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Very interesting Australian radio broadcast from 11th June on two technology subjects of intensely important international issues.

1. The potential opening up of Seabed Mining - for rare earth minerals which has an important deadline in July - after which applications for……
Controversy over this issue is building rapidly as prominent environmentalists come forward to oppose it including Sir David Attenborough.…
… and….

Olivia Colman and Stephen Fry join calls for moratorium on deep sea mining…
Read 13 tweets
This is my video of what happened. Ina and I were sitting in the airport bus stop, she was farewelling me after #BonnClimateConference

We heard screaming and I went to investigate. And was attacked twice by the guy with the walkie talkie.
This guy tried to attack me as I was filming the assault on the woman on the ground. This is towards the end of the video. ImageImageImageImage
After a police arrived Ina-Maria tried to tell them what had happened. As she had seen the woman earlier. It is possible that the attack was actually homophobic in nature not racist. As it all happened very quickly it was confusing.
Read 17 tweets
The #BonnClimateConference failed once again to address the key drivers of the #ClimateCrisis [= #FossilFuels]. Delay is the new Denialism.
A 🧵on the #FalseSolutions increasingly being pushed in the @UNFCCC negotiations: #CCS #CDR & #geoengineering are dangerous distractions!
Science is crystal clear, the only way to meaningfully reduce emissions is a rapid, equitable, full & funded phase-out of ALL fossil fuels. In this essential #JustTransition, there's is NO space for dangerous distractions such as #CCS or #CarbonRemoval.…
#CCS is NOT a climate solution @CA_Latest…
#CCS may carry even more risk & uncertainty than drilling for oil or gas, according to @ieefa_institute…
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1/25. Today is the ninth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the continuation of discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork for #LossAndDamage, a number of excellent side events, and importantly the adoption of the agenda. Here are some of our highlights!🧵 Image
2/25. This morning kicked off with three #LossAndDamage side events happening at the same time! Sadly we could not get to them all, but the good news is that there are webcasts with which to revisit them.
3/25. They included: "#HumanRights, #ClimateChange and disaster induced migration and #Displacement: Regional Perspectives" with @UUSC, @esperance_ong, @ALIANZAAMERICAS.

📼See the webcast here:
Read 25 tweets
1/6. At the 2023 #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) @harjeet11 of @CANIntl explains why the issue of corruption must not be used as an excuse to delay #ClimateFinance including the filling of the #LossAndDamage Fund agreed at #COP27.🧵 Image
2/6. “When talking about #ClimateFinance, the issue of corruption keeps coming up and yes there is a challenge there. "
3/6. “But why are we just talking about developing countries, in developed countries we also have corruption, legalising lobbying is corruption, double counting #ClimateFinance is corruption.”
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1/4. “When we talk about #Equity, developing countries will also practise #Equity. Trust them.” @harjeet11 of @CANIntl explains why developing countries must be able to decide who can access support from the #LossAndDamage Fund at the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58). 🧵 Image
2/4. “All developing countries should be eligible [to access the #LossAndDamage Fund] and it is important to keep that language for unity. We know that it is LDC’s, SIDs & Africa that are going to be prioritised. Rich countries should trust developing countries to sort that out.”
3/4. “When we look at Pakistan, when we look at Colombia, Philippines, they don't fall in those categories, so how are you going to support them? If developing countries can decide, there can be a response when needed."
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1/4.@harjeet11 of @CANIntl highlights the progress made so far via the Transitional Committee of the #LossAndDamage and the #GlasgowDialogue on #LossAndDamage at the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58). Image
2/4. So far Parties have recognised:

1⃣The need for the #LossAndDamage fund to be flexible, programmatic and have different windows;

2⃣The need for trigger based disbursement;

3⃣The need for #LossAndDamage to not cause debt;
3/4. Whilst on of the big challenges we still face in operationalising a fit-for-purpose #LossAndDamage Fund at #COP28 is:

