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May 31st 2023
🌞 Here Comes the Sun 🌞

This is a paper on the 1918 influenza pandemic and UVB light which has some interesting implications for COVID, SARS2 🦠 and COVID 💉.

The H1N1 virus allowed for bacterial colonization and pneumonia. (*bacteria + 😷🧵) > https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go...
Fauci et al. conclude that most of the deaths in the Spanish Flu were from the secondary bacterial pneumonia. > Image
This is known as the "Sequential Infection Hypothesis" a better paper, and more detailed and elaborate explanation by Brundage and Shanks: >…
Read 26 tweets
Mar 21st 2023
Die Ursprünge von #Covid: Gepostet von dem verstorbenen Dr. Vladimir Zelenko #ZelenkoProtocol am 16. November 2021:

Wie eine Waffe der #Eugenik, des #Massenmord-s und des #Völkermord-s geschaffen wurde.

1. Im Jahr 1999 konstruierte #AnthonyFauci (Direktor des #NIAID) in…
Zusammenarbeit mit #RalphBaric und der University of North Carolina Chapel Hill ein "#infektiöses, replikationsdefektes" #rekombinantes #Coronavirus, um menschliche Zellen zu infizieren.

2. Im Jahr 2002 meldeten das #NIAID und die #UNC ein Patent an, um sich die Rechte an…
der chimären #Biowaffe Spike-Protein zu sichern, die nun für den Einsatz in der als #Impfstoff dargestellten #Gentherapie modifiziert wurde.

3. 2003 ließen die Centers for Disease Control and Prevention #CDC das Genom des #SARSCoronavirus #patentieren und sicherten sich…
Read 11 tweets
Oct 16th 2021
Wow. Looking through this patent (written to bore and confuse) they're planning to use your mobile, smartwatch, tablet, dedicated electronics?? medical history, location data to decide who should be compulsorily vaccinated (for the good of society, obvs)…
Upon further reading, your devices will be used to allocate a "superspreader score" to the owner. This score to be broadcast to other devices in the area, therefore alerting everyone around that you're a danger to them!

Imagine the violence to ensue!
And the 'system' is designed to 'learn' your behaviour
Read 14 tweets
Jun 10th 2021
There is hope for American hospital systems after all.

Old friend of mine (who isn't really local to me and who shall remain nameless) requested help presenting with 76% SpO2 ambulatory at least 10 days post #SARSCoV2 infection.

Rule#1: don't panic the ill by conveying severity
Pt obtained ivermectin. We immediately began IVM+NAC+doxycycline+ASA. SpO2 popped to 87% within one hour - no doubt thanks to NAC. Gradually declined back to 82% after 5mg of melatonin and attempts to sleep for the evening. Obvious signs of hypoxemia = 911 & hospital transport.
Instantly landed in ICU. Critical care docs stabilized using high flow 80% FiO2 5L (bipap at night), low dose dex, and anticoagulation therapy, Over the course of several days (and after #remdesivir failure), I fed the ICU doc (via FB messenger) some of the molecular biology...
Read 5 tweets
Aug 1st 2020
MEGA Hilo sobre la Hidroxicloroquina!

La Hidroxicloroquina o HCQ se ha vuelto muy "política", por lo que he decidido hacer un hilo al respecto.

Como en todos mis hilos no quiero convencer a nadie de nada, simplemente lee la información y forma tus conclusiones!

Compártelo! Image
La hidroxicloroquina es un conocido medicamento para tratar varias enfermedades como la malaria, artritis reumatoide y el lupus. Image
En ocasiones también es consumida por personas completamente sanas que van a viajar a Africa, como un método preventivo para no contagiarse de malaria, que es una enfermedad que se adquiere después de ser "picado" por un mosquito. Image
Read 55 tweets
May 11th 2020
21/ #ZelenkoProtocol

1. Abstract Conclusion = Zinc helps
2. But: Paragraph 2 under METHODS
3. Essential to read study's methods

"Patients were *included* if ... had either been discharged from the hospital, transitioned to hospice or expired"

Full PDF:…
22/ #Hydroxychloroquine & #Chloroquine & #Azithromycin

Norwegian Medicines Agency published a Warning April 23 & updated it on May 6.

Translates perfectly to English:


23/ #Remdesivir & #Vaccines & #SARSCoV2 & #COVID19

Norwegian Medicines Agency reports:

"Investigations started in Europe"

EMA - Remdesivir:…

NMA - Medicines & Vaccines:…

#TrumpPressConf #TrumpLiesAmericansDie
Read 25 tweets
May 7th 2020
1/ Little Thread about all The Misleading Medical Information still floating around about #Hydroxychloroquine & #Chloroquine & #Azithromycin & #ZelenkoProtocol - by 1 doctor - @zev_dr & #Remdesivir & more

Despite #TrumpIsNotADoctor has stopped saying "What do you have to lose?".
2/ #TrumpIsTheWORSTPresidentEVER

First, why it has been political all the way, suspected from day one:

"Trump had been touting HCQ for weeks, sparking worldwide shortages of HCQ & prompting negotiations with Indian PM Modi to lift export restrictions"…
3/ #Trump2020

Indian PM Modi and Trump held a rally together.

"Mr Trump wanted to show people in the US that he was hugely popular abroad and that he was capable of negotiating good deals out of a country he once described as the king of tariffs"…
Read 45 tweets

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