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بتر کال سال شاید قشنگ‌ترین سریالِ دورانِ پسا برکینگ‌بدِ دنیای تلویزیون باشه!
نکته جالب اینکه اسپین‌آفی از همون کاراکترِ وکیلِ برکینگ بد، یعنی جیمی مک‌گیل هستش که نقشی فرعی در اون سریال داشت.
تایملاین حوادث و اتفاقات این سریال، چند سال پیش از سریال برکینگ‌بد، شروع می‌شه. ImageImageImageImage
مسیر داستان طی شش فصل به تدریج و با حوصله، سیر تغییرو تحول و قوس شخصیتی و تبدیل جیمی مک‌گیل به هیولایی که داخل برکینگ بد دیدیم یعنی «سال گودمن» رو نشونمون می‌ده.
نقطه قوت سریال معرفی شخصیت‌های جدیدی هست که داخل برکینگ بد ندیدیم ولی از لحاظ پرداخت شخصیتی و درگیر شدن ذهنِ ImageImageImageImage
بیننده همرده با اون‌ها هستن.

جذاب‌ترین کاراکتر سریال بنظرم کیم وکسلر هستش، حتی جا داشت اسم سریال رو «بتر کال کیم» می‌ذاشتن! 😅
در نگاه اول کیم شخصیتی قانون مدار بنظر میاد اما در طی داستان و با توجه به فلش بک‌ها و هم‌نشینی و معاشرت با جیمی شاهد فوران نیمه‌ی تاریک وجودش هستیم ImageImageImageImage
Read 22 tweets
[#BETTERCALLSAUL] 1 - Avec un peu de retard, je viens d'achever cette série à laquelle justice n'a pas été pleinement rendue au cours des six saisons de sa diffusion sur @AMCPlus. La raison tient probablement à ce qu'elle fut regardée comme une version dérivée de #BreakingBad.
2 - Or, réduire l'ascension et la chute de Jimmy McGill/SaulGoodman à une simple extension de l'ascension et de la chute de Walter White/Heisenberg revient à ignorer à quel point #BetterCallSaul offrit une qualité d'écriture et d'interprétation digne de sa devancière.
3 - Si les chemins de Saul Goodman et Walter White finissent par se croiser, jamais #BetterCallSaul ne s'est réduite à une oeuvre dépendante ou à un faire-valoir de #BreakingBad. Dès le début, les manigances de Jimmy McGill portent un récit autonome, riche, complexe et original.
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New in @NEJM– I argue that medical societies should support (socially, financially, legally…) members who disobey state laws that put pregnant patients at risk of harm. *Professional* civil disobedience has some important unique features. A🧵… 1/…
First, you should know that there is remarkably strong agreement among medical associations that the #Dobbs decision was a terrible mistake and an infringement on fundamental human rights. Just try Googling “medical association statements on Dobbs” 2/…
75 orgs, led by @AmerMedicalAssn and @ACOG said #Dobbs “will harm patients, impair the integrity of the medical profession, and have a devastating and unquantifiable impact on the patients and clinicians...” 3/…
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And here’s the first of my #BetterCallSaul Finale behind-the-scenes #tidbit threads!

(Be forewarned, some SPOILERS abound. So mute if you must!)

Let’s start with the airplane scene because that’s the first thing we filmed. My trailer door’s window with a “Better Call Saul” log
It was first because apparently there are only a few good plane sets floating around and we had to highjack the opportunity when it came (Which happened to be in December when it was being transported coast-to-coast)

The fuselage is behind these giant screens on a stage in ABQ. A wide angle shot of the inside of a sound stage. In the dee
A couple weeks before filming I nearly chopped part of my finger off opening a box (safety first! next time!). I was to get my stitches out the day AFTER filming, but I was worried my bandage would show. So I just…pulled them out myself.

