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May 20th 2023
The American Jewish Congress released a statement on May 8, 2023 on Bashar Al Assad rejoining the Arab League. This is a good time to recall why this is not a good idea after #Assad attended an Arab Summit in #SaudiArabia over the weekend. Read this #thread⬇️/1

The #AmericanJewishCongress is alarmed that efforts are underway to rehabilitate #BasharAssad. Before any normalization, Assad needs to talk to the opposition, eliminate #Iran presence in #Syria, and initiate a political transition in accordance with UNSCR 2254. /2
Sharing our concerns about rehabilitating #BasharAlAssad is more than half of Syria’s population displaced by #Assad’s actions over the past decade, says @JackRosenNYC, President of #AmericanJewishCongress. /3
Read 15 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
1️⃣On peut estimer qu’il reste beaucoup à faire face à l’islamisme. Mais prétendre, comme l’extrême droite, que la « France ne fait rien » face à ce fléau est mensonger. J’enquête sur le sujet dans tous les pays européens et j’affirme que la France est le pays qui agit le plus👇
2️⃣Comparativement à tous les pays européens, sous différents gouvernements, la France a érigé d’abord une doctrine antiterroriste, dès les années 1980, sous Mitterand, ensuite pourchassé le GIA à travers Pasqua notamment, durant les années 1990 et enfin les séides d’Al-Qaida👇
3️⃣ Entre 1998 et 2012 une multitude d’attentats a été déjouée, des imams salafistes expulsés, des mosquées fermées sous plusieurs gouvernements. Jacques Chirac a envoyé des troupes en Afghanistan contre Al-Qaida et les talibans. Lutte poursuivie sous @NicolasSarkozy 👇
Read 11 tweets
May 28th 2021
The breakdown in #Syria's presidential election:

Bashar 51%
Al Assad 49%

President #BasharAlAssad is in power for 21 years now. It will be 26 years if he completes the new term.
I still remember when he took oath in Parliament in #Damascus after his father's death in 2000. I was watching the ceremony on TV w/ a close Syrian friend, ex-army, served in Syrian military in #Lebanon. I was flabbergasted after his first live speech:
The new Syrian president spoke in perfect, incisive, articulate Arabic, without pauses. No teleprompter. Impeccable expression. He was the youngest Arab leader then (along Abdullah II of Jordan), a breath of fresh air (before Tamim, MBS, MBZ, Hariri, & Haitham).
Read 9 tweets
Apr 14th 2019
2 The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
.@StateDept @NikkiHaley @LindseyGrahamSC your terrorist ISIS leader & CIA member is now on Idlib🤔. That is why you continue to do so much theater to protect this nest that is infested by US mercenaries😏
Baghdadi is hiding in Idlib province: SDF commander
Syrian Army launches large attack overnight in northwestern Syria
Read 80 tweets

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