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Jun 20th 2022
Great Map by @XX_1133_1221_11

I noticed I have seen Heng Swee Keat somewhere in my research mindmap before👀

A deep research thread to show #Singapore is a leader in the global #4IR #DLT #Technology #Race🌎

#MAS #Fintech #Research #DeepDive #Innovation #Complex #Ubin🧠
1. 2018 #NTP - Transformational platform - A one-stop interface that will enable traders to interact with all business stakeholders and regulators on trade-related TXNs

"Our vision is to be a truly global network, with efficient data flow to work together to facilitate trade"
2. These #NTP are ecosystems of the future building a regulated digital ecosystem in Singapore

#Ripple, #Tradeflow, #Xinfin, #Wadzpay as examples…
#XDC #WeAreXDC #tradeflow #ICC
#Digitalization #TradeFinance #Platforms #DLT #Data #fintech #Innovation
Read 16 tweets
Jun 5th 2022
It's a bird..
It's a plane..

No - It's a DLT research care package containing a map of connections within the traditional finance system

Every partnership you can research using google. #connectthedots
#DLT #TradeFinance #Reseaerch #topics #digdeep #Regtech #IoV #ResearchTopics
"Where do I Start" 🧵
1. I started with the @ITFAworldwide. Who they are and what they do within the traditional finance market
2. What is their part and partners in the global system of trade finance/legacy banking?
3. Why they🤝 @XinFin_Official #XDC
4. You start to learn about an ecosystem of traditional finance players partnering to help utilize digital documents/trade instruments between SMEs, corps & banks.

They are helping innovate the expensive, antiquated and silo'd trade finance industry
Read 11 tweets
May 13th 2022
$QNT bagged these 3 enormous trade and supply chain blockchain consortiums 🔄 and it was right in front of our eyes👀

❓And more leads and insights

You don’t want to miss this one🕵️

A thread into Quants leading role in Trade Finance

First a short deepdive into the ecosystems (how big are they?) and than the leads to a lot of trade networks.


Network 1: GSBN

This Global Shipping Business Network (GSBN) will “handle 1 in 3 containers shipped around the world 🌎 🚢 ”- build on Hyperledger technology

- Founded by 8 global maritime cargo multinationals. Biggest is Costo from 🇨🇳, 288.000 employees✅
- 🇭🇰HK based

Read 26 tweets
Mar 7th 2022
Pandemic has triggered a massive acceleration of digital trade speeding it up by 5-10 years

Electronic documents are becoming valid in the global supply chain and jurisdictions around the world

#UNCITRAL #MLETR is the digital document standard for interoperability between dDOCs
Read 5 tweets
Feb 23rd 2022
SEBA Bank Joins ADGM!🤝

This is huge for $XDC! 🌎🌱

I show the power partnerships in this picture... 👀🧩

@inside_r3 Corda < @lab577 @DASL_Me Bridge < #XDC Network

--Thread Below--⏬

#DLT #ADGM #crypto #blockchain #research #MLETR #Enigio #dDOC #CBDC #Digitalassets #fintech
📞Wake up call to do research & stop sleeping on $XDC

@DASL_Me + @inside_r3
DASL + @XinFin_Official
DASL + @BCBcrypto

Powerhouses laying foundational rails for traditional finance.🚂

#fintech #banking #tradFI #XDC $XDC #Deep #research #DLT #Blockchain
Any deniers that don't believe me that $XDC is connected to R3 Corda

Here are some sources you can spend some hours reviewing.

I've done my research and don't need to explain to anyone when the info is all here👇
#XDC $XDC #R3 #Corda #Connected
Read 16 tweets
Feb 10th 2022
@iccwboUK @iccwbo I believe we are ready! 💪🌎🌱

Let's get the global jurisdictions to upgrade their English law so we can use dDOC's in supply chain and trade finance!

#MLETR $XDC #XDC @EnigioTime @XinFin_Official @AndreCasterman @Impel_official @Monetago @tradetrust #G7 #G20
To learn more about the fragmented and outdated supply chain system!

Check out my educational regulated review on technology transforming the supply chain!👇🌎

#tradefinance #blockchain #education #discussion

The global economy is ready to be reset with paperless documents in global trade and trade finance!

This will eliminate fraud and help close the trade finance gap!!

Lets gooo! You guys changing the world! 😀

@iccwbo @iccwboUK
#Standards #savetheSMEs #DLT #Blockchain
Read 8 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
Want to be in the top 1%?

Find the blockchain projects 99% aren't looking at.

I've done 1000s of hours of research on some of the best projects and compiled them into educational threads for other citizens to research

Here are some of my deep dives🌊

--Thread of Threads-- Image
My focus is on long-term utility blockchain/ DLT projects⛓

Not short-term meme coins

These threads will cover:

• CBDC's
• IoT + IoV
• Innovation
• Supply chain
• Data protection
• Paperless trade finance
• Cheap payment infrastructure
• Interoperability of DLT ledgers Image
Read 18 tweets
Oct 20th 2021

China systems integrated its solution with @EnigioTime and Enigio's DLT based solution uses $XDC for the underlying technology for securely transferring digital documents originals.

Let's take a dive in the connections 👇

#blockchain #information ImageImageImage
Currently, the legacy banking system has major problems with moving original trade documents. They mostly deal with paper and have to store copies.

Enigio acts as a digital notarization service for verifying the documents.

Reducing the need for a paper system.

#banking #SDGs ImageImageImageImage
Paper invoicing in global trade between SMEs also creates a lot of headaches and friction.

It creates a very slow verification process that's hard to keep track of.

Enigio & $XDC Network can solve this

By digitalizing each invoice on a decentralized platform easy to access ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets

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