Here’s a gross picture of my stitches! Nasty-ass picture of my middle finger stitched up after I al
Read 10 tweets
We're live! Join us for a discussion on the #BetterCallSaul series finale.…
We're talking about the #BetterCallSaul finale right now with @GeBraxton, who caught up with @mrbobodenkirk yesterday about the finale and leaving this iconic character behind.…
If you need more Kim Wexler in your life after last night's #BetterCallSaul finale, don't miss @villarrealy talking to @rheaseehorn on The Envelope podcast. This image is a photo of Rh...
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.@mrbobodenkirk reacts to the @BetterCallSaul series finale and bids farewell to the character of Jimmy McGill: “I’m a little shattered about it.”…
“People who are dialed into the show like I am will feel the same way I did when I first read it,” he says of the #BetterCallSaul finale script. “There’s a degree of self-awareness this character gains that I always knew he was capable of.”…
“It was almost frustrating for me that he hadn’t shown it,” Odenkirk says of Jimmy McGill’s self-awareness. “In the final episode, he surrenders to the self-awareness he’s always had. It’s pretty cool, and very satisfying to me.”…
Read 12 tweets
BREAKING BAD se ha convertido en una de las series más prestigiosas de todos los tiempos, para muchos es una de las mejores. Nacida en la "Edad de Oro" de las series... Buen motivo para iniciar estos hilos de Series. Hilo de CURIOSIDADES #BreakingBad #Cinemelodic
Showtime, TNT y HBO rechazaron, con todos sus huevazos, la serie. En 2005, FX intervino y comenzó a desarrollar el capítulo piloto, para descartarlo finalmente por “Dirt”, serie protagonizada por Courteney Cox, buscando espectadores femeninos. #BreakingBad #Cinemelodic
“Dirt” duró un par de años… Según Vince Gilligan, la HBO no mostró interés ni siquiera en el lanzamiento, describiendo la reunión con su responsable como la peor que ha tenido en su vida.#BreakingBad #Cinemelodic
Read 94 tweets
As usual, let's start the #BetterCallSaul ep 611 "Breaking Bad" thread with: The Board.

All the writers talked over the beats of the episode & I distilled the scenes as much as possible into these index cards. Some are stacked because I wrote too many cards & ran out of room. Image
The original location where #BreakingBad 208 shot Saul at the grave doesn't exist anymore, so for #BetterCallSaul 611 we found the field you see in daytime pic & plowed it over to look like the nighttime shots. And how great was @mrbobodenkirk going classic Saul Goodman?!? ImageImageImageImage
We were scheduled to shoot 611 late in 2021, but because of actor schedules I had to write the RV scene much earlier, & our crew had to build it! That's ace Production Designer Denise Pizzini giving @petergould @smadadp & me a work-in-progress tour mid-April 2021. #BetterCallSaul ImageImage
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15 Must Watch Tv series

(A Thread) #TVseries #TopTen2blue Image
1. #GameOfThrones (8s - 73epi)
2. #BreakingBad (5s - 62epi)
Famous ones.. ImageImage
3. #Dexter (8s - 96epi)
Lots of Blood
Dexter Morgan💥💥 Image
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A Thread For List of series I have ever watched(Part 1)
Series 1-100
#TvSeries #Kdrama #Anime
Some of my fav's👇 Image
1. #TheFlash (133epi - 6S - Currently Watching)
My First Ever series.
Started watching On - 07.11.2017
First Few seasons are great but after that becomes very average..

S01 - 4.75
S02 - 4.25/5
S03 - 4/5
S04-S05 - 3.25
S06 - 2.75/5

#Shows2blue #CW #DC Image
2. #StrangerThings (25epi - 3S)
Started Watching On - 12.12.2017
Great One

S01,S02 - 4.5/5
S03 - 4.25/5

#Shows2blue # Image
Read 101 tweets
The little bug crawling around under the fake bug exterminator tent...

The details.



Scarface on the TV.

The detail on this show.

Read 7 tweets
Mi parte favorita de #ElPadrino es cuando el bigote de Don Corleone se convierte en un árbol.
¿Aprovechamos para abrir hilo sobre el "match cut"? Va. El #MatchCut en una transición entre dos planos que une dos elementos visuales de ambos con una intención narrativa. Se puede hacer mediante fundido, como en el caso anterior, o como en este caso en #Aliens (1986).
O el comienzo de #CiudadanoKane (1941) que es sencillamente una magistral sucesión de varios match cuts. Fijaos en la ventana iluminada de la mansión, como no pierde su lugar en la composición plano tras plano.
#cine #montaje #MatchCut #CitizenKane #HiloDeCine #DeshilachandoCine
Read 27 tweets
The battle of review bombing between #AttackOnTitan fandom and other fandoms, particularly #BreakingBad fandom, is just plain ridiculous. It is one the reasons why I never rate any show and try to keep it like a descriptive discussion when I review anything.
Are you people insane or what? Why any fandom has to be so concerned about how other shows are rated?! What is this obsession with rankings. Why can't people just bask in the glory of these shows? Think yourself as lucky that you got to witness such masterpieces in your lifetime.
Cinema is subjective and different works can mean different things to people. The number of 10 star rating is not limited for you. Yes a hundred different shows or movies can be a 10 for you. Each work of fiction is unique in what it excels at.
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Nobody - 2021

இந்த படத்தை பற்றி பார்க்குறதுக்கு முன்னாடி ... உங்களுக்கு ஆக்ஷன் திரில்லர் படங்கள் பிடிக்கும் என்றாலோ, John Wick series படங்கள் பிடிக்கும் என்றாலோ யோசிக்காமல் படத்தை பாருங்கள்.

தரமான ஆக்ஷ்ன் என்டர்டெயின்மென்ட் கேரண்டி. 👍👍

#tamilhollywoodreviews #Tamil
ஹீரோ ஒரு குடும்பஸ்தன் . இரண்டு குழந்தைகள் மற்றும் மனைவியுடன் வம்பு தும்புக்கு போகாமல் அமைதியாக வாழ்ந்து வருகிறார்.

ஒரு நாள் பஸ்ஸில் தனியாக வரும் பெண்ணுக்கு உதவி செய்ய போய் ரஷ்ய கும்பலுடன் பகை ஏற்படுகிறது.

ரஷ்ய கும்பல் தலைவன் இவனை கொல்ல ஆள் அனுப்புகிறான்.
ஆனால் ஹீரோ எல்லாத்தையும் பிரிச்சு மேஞ்சு விடுகிறான்.
அப்புறம் என்ன வில்லன் குரூப்பை எப்படி போட்டுத்தள்ளுகிறான் என்பது மீத படம்.

படத்துல லாஜிக், கதை எல்லாம் பார்க்க கூடாது.

20 நிமிடங்கள் மெதுவாக போகிறது படம். பஸ்ஸில் நடக்கும் சண்டையுடன் படம் வேகம் எடுக்கிறது.
Read 16 tweets
Not a lot of people know this, but @Soundsaboutleft’s real name is Walter White. They made a little documentary about him for the flashy box called Breaking Bad Boys.

Here’s how he started down this pathway to perdition and a blue obsession.

As you can see from the attached photo, he got really into hazmat suits and house tenting.

(I created that from some random ass site and it’s too perfect not to share)
So join me as we watch the pilot episode of Left’s journey to Breaking Not So Well.
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[DAY 21/24]

For this last #AdventCalendar week, (re)discover our Let's STEAM resources! Starting with #HandsOn #STEAM activities for #home or in the #class, inspired by #societal, #artistic and #scientific challenges👏

⤵️ Discover them in the thread below!
Start easy mixing #music, #mathematics and #computerscience

Discover the #GuerillaGardening initiatives, #smartgardening #DIY projects as well as the @farmbotio #OpenSource #CNC Farming solution!

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Thread: My #Netflix recommendations. Will keep posting here. The posts are not in the order of recommendation.. Image
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How various characters from #HomicideLifeOnTheStreet would respond to the #COVID19 virus: A thread. (Some entries by @kcarissimi. Please submit your own suggestions using the hashtag #HLOTSCOVID19.)
BAYLISS: Constantly nagging Frank that they need to glove up for Mary & Olivia's sake. Reminding Frank about the memo on handwashing & the importance of putting a mask on. Asks to quarantine at Frank's place. #HLOTSCOVID19
HOWARD: Leading the squad's quarantine efforts while wearing a hazmat suit. #HLOTSCOVID19
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Favorite Prison Movies:

Cool Hand Luke
Shawshank Redemption
Escape from Alcatraz
The Great Escape
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Green Mile
Chicken Run
One of my favorite scenes of all time from Casino... Martin Scorsese’s direction and the absolute verbal brutality of Joe Pesci makes this beyond brilliant... almost feel sad for Deniro here... Classic! 👍
Point Break is one of my favorite movies. It was directed by Katherine Bigelow and is non stop fun.

Bodi, played by the late Patrick Swayze had one of the best quotes ever:

“Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true”

Brilliant! Image
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Pretty excited because just about to hear @adele_ferguson interviewed by @jameschessell at the launch of #bankingbad at @Gleebooks (Is it possible to heart a royal commission because I do?)
@adele_ferguson @jameschessell @Gleebooks everybody is here including @jmwhistleblower (bless his cotton socks) for the launch of @adele_ferguson's #bankingbad here at @Gleebooks
@adele_ferguson @jameschessell @Gleebooks @jmwhistleblower And @jameschessell tells @adele_ferguson how much he enjoyed the book. Entertaining. Infuriating. Depressing. It has new insights. They've worked together on a few big yarns but "none bigger than this" #bankingbad @Gleebooks
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Today begins prep of #BetterCallSaul Ep. #509. Over next bunch of days I'll try to describe what that process is (without giving anything away).

First thing arriving at the studio, a Teamster told me, "Banks wanted me to tell you 'Go fuck yourself.'" So off to the right start!
We start the day in a van with our Ace driver Steve looking for possible locations to shoot.
In the van Day 1 of 509 prep is our Assistant Director, Rich S, who schedules order we shoot scenes; our location manager, Christian, who finds these amazing locations; our production designer, Mark F, who makes everything spectacular, & our amazing producer Melissa Bernstein.
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El estreno de #StrangerThings es la noticia más importante en @NetflixLAT y @laubf te cuenta todo lo que dejó el post estreno. @Late931Oficial @lolibelotti Image
Un estudio de @truthinitiative indicó series de #Netflix que hacen un uso exclusivo del tabaco. @Late931Oficial @lolibelotti #Series…
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Es todo un tema para comentar acá porque la gente está tomada por el fanatismo: la mayoría odió esta temporada y están predispuestos desde el capítulo 1 porque la serie no cumplió sus expectativas (algo que es lógico, pero muchos confunde la forma con el fondo) Abro Hilo:
Yo estoy satisfecho con lo que sucedió porque dramáticamente siempre estuvo allí. Aunque muchos no lo leyeron -o no quisieron hacerlo-, la historia iba encaminada hasta llevarnos a este desenlace, tanto en el desarrollo de sus personajes como toda la controversia del trono.
Lo podemos ver por un tema de simetría (que lo debes recordar de clases, siempre les decía que todo está en los primeros planos, a veces literal, otras simbólico): serie comienza con la caída de Bran, termina con el ascenso de Bran...
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El chapo guilty on all counts.
Odds of a tunnel being built under a federal prison?
Or what are the odds ICE shows up in court and deports him? Because that will teach him for breaking American laws!
Read 3 tweets

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