"Rich countries look at the #LossAndDamage Funding Arrangements rather that the placing a much bigger role than the #LossAndDamage Fund."
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1/38. Today is the eighth day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw the closing plenary of the Technical Dialogue of the #GST, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork, the continuation of the #NCQG’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue and the first stocktaking plenary. 🧵 Image
2/38. Today also saw a focus on #HumanRights with a number of side events and an action drawing attention to the key message that “there can be no #ClimateJustice without #HumanRights”.
3/38. Joining "No #ClimateJustice without #CivicSpace and #HumanRights: zooming in on the @UNFCCC process"* with @ciel_tweets, @amnesty and @350, we heard important messages on the need for safe #CivicSpace under the @UNFCCC so that we can make our #LossAndDamage demands heard!
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1/4. “It is very surprising that at this time we are still arguing for #HumanRights [within multilateral processes]. We are facing harassment, surveillance and sexual harassment...Countries normally vocal are remaining quiet.” @CamilaZepedaL, Head of Delegation, Mexico 🇲🇽. Image
2/3. "As a country we speak up and defend #Pariticpation, defend #HumanRights, we are left alone in many negotiating rooms, including those discussing #LossAndDamage."
3/4. "We have made complaints as a government...Host agreements (for @UNFCCC COP's) going forwards need to protect accountability, the right to assembly and #FreeSpeech. We have proposed language to make sure those agreements public and transparent to ensure #HumanRights."
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At 1pm CEST in roughly 2.5 hours @GretaThunberg will return to the UNFCCC process for the first time in three years and hold a Press Conference at #BonnClimateConference. Image
The first press conference this morning has relatively few attendees. Chinese Youth are talking up the need for immediate and accelerating urgent action. ImageImageImageImage
Ye Wang is a 16 year old Chinese youth activist. Image
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Yesterday, the #BonnClimateConference saw heated discussions. Rich countries like the US, UK and European Union prevented developing nations from including climate finance in the agenda.

A quick #thread on how rich nations evade responsibility for providing climate finance 1/12 Image
In 2010, developed nations promised to mobilise $100bn by 2020 to help poorer nations meet climate targets. This is in line with the UN Convention which mandates developed nations to lead the provision of finance to fight climate change. This, however, remains unfulfilled 2/12
"We are still waiting for the $100 billion," developing countries said on Monday.

This comes at a time when talks are ongoing to decide on a new climate finance goal — the New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate Finance or NCQG — by 2025. 3/12
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Update: After the previous meeting, the facilitators produced this draft decision:…

We came back together yesterday afternoon, and it was NOT pretty or encouraging. Apparently the concept of a Just Transition is objectionable to some Parties at #SB58
The US, UK, Australia, and Japan all took the floor in quick succession to brashly insist on a few points which are inaccurate (e.g. that the mandate of the work programme is severely restricted, when in fact it is to discuss pathways for achieving the goals of Paris)
But whether or not their interpretation is correct, it is alarming to see such a violent reaction to the idea that we should discuss the social and economic aspect of the impacts of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, ie the Just Transition.
Read 9 tweets
1/30. Today is the seventh day of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) and it saw an intense second plenary on the adoption of the agenda, discussions on the #SantiagoNetwork and the start of the New Collective Quantified Goal’s 6th Technical Expert Dialogue on #ClimateFinance.🧵 Image
2/30. This morning kicked of with the event “Linking #LossAndDamage to Conflict Affected and Fragile Settings” held alongside the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) with @FriEnt_news, @IDOS_research and @BROT_furdiewelt. Key messages included:
3/30. Steffen Bauer of @IDOS_research: “#LossAndDamage has become a reality even only at 1.1°C degree of heating. It puts lives and livelihoods at risk today…Every increment of warming that we can avoid makes a difference.” Image
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1/3. ⚠️BREAKING ⚠️: The second plenary of the #BonnClimateConference (#SB58) has closed without the adoption of the agenda. This means that all work done at #SB58 could be lost. Consultations will now continue to try to find a way to adopt the agenda at the closing plenary. Image
2/3.The issue at stake is the inclusion of a new agenda item proposed by the LMDC group and supported by the G77 and China, ALBA and AILAC on "scaling up ambition for #MitigationFinace". With the LMDC saying that it will not allow the agenda to include the #MitigationWorkplan.
3/3.The EU and others have said they wont adopt the agenda without the issue of #Mitigation being discussed. However within the plenary, many developing countries made it very clear that discussions on #Mitigation must include finance to deliver concrete #Mitigation action!
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The « Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty » - launched in Sweden at a « Stockholm+50 » @UNEP 50th Anniversary event last June is having a side event today at #BonnClimateConference ImageImage
Audience interaction starts the session

2 questions:

1/ Stand up if you see enough progress in fossil fuel phaseout in your country (1 person)

2/ Stand up if you think there is insufficient action in your country. (Most of the Room) Image
Alex Rafalowicz is a spokesperson for the Fossil Fuel Treaty effort and provided a brief introduction to the treaty which you see below in three parts. 1/3
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Namibia and Germany colonialism  - #BonnClimateConference Activist action advisory THREAD:

Fridays For Future Windhoek (FFFWHK) in collaboration with Fridays For Future Bonn (FFFBONN) will be a staging a peaceful Protest on Wednesday 14/06/2023 at 18h30 at the Poppelsdorf…… Image

A live performance where the audience can participate will take place with the aim of working on collective trauma healing for both Namibians and German People. 

Climate Justice is about social Justice. It is a painful chapter for the decadents of the Ovaherero and Nama…… Image


Jakapita Kandanga has been with FFFWHK since 2018 and is a direct descendant of a Genocide survivor or related to others who did not make it. Her grandmother told her stories that we might have read as outsiders.

Ina-Maria Shikongo was born in a refugee camp…… Image
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1/5. “It's the first time that no one is ignoring #LossAndDamage or talking #LossAndDamage under #Adaptation, especially developing countries who want to avoid their historic responsibility.” @SabineMinninger of @BROT_furdiewelt #BonnClimateConference (#SB58).🧵 Image
2/5. “What is needed is a #LossAndDamage Fund under the @UNFCC, with needs based finance, a window for rapid onset events, a window for slow onset and importantly a window for small grants directly accessible to communities.”
3/5. “Developed countries are pointing heavily to existing funding arrangements. But this will not do. We need finance that is additional to Official Development Assistance (ODA), additional to #Mitigation, and additional to #Adaptation.”
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The cycle climate justice protest arrives at #BonnClimateConference. THREAD
A speaker from Bangladesh.
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Heading back down to day 5 of #BonnClimateConference the walk up the Rhine, into a warm Easterly wind is stunning. This afternoon will see a Friday’s for Future (@GretaThunberg) protest from around 4.30pm
Yesterday evening I had the pleasure of joining a group of young climate Activists here for the intersessionals meeting (#MidCop) who were preparing banners for use in the March which will begin in the HofGarten outside the university in the heart of Bonn. ImageImageImageImage
A new idea being floated at this year’s #BonnClimateConference is a « Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation treaty the purpose of which (as I understand it) is to prevent fossil fuel colonisation around the globe by banning fossil fuel companies from entering/exploring any new…… Image
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Press Conference of a Pan African Climate Justice Alliance civil society organisations about to begin. #BonnClimateConference live thread…. Image
Opening statement part one….
Opening statement part two…
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The UkraineWar and wider issues related to Geopolitics are having an increasing impact at #BonnClimateConference on day three of the #COP28 intersessional meeting which concludes on June 15.
On Day 1 of #BonnClimateConference Ukraine and Russia exchanged words in the extended opening plenary about the war. The meeting was ultimately adjourned due to a lack of agreement on the formal Agenda. (Albeit not related to the war)

During the exchanges several delegations……
Meanwhile in the Gulf (Middle East) there is another complex Geopolitical situation developing following a statement from the Iranians asserting that Gulf Countries (Iran, Saudi and the UAE (the President of #COP28 will take over naval security from a US led force.
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Whilst waiting I’ve been looking at this, a document assessing competing bids to host the Santiago Network… which was finally agreed to go forward - to. E operationalised - at COP27 in Sharm-el-Sheikh. Image
The history of the “Loss & Damages” work program within the UNFCCC post the Paris Treaty is somewhat fraught politically which makes the decision making process on this question politically interesting. And the increasing incidence of weather disasters needing a “loss & damages”……
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UN Klimakonferenz #SB58 wird vom 5. bis 15. Juni 2023 in @BundesstadtBonn stattfinden.

Teilnahme afrikanischer Aktivist*innen ist wichtig!
#BonnClimateConference @UNFCCC 1/🧵 Sharepic: Teilnahme afrikan...
Afrikanische Aktivist*innen beklagen, dass ihnen der Zugang zu der Konferenz durch bürokratische Hürden und schwierige Visaprozesse erschwert oder sogar unmöglich gemacht wird.

2/ #BonnClimateConference #SB58 #OurVoicesMatter "As Africans we have c...
Diese jungen afrikanischen Stimmen verdienen es aber, auf der #SB58 gehört zu werden und zu den entscheidenden Klimadiskussionen in Bonn beitragen zu können.

3/ #BonnClimateConference #SB58 #OurVoicesMatter "The UN and UNFCCC kee...
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1/16. #COP27 officially began today with the ceremonial opening taking place in the plenary this morning and we have already seen significant developments on #LossAndDamage. Here is our summary on day one of #COP27. 🧵
2/16. After opening the COP the @COP27P announced that "Matters relating to funding arrangements responding to #LossAndDamage associated with the adverse effects of #ClimateChange, including a focus on addressing #LossAndDamage." would be a sub-agenda item under finance.
3/16. Following the announcement, the @COP27P president expressed that he welcomed the decision, before praising the tireless efforts of civil society, to whom he said we owe a “debt of gratitude” for constant pressure to act on #LossAndDamage finance:
Read 16 tweets

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