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Aug 8th 2020
Well done @pranitasubhash u r the only one who tweeted about #RamMandir #BhoomiPujan #Ayodhya from all of south film industry. No one has guts in the entire #Tollywood #Kollywood #malluwood who could feel happy publicly. Each of them earned hundreds of crores with Hindu’s money.
This entire film fraternity rejoiced when @BeingSalmanKhan was falsely acquitted from murders of poor people slept on footpath, they all drank fevicol for #AyodhyaBhoomipoojan. In the name of #Sickularism these people have lost their true self. Do they deserve love from Hindus?
Read 3 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
True #secularism-defined as the separation of State and its agencies from any, and every, religion-never really took hold in India. When #PrimeMinisterModi places a silver brick in the ground as part of a #Bhoomipujan for #RamMandir, he might as well be burying the Secular Ideal.
The tragedy, of course, is that more than any other group, it was the majority Hindus who would really have benefited from a truly #secular Government. #Secularism in India was maliciously painted as #AntiHindu and as #MuslimAppeasement; it is neither.
The philosophical opposite of #Secularism is #Hindutva. It is a creed that sees every policy, every law, every administrative decision through the lens of Hindu-Muslim division. It negates the freedoms and liberties that common citizens need to thrive and prosper.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
#RamMandirAyodhya #Bhoomipujan today is another step along the way not to building up a new resurgent strong influential, unassailable #India. It's objective is to build up an (electorally) strong, influential, and unassailable political #RightWing Party.
It is not so much about #religion, it's all about building up a new mythology of overt religiosity, creating a theocracy in the garb of nationalism, asserting control of the majority, and coercing the minority into accepting its subservient status.
Fanatic Hindus may well be celebrating and congratulating each other, but it is hard to see how any of them actually benefit from the Project. The fact of #RamMandir will be used to quell any demands for #RamRajya the apocryphal #PerfectRule that was said to exist at the time.
Read 7 tweets
Aug 5th 2020
1. As Ayodhya gets ready for the historic occasion, here's a 25-tweet thread on the struggles, the controversies and the records that have led to August 5th.
2. As the Bhumi Pujan draws closer, here is a brief history of the long legal battle that was fought and won for the mandir:

#Ayodhya #BhumiPoojan…
3. From Persian works of the medieval era to sanads issued by Mughals in 18th century, Muslim sources themselves acknowledge the formerly disputed plot as the Ram Janmabhoomi:

#Replug #AyodhyaRamMandir…
Read 25 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
My Uncle was part of 1989 Kar Seva. I spoke to him asking his experience. His experience was both emotional & terrific. So thought to share some of his experience. He and fellow Kar Sevaks left from Sanghaniketan Hall(Mangalore) to Ayodhya in Train. #ProfileForRam
While leaving for Ayodhya they were asked to take bare minimum clothes & a plate & spoon. This coz they had to do long walk to prevent from being arrested. Coz UP police would have arrested persons in border to Ayodhya. #ProfileForRam #RamBhumiPujan
They left from Mangalore and once reaching MP - UP border they deboarded train, then their journey was in Trucks & by legs. They had to even cross fully flowing river. It was pure devotion of Lord Ram that made them to take complete such difficult path easily. #ProfileForRam
Read 13 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
--Thread on Agni Pariksha and Banishment of Sita --

Pt 1 of this discussion here –…
Explained the killing of Vāli and Sambūka. Now, let us look at agni pariksha and banishment of Sīta.+

#Hinduism #Ramayana #BhumiPujan #AyodhyaRamMandir
#Ayodhya #Hindus
The 2 incidents truly encapsulate the glory of the divine couple. If you fully understand these incidents, you will be left wondering who is indeed more glorious, Rāma or Sīta!+

#BhoomiPujan #BhumiPujan #Ayodhya #RamMandirAyodhya
#RamMandirBhumiPujan #Hinduism #Ramayana #Hindus
Start with Sita’s banishment first. No need to quote ślokās. The literal act is justified by the fact that Sīta is mentioned to be Mahālakṣmi and Rāma to be Viśṇu. In reality she is always on his chest, inseparable and hence it is a līla+

#Ayodhya #BhoomiPujan #BhumiPujan
Read 25 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
--Thread on Vali & Shambuka Vadham in Ramayana--

This month marks reestablishment of the Lord at Ayodhya. City's name is that which cannot be won by conquest but can be conquered by the love of his devotees+

#Ramayana #AyodhyaRamMandir #Bhumipujan #RamMandirNationalPride
Lord Rama is hailed by Brahma as “bhavannārāyaṇo deva:” You verily are the Lord Nārāyaṇa. He is the Supreme Brahman of Vedas, hailed as “aham vedmi mahātmānam rāmam satya-parākramam” by Viśvāmitra, in a parallel to “vedāhamedhaṃ puruṣam mahāntam” of puruṣa sūkta.+

In the mahābhārata, it is said, niḥsaṃśayeṣu sarveṣu nityaṃ vasati vai hariḥ sasaṃśayān hetubalān nādhyāvasati mādhavaḥ+

#RamMandirNationalPride #AyodhyaRamMandir #Bhumipujan
#RamMandir #Ramayana #Hinduism
Read 17 tweets
Oct 3rd 2018
Justice Ranjan Gogoi was sworn in as the 46th Chief Justice of India at 10:50 am IST on 3rd October 2018.
“I am what I am and I cannot change myself,” the Chief Justice of India said while referring to Supreme Court Bar Association President Mr Vikas Singh’s remarks that Justice Ranjan Gogoi is “strict and perfectionist”.…
Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi held a rare video conference with all high court chief justices on 5th October 2018 and told them he would do a review in three weeks!…
Read 95 tweets

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