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Mar 23rd 2023
गांधी जी और आचार्य चतुरसेन!!

‘बापू, यह हैं आचार्य चतुरसेन, महान इतिहासकार और लेखक,’
जमनालाल बजाज ने महात्मा गांधी से चतुरसेन का परिचय कराते हुए आगे कहा, ‘आपने कहा था ना नवजीवन के लिए संपादक चाहिए, यह सबसे योग्य पात्र हैं, इन्हें दे दीजिए यह कार्यभार।’

‘नमस्ते बापू’ आचार्य चतुरसेन ने गांधी जी का अभिवादन किया
‘नमस्ते शब्द में वेदों की बू आती है, यह ठीक नहीं है।’ गांधी जी बोले।
‘जी,’ आचार्य चतुरसेन आगे बोले, ‘तो फिर राम—राम बापू।’
‘देखे राम—राम बोलना हिन्दू—मुस्लिम एकता के लिए सही नहीं है।’ गांधी जी ने फिर कहा।
‘वंदेमातरम बापू।’ आचार्य जी ने पुन: अभिवादन किया।

‘नहीं वंदेमातरम् भी सही नहीं है, इसमें बुतपरस्ती की बू आती है। हमें आजादी चाहिए तो ऐसी भाषा का प्रयोग करना होगा, जिससे मुस्लिमों को ठेस न पहुंचे।’
‘जय बापू।’
Read 6 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
"The door is open for diplomacy... [nuclear deal] remains on the table."

While the regime in #Iran has been killing hundreds of people across the country, Rob Malley, the U.S. Special Rep. on Iran, continues to push the Biden admin's #appeasement policy.
Dec 17, 2021—Weeks left to rescue #Iran nuclear deal

Jan 31, 2022—Just a 'handful of weeks' left to strike nuclear deal

Feb 9—Biden admin believes it has until end of month to salvage Iran deal

July 12—France says only a few weeks left to save Iran deal

#No2Appeasement ImageImageImageImage
@StateDept @newtgingrich @NikkiHaley @RichardGrenell @SaraCarterDC @LeeSmithDC @dpatrikarakos @JessieJaneDuff @rising_serpