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Jan 15th 2020
"In polling today, Australians are more concerned about climate change. Do you think since the fires people's concerns about climate change have shifted & that now requires stronger action"

The PM's response? More claims we're "meeting and beating" our emissions targets🙄#auspol
The bushfire crisis has intensified concern about climate change and its impacts #auspol #AustraliaBurning

@TheAusInstitute's Climate of the Nation poll shows 79% of ppl are concerned about climate change - up 5 percentage points from just 6 months ago >…
.@TheAusInstitute research on @theprojecttv via @vanOnselenP:

👉 47% of Australians are “very concerned” about climate change
👉 57% say we're experiencing “a lot” of climate change impacts in Aus
👉 4 in 5 are worried Aus' native forests & unique wildlife will never be the same
Read 12 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
@Cdanslair @France5tv @Caroline_Roux @yann_rdp "Ce que l'#Australie vit, c'est un aperçu de ce qui l'attend à l'avenir, dans un monde qui continue de se réchauffer" explique @yann_rdp dans @Cdanslair @France5tv

#AustraliaBurning Image
@Cdanslair @France5tv @Caroline_Roux @yann_rdp «L’eucalyptus, qui constitue l’essentiel des forêts en #Australie, a besoin du feu pour se reproduire. Ce cycle, géré régulièrement par les aborigènes, a été perturbé par l’arrivée des européens. Ils doivent réapprendre à vivre avec leur environnement»
@yann_rdp dans @Cdanslair Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
See thread exposing how these “bushfires” are really just crimes against humanity, nature, and the ecosystem. Is the establishment using them to justify more taxes, cause massive disturbance in our economy, farming, and environment? Apparently a “trillion $ opportunity” for some!
Read 8 tweets
Jan 4th 2020
Did Scott Morrison & @LiberalAus illegally use images of uniformed Australian Defence Forces in a party political ad?
I have only been able to find ADF rules about ADF members, but indications are that I am on the right track.
See 5.5-5.11…
@LiberalAus Was it illegal for @ScottMorrisonMP & @LiberalAus to use the ADF for political campaign purposes?
I think so. Please see above tweet.
That ad was not an Aus govt announcement but a campaign ad authorised by #ScottyFomMarketing .
@LiberalAus @ScottMorrisonMP I remember some years ago, a politician was in big trouble for a campaign ad that included a person in ADF uniform. #Auspol, can you help here?
Read 9 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
I no longer have patience with CLIMATE science deniers. They and the fossil fuel industry have delayed #ClimateAction for three decades. Now, my country, my second homeland, is on fire. All of it. Every single state. Precious wildlife vanquished. Human life lost. Homes destroyed.
2/ Forests devastated. Kangaroo Island is burning to the ground, along w/ some of the world’s oldest, most unique, irreplaceable species. Our fires are NOT normal. They are driven by global warming and #ClimateChange. World, please hear our cry: We are the canary in the coal mine
3/ Australia is a warning about the #ClimateCrisis gripping our planet. Deniers, step aside and let the rest of us do the work to reverse the damage humans have done to our environment. Lives are at risk. I, for one, am no longer standing by while you stifle efforts to reign
Read 17 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
Our hearts are aching.

Aching for this beautiful country we are watching turn to ash before our eyes.
For the people who have lost their lives, and the families left behind.
For the hundreds of millions of native animals who never stood a chance. #AustraliaBurning [thread 👇]
Our hearts are aching for the countless other animals – the cattle, sheep, horses, chickens, goats… the sheer scale of suffering and devastation of these catastrophic fires sweeping across the country is like nothing we have seen before.
To those who have contacted us asking how to help, thank you. We share your anguish & understand your feelings of helplessness. We are providing immediate support to wildlife vets to travel to fire-devastated Mallacoota to assist local carers dealing with injured koalas.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020
I see that the #AustraliaBurning crisis has officially reached the 'drink uncle' stage, where people loudly proclaim that we could have avoided all of this if 'the greens' hadn't stopped hazard reduction.

Which is weird for a bunch of reasons.
Unlike approx 100% of these muppets, I actually work in the field, have done for more than a decade. In that time I have worked on projects that:
- upgraded 70km+ of fire trails
- cleared firebreaks for 300+ School Bushfire shelters
- lots of Asset Protection Zones
I normally work next to env assets - Canberra water catchments, national parks, etc
But my favorite was a school bushfire shelter design that needed to thin forest that was habitat for the Eltham Copper Butterfly (pic from…)
Read 10 tweets
Jan 3rd 2020


The devastation of the bushfires in Australia cannot be overestimated.

The impact on animals is especially alarming as many are already reaching endangered status.
Amidst the increasingly sad news, there are some amazing stories of rescue and compassion.

I have interspersed Facts, Stories of Hope, and How to Help throughout.

Please let these heartwarming rescues inspire you* to help save someone during this tragic time.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List identifies “fire and fire suppression” as a threat to more than 100 threatened species in Australia.”

Read 30 tweets
Jan 2nd 2020
After seeing multiple tweets about the @DeptDefence response to #AustraliaBurning, I feel it’s #education time on #YourADF and how it relates to the #constitutionalmonarchy #government in #Australia. #AustralianFires #auspol #miltwitter 1/6
Under the Australian #constitution, #emergency and #disaster preparation, management, and recovery is the responsibility of each individual state or territory #government. #AustralianFires #ausfires #auspol #miltwitter 2/6
If the situation deteriorates and the effected state cannot handle the response, they can request federal assistance under the Australian Government Disaster Response Plan (#COMDISPLAN). #ausfires #miltwitter More here:… 3/6
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Dec 24th 2019
Visiting family in Adelaide over Christmas where some of Australia's hottest temps have been felt. Conditions prime for huge fires in #Adelaide Hills leaving visible burn marks present on imagery. @sentinel_hub timelapse of 18 & 21 Dec (…) #AustralianFires
Areas around #Lobethal in #Adelaide Hills severely burnt by fires, including many homes, farmland & some of the wineries in area. I filmed this near Woodside yesterday. Strong community support & very resilient people emerging out of this terrible event. #AustralianFires
#AustralianFires showing blaze near #Nerriga on satellite imagery. Image from 21 Dec shot with Sentinel-2 sat, layering @Pierre_Markuse fire script on @sentinel_hub, shows large blaze & smoke plume (250+km2) over #Milton south of #Sydney (…). #NSWfires Image
Read 6 tweets

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