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Nov 14th 2022
1/13.đź“śNEW BLOG: In a new blog for @LossandDamage, @jar_climate asks "Is the #GlobalShield about progress or distraction?" on a political decision to deliver a #LossAndDamage finance facility at #COP27?

🔗Read it here:… Image
2/13. As the 2nd week of #COP27 starts the BIG question is: will it establish a #LossAndDamage Finance Facility or will rich countries continue to delay & push responsibility onto the #ClimateVulnerable by pushing non-transformative solutions like insurance? Image
3/13.After decades of #BlahBlahBlah and multiple dialogues (The 2016 SCF forum, the 2018 #SuvaExpertDialogue, the #GlasgowDialogue in 2022) and 9 years of the #WIM rich countries are arguing for more dialogue* rather than establishing a #LossAndDamage Finance Facility at #COP27. Image
Read 13 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
1/8. 🚨#Pakistan is seeing massive #LossAndDamage from #ClimateChange as rainfall 2.87 X higher than the national 30-year average leads to catastrophic Moonsoon floods in 116 districts.🧵
2/8. As of the 26th of August, @UNOCHA reported that #LossAndDamage totaled 218k houses destroyed, 452K houses damaged, 2M acres of crops impacted, 774k livestock lost, 1343 injured, and a death toll of 937 lives.… Image
3/8. But since the release of @UNOCHA's report, the death toll is believed to have surpassed 1000+ lives.…
Read 8 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
Here is our #LossAndDamage focused update from the 7th day of the #BonnClimateConference which saw continued focus on #LossAndDamage as attention turned towards making #LossAndDamage an agenda item at #COP27.
Highlights included @1TeresaAnderson of @ActionAid on the #LossAndDamage that is happening right now due to drought in the Horn of #Africa in #Somaila, #Ethiopia and #Kenya.

Read 10 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
Here's my article about the coming epidemic of deadly climate depression among the world's youth, and why getting past #blahblahblah is the only way out.…
The Greek word neo means “young, new”. We can thus coin a word, neocide, meaning “the deliberate killing of young people and future generations”.
It is psychologically devastating to feel climate and ecological catastrophe closing in every day while watching those in power not only failing to act, but actively making things worse by expanding the fossil fuel industry.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 2nd 2021
Whilst we ponder what might come out of COP26, I think it's a good time to ponder what if anything was achieved by far the biggest international summit there has ever been, the 1992 Rio Earth Summit?…
Sure, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, under which auspices the COP talks are held were signed at Rio 1992, but we're now on the 26th, and have so far got nowhere. Unfortunately it doesn't look like much is going to be achieved at this one.
Except for all the #blahblahblah and signing bits of paper, was anything achieved at Rio 1992, which sent things in a different direction? I'm really struggling to think of anything, so please help me by naming something?
Read 15 tweets
Oct 27th 2021
#Budget2021 starts with a scolding from the Deputy Speaker for pre-briefing the media on details of the budget before it has been presented to the house.
"Let there be no doubt our plan is working" says the Chancellor. We reckon young people, low-income families and not to mention the planet itself would beg to differ. #Budget2021
The Chancellor says we need to strengthen our economy so we're ready for the next crisis.

Presumably we'll be seeing investment in a #GreenNewDeal to tackle the impending climate crisis then Rishi? #Budget2021
Read 31 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
1) This thread is about how to see the climate and ecological crisis it is, and why it is not been seen as a crisis.

It's about how to see the big picture clearly, and the obstacles to seeing the big picture and how things actually are. Where we're heading, what needs to change.
2) The most important important part of effective problem solving is properly understanding the problem, which needs to happen with a process of constant re-evaluation. The big problem of our modern culture is just jumping in feet first with our impulsive first impression.
3) Self-evidently the problem with the thinking style our culture has developed is compartmentalization, where we just look at the situation from one perspective, get lost in the detail, and lose sight of the big picture.
Read 33 tweets
Oct 10th 2021
According to our government the UK is on course for a net biodiversity gain. The truth is very different.

"The UK is one of the world's most nature-depleted countries - in the bottom 10% globally and last among the G7 group of nations, new data shows."…
This highlights the problem, not only with Boris Johnson's UK government, but governments generally, with regard to climate and ecological crisis.

They think they can address the crisis, with bluster and lies, just #blahblahblah.

What we see are just token gestures.
Governments, especially the UK government, just talk up their policy, they don't actually deliver any credible action, which could result in the big ongoing reductions in greenhouse gas emissions necessary to avoid the worst impacts of climate breakdown.…
Read 21 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
This is why the Net Zero by 2050 policy being promoted by governments is fake.

"The fossil fuel industry benefits from subsidies of $11m every minute, according to analysis by the International Monetary Fund."…
Whilst governments falsely claim to be "battling" the climate crisis with their #BlahBlahBlah, they are in fact massively supporting the fossil fuel industry and fossil fuel use with public money i.e. doing the exact opposite of what they claim to be doing.
This is very serious deceit. The vast majority know little about the climate crisis. They trust their governments to address it, and trust their media to inform them about it, and to inform them if their government is not doing what they claim.
Read 25 tweets

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