigmatize abortion.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 19th 2019
To our reproductive health care clients: If you’ve heard about the recent changes to the #TitleX program – the national program that provides funding for family planning and other #ReproductiveHealth care services – we want you to know that your benefits have NOT changed.
Although the new federal regulations impose some conditions that #Oregon cannot comply with because doing so would violate state law, we have asked for a temporary status that would allow us to stay in the program without using any of its funds. #TitleX
We remain committed to ensuring continued funding for comprehensive, high-quality reproductive health care. Anyone seeking care at the Reproductive Health Program’s clinics will continue to receive the same high-quality, client-centered services that have always been available.
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Jun 20th 2019
Today @AGOWA Ferguson joined me in speaking out against the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that allows the Trump administration to implement changes to the #TitleX family planning program. #ProtectX #NoGagRule… Image
This decision threatens to imperil healthcare for millions, including tens of thousands in WA. But we’re not done fighting this dangerous and immoral rule. We are prepared to take every action necessary to protect women’s access to safe and legal reproductive healthcare. #TitleX
No court and no presidential administration — even Trump's — will stop us from ensuring reproductive freedom is preserved in our state. #TitleX #ProtectX #NoGagRule
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Jun 6th 2019
In 1965, #SCOTUS struck down a law which banned the use of “any drug, medicinal article or instrument for the purpose of preventing conception” in Griswold v. Connecticut.
That means in my lifetime, we have progressed from outright bans on #birthcontrol to affordable, accessible contraceptive care.
And now, those same forces are trying to take us back. Make no mistake, the wave of attacks on birth control, abortion care, #TitleX, and the #ACA are all connected.
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May 8th 2019
Speaking on the Senate floor to share stories of moms in my state who have been hurt by the GOP ideological agenda. #MothersDeserveBetter when it comes to their health, repro rights, & economic security. I’ll fight for them every day in Congress.…
Trump is trying to strip #TitleX grants from @PPFA, which serves thousands of women in WA each year and that provides critical care for mothers like Shannon and Cindy. We need to support, not burden, providers that help women get the care they need.

President Trump has ignored how his cruel policies would hurt women and their families, like Yolany, a mother who was detained in Tacoma, WA while her 6-year-old son was sent to New York. They were kept apart for almost two months before being reunited.

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Apr 25th 2019
Trump’s proposed changes to #TitleX threaten access to healthcare for 81,000 Washingtonians. The president’s relentless assault on women’s health is being fought with the full force of the law here in WA state. #TitleX #NoGagRule @AGOWA…
We will not allow this or any presidential administration to take women’s constitutional rights away, and we will not allow doctors and nurses to be silenced when it comes to giving patients the information and medical care they need. @AGOWA #TitleX #NoGagRule #ProtectX
The judge has issued a nationwide injunction on Trump's proposed changes to #TitleX. This is a major victory for millions of Americans whose healthcare is at stake under President Trump’s dangerous and legally indefensible gag rule. @AGOWA #NoGagRule…
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Mar 22nd 2019
21 AGs filed a motion for a nationwide injunction to stop the Trump Administration from banning #TitleX health care providers from talking about abortion with their patients. #GagRule Image
This lawsuit is about protecting low-income women's access to the health care services they need. The Trump Administration has no business controlling the conversations that women have with their doctors and nurses. #TitleX #GagRule
Thank you to the partners and health care providers who submitted declarations along with our motion:

Together we will defeat the President's unconstitutional #TitleX #GagRule.
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Feb 26th 2019
Right on cue, fiscally-solvent @PPFA is fundraising on proposed #TitleX changes by continuing to spread the lie that they're the "only" health care option for many women across the country—especially low-income women.

That’s not true.
Their employees COULD tell women they have access to dozens of higher-quality, comprehensive, FREE health care centers in their area—but they're instructed to tell women (many of whom have to drive long distances) they have no other resources but @PPFA.

Let's bust that myth.
Not only is @PPFA not the "only option" for women in need of health care—they're not even close to the best option. #titlex
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Feb 26th 2019
I grew up in rural Central Washington in #Yakima County. As a college student and a law student, I could not afford healthcare insurance. As a result, I too have relied on #TitleX #healthcare clinics.
Like so many other low-income and #uninsured women, I know how vital family planning clinics are in both rural and urban communities.
Women across our state deserve full and unfettered access to a physician who will provide her with medically accurate information to make the best decisions for her health. #SaveTitleX
Read 3 tweets

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