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We all think we're rational human beings. So let's put that to a test in a little thread, with sources.

This is for those who are in a terrible tizz right now, and think Gary Lineker is actual Satan.
"We are taking too many immigrants"

There are 281 million migrants globally.…

We took 90,000…

That's 0.032%.

We have 0.9% of the global population, so to just do "our part" we should take 3x as many.
"Immigration would ruin our economy".

German will take 1.2 million this year.…

We will take about 90,000.

GDP per capita
Germany: $51,203
UK: $46,510…
Read 26 tweets
What's extraordinary about the @usnews Best Colleges reputation wurvey is that ANYONE FILLS IT OUT AT ALL.

Let's take a look 🧵
The most heavily weighted single factor in the Best Colleges rankings is Undergraduate Academic Reputation, which USN calls "Expert Opinion." Image
Here's the thing: there is absolutely no way the presidents, provosts, and deans of admissions they send the survey to can be qualified to answer the questions, let alone claim expertise. Image
Read 13 tweets
I was telling my husband about a #childsexabuse case that I was prosecuting, and he asked me "Does he have any history?" --- and I realized this is something we need to be talking about. 🧵 1/
"Does he have any history?" is NOT a valid question in child sex abuse cases. I don't care if he's 102 years old.

You can NOT rely on history. Abusers go DECADES without getting caught. And initial reports are silenced, overlooked, and disregarded. (i.e. Larry Nasser) 2/
I once had a case of an 80 year old man who drove the church bus and had ZERO record (not even a parking ticket) who gave a FULL CONFESSION after his victim came forward.

No one wanted to believe her b/c he had NO history. 3/
Read 5 tweets
Kävin Kiovassa vuonna 2009. Venäjän aloitettua raakalaismaisesti laajamittaisen hyökkäyksen Ukrainaan, ovat ajatukset olleet siellä usein. Päätin palata myös vanhoihin valokuviin. Tässä muutama kuva ja ajatus Kiovasta. 🧵 1/
Kävin Kiovassa vuonna 2009. Se oli oranssin vallankumouksen (2004) jälkeen ja ennen Euromaidan-kumousta (2014). Niiden välissä Venäjä-mielinen Viktor Janukovytš ehti olla presidenttinä vuosina 2010-2014. 2/
Kansan palvelija -televisiosarjasta tutun Verh'ovna Radan edessä oli silloinkin ihmisiä. Sarjan tähti, koomikko Volodymyr Zelenskyi valitiin myöhemmin (2014) Ukrainan presidentiksi.
Read 16 tweets
.@elonmusk called the thing "hyperloop" because it's supposed to reach hypersonic speed, but now everyone uses the term to refer to any maglev train in their backyard. For reference, hypersonic speed starts at about 6000 km/h.

This, btw, is not to say that I'm against the project or anything. Though 3,5 million sound like an underestimate. If I was minister I would believe this number for a second.
Sorry, 3.5. For peculiar reasons the Germans use a "," instead of a "." to indicate the first decimal. (Now try to imagine how much of a mess that is in Excel.)
Read 6 tweets
#ElonMusk decides not to join #Twitter’s board a week after becoming the largest shareholder of the company…

By @jainrounak Image
#ElonMusk has declined the appointment to #Twitter’s board of directors, a week after acquiring a 9.2% stake in the social media company. The announcement was made by Twitter's new chief executive officer, #ParagAgrawal. Image
The Tesla cofounder was earlier appointed to the board of directors of #Twitter, but on the day of his appointment going into effect, Musk declined the offer.

Read 9 tweets
I asked SpaceX head of comms this weekend on details about Starlink in Ukraine. Didn't hear back. Still not clear on what's being provided to whom and how it will function amid the conflict. Will report on it if I get answers from the co. (or employees) obviously.
Critics cast a skeptical eye on seemingly noble Musk promises. Why? There was the "mini-sub" he said Tesla would develop to help rescue kids from a flooded cave system in Thailand. It was promoted, went nowhere and drew criticism resulting in this fight:…
Musk also said he'd donate "FDA-approved ventilators" to hospitals (after downplaying covid19 and comparing it to the common cold). The ventilators were cpap and bipap machines-… still valuable- but not the invasive vents hospitals use to treat...
Read 11 tweets
Wait. The Oregon father’s name is really SCHMECK? The writers outdid themselves on this episode.
Jared Schmeck's employer appears to be his father's company, Winema Electric in Oregon

1. Telling someone to Go F yourself is not "Christian values"

2. Joking? Jared should tell someone Go F yourself in a bar

3. Has Jared apologized to President Biden?

4. Consequence Culture
"The phrase 'Let’s Go, Brandon' has become a conservative dig at the Democratic president, a code for “F--- Joe Biden”

Jared Schmeck must apologize to President Biden. Actions have consequences.

Read 11 tweets
As a @CatholicUniv @CUACanonLaw student, I have questions for @CatholicPres:

1) Since the icon was at a chapel entrance, why do you call the theft mere "bullying"? Why not call it what it is--blasphemy?
2) Is the theft being investigated as a possible hate crime? (It should be.)
I'm also puzzled, @CatholicPres, at your writing, "our Law School has always seen the figure as Jesus," by which you apparently mean that the figure can't represent _both_ Jesus _and_ George Floyd (i.e., inviting us to see Jesus in Floyd). (2 of 4)
Before saying "our Law School has always seen the figure as Jesus," did you consult @CathULaw's Regina Jefferson or Shani Butts? At the icon's blessing, they seemed to interpret it within the artist's intended dual symbolism--both Jesus and Floyd.… (3 of 4)
Read 5 tweets
Lots going on here, but the finding that white applicants have lied more about identifying with another racial or ethnic group, mostly claiming Native American identities, suggests the stereotype that not being white means the admissions bar is lower 1/n…
We also saw similar findings in the Varsity Blues scandal: parents would change their kids’ race/ethnicity thinking it would give them an advantage in highly selective admissions (aka among the highly reject live colleges as @akilbello describes them). 2/n
Research shows that Black & Latinx applicants’ odds of admissions to selective colleges has fallen since the early 1970s. White applicants fare better as a result of the accumulated racial privilege in schooling in combination with many other societal advantages. 3/n
Read 19 tweets
There are massive swaths of the Texas historical experience we would have no idea existed if Russell Lee hadn't spent so much time here.
Some of my favorite Russell Lee pictures from Corpus Christi, taken in 1949. . . .

Children at Lamar School playground.

Some of my favorite Russell Lee pictures from Corpus Christi, taken in 1949. . . .

Man studying for a night school class in a barbershop window. This one sent me to the 1949 city directory to find Memo's place.

Read 7 tweets
I recently spoke at the @chestertonsoc conference on “Chesterton and My Jewish/Catholic Journey.” When Society prez Dale Ahlquist asked me to speak on being a Jew who converted to Catholicism after reading GKC, I told him I wrestled with Chesterton’s writings on Jews. (1/35) Image
Dale encouraged me to speak honestly of that wrestling, and I am grateful. I’d like to share some highlights from my talk.

I’ll skip the part about how I discovered Chesterton, as I’ve discussed that elsewhere (see…). (2/35)
The first part of my talk focused on how Chesterton shaped my understanding of morality. I identified six moral imperatives I learned from him. Then I read quotations from him on Jews. Finally, I recommended judging his writings on Jews by his own moral imperatives. (3/35) Image
Read 38 tweets
It’s late so I’ll save more thoughts for but ICYMI the latest big tech #antitrust case has been filed
These days whenever such a case is filed my first 2 questions are: what actions do they allege are negatively impact consumer welfare (particularly when consumers often benefiting) & what are they considering the market (this seems to be particularly an issue for tech cases)?
More thoughts and links to relevant work to come tomorrow
Read 10 tweets
Spent the past 24 hours dispairing of people's stupidity over Brexit and Cornwall. Again.

But this time it's some (only some) Remainers with their Schadenfreude over Cornwall's justified demand for UK-level replacement of the EU ERDF/ESF funds.

Friendly fire really hurts.
Let's set the facts straight. The Leave/Remain split in Cornwall overall was 56:44, and not in every consituency. So not "you Cornish all voted Leave, suck it up", then.

Some of us fought tooth and nail both before and after the Referendum to try to prevent this.
Let's look at why Cornwall voted Leave...

We know that Leave correlates strongly with age - Cornwall has a strongly age-skewed population.

We know that it found favour in ex-industrial areas feeling left behind - away from the tourist coast, that's Cornwall in a nutshell.
Read 9 tweets
#TheCompleteBeethoven #344

Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68 "Pastoral" (1807-8)

1/ "No one can love the country as much as I do. For surely woods, trees, and rocks give back the echo which man desires to hear." - Ludwig van Beethoven, 1810
2/ As a boy Ludwig and his father Johann van Beethoven went for hikes along the River Rhine. "Everlastingly dear to me", these journeys sometimes lasted several days. They stand out like a beacon among many more unhappy memories of his strict, abusive, alcoholic father. Image
3/ The adult Beethoven continued to took regular walks among the woods and fields around Vienna, and nature was a constant source of inspiration:

"You will ask me whence I take my ideas? I cannot say with any certainty: they come to me uninvited, directly or indirectly..." Julius Schmid (1854–1935): Beethoven’s Walk in Nature
Read 70 tweets
Reading @NASAOIG's report on NASA's management of the Commercial Crew program, which can be found here:…

"Final vehicle certification for both contractors will likely be delayed at least until Summer 2020."
@NASAOIG "NASA continues to accept deferrals or changes to components and capabilities originally planned to be demonstrated on each contractor’s uncrewed test flights. Taken together, these factors may elevate the risk of a significant system failure."
@NASAOIG "NASA will likely experience a reduction in the number of USOS crew aboard the ISS from three to one beginning in spring 2020 given schedule delays in the development of Boeing and SpaceX space flight systems coupled with a reduction in the frequency of Soyuz flights."
Read 10 tweets
This isn't a crazy argument. Stone/Manafort's innovation, years ago, was to realize that once (as campaign consultants) they helped elect a candidate, they then has outsized influence with that politician which they could peddle as lobbyists. Lobbying is where the big $ are...
... So they began offering their campaign consultant services for FREE. Stone worked for Bob Dole for free. Manafort worked for Trump for free. Consulting was the loss leader that let them sell INFLUENCE over (Dole, Trump, etc.) for $ millions. ...
... So why would Stone tell Trump he had access to Assange, even if he didn't? Bec if his (not very risky) hunch was correct, and Assange did release dirt on Clinton, Stone would look like a Serious Player -- and Stone could peddle that.

Stone's defense = I was BSing the Prez.
Read 5 tweets
"ACT’s argument is that choice is good. A counterpoint is that chaos is bad."

ACT is going to let students retake a single section *on a computer*. This is the piece to read on this BFD in standardized testing.…
A couple thoughts:
Staffing proctors sounds like a mess.
Will there be equitable availability of this option? Will all sites will have a computer ACT?.
Tutors are going to benefit--take one more bite! That means the benefit could advantage the advantaged most of all.
Here's the nightmare scenario and gamesmanship that ACT just introduced:

Take the whole ACT once as a sophomore in the fall just to get the "one whole test" out of the way. Then spend sophomore, junior, and senior year working on one section at a time. You'd have 11 shots.
Read 23 tweets
Even the best intentions don't excuse the lack of research or reasoning. Where to start? Obvs, motor vehicle licenses barely cover their own plate and admin costs and they are "permissions" to take giant dangerous moving objects through public space, a public trust. 1/n #ldnont
Next, obviously people on bikes are pretty much regular people even if they are BIKE RIDING PINKOS and, although they should get tax breaks for riding a bike some of the time (I mean it, they should), they don't. They pay taxes & pay for roads even if they only use a sliver. 2/n
In fact, it's motoring that is subsidized by the public purse. In ever so many ways that include propping up a failing industry, for example, but also directly. It takes many more of us to pay for roads than actually use them. A simple search tells you about costs of modes. 3/n
Read 10 tweets
Most (all?) schools should be test optional, but that decision should be based on facts. Louis Menand is just wrong in this @NewYorker piece. Not sure what the basis for his claim it. Grades are better at predicting GPA and graduation, to be sure, but the gap is not large. ImageImage
If Professor Menand wants to call out something gross about the tests, he might look at how his employer uses them in academic ratings. Harvard thinks that there is a real difference between a score in the 790-800 range, one in the mid-700s, and one in the low 700s. Image
Let's just throw in here that the margin of error on the SAT is +/- 30 points, so that we should be really careful about looking at a 760 or a 790 as telling us anything different about an applicant. It's why the obsession with the 700s/1400s (1500s!) is so deeply harmful. Image
Read 16 tweets
The president of Harvard apologized for "suggest[ing]...that just as the 13th Amendment banned the ownership of African-Americans, Harvard’s individual schools could no longer “own” their specific wealthy graduates."

That's quite a glimpse into a mind.…
And he went for the classic "I'm sorry if you're feelings got hurt" apology, favored by people who apologize under duress. Why not just go for, "I'm sorry I said something offensive?" Image
If that's not enough for you, keep in mind that he said that as he was talking about *future* fundraising for Harvard, which last year closed a capital campaign that raised $9.6 BILLION. They paid $0 in taxes on that money.…
Read 5 tweets
Fair warning... Get ready for a thread celebrating H.H. the @DalaiLama's 84th birthday 🎂! Performances included! Honored to join @IRF_Ambassador, @AmbDMitchell, @USAID & @officeoftibet @NgodupTsering7 on the visit of the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts to the U.S. & Canada.
First, a #quote. Whether #HongKongProtests or #girlseducation in South Asia, or a myriad of issues in #America, don't forget:

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito." ~H.H. the Dalai Lama

Next: Get ready for some video! ⬇️
A beautiful evening begins w/ the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA), founded by the Dalai Lama in India, in exile from Tibet, in 1959. Then the Tibetan Music, Dance & Drama Society, it was established to preserve Tibetan artistic heritage, esp. opera, dance & music.
Read 16 tweets
1/ "I think we should never forget that Brexit is a problem created by Britain, so the onus is on them to come up with solutions." - Leo Varadkar.

No. It's this type of thinking that's the problem. Why should the UK's democratic and legal right to leave the EU, be seen as a
2/ "problem"?

The UK didn't magically create Article 50 out of thin air. It already existed under EU Law. All we're doing is exercising our right to action it.

The only "problem" here is the EU's intransigence, as they see fit to punish the UK for daring to leave. They wish to
4/ set an example of us, before others decide to do the same.

I've long argued that if the EU was the perfect utopia that Remainers believe it is, there wouldn't be any need to punish the UK. They could let us go, and we'd "suffer our fate", for the other members to see.
Read 5 tweets
Let's not forget that under slavery, African-American "unemployment" was 0%.
The Q is not whether a person works, but whether they can benefit from the work they do. If society is structured against this, unemployment #s mean nothing.
When folks who hold racist views celebrate low unemployment in the very groups they disdain, you can bet they aren't concerned about their holistic flourishing.
Read 12 tweets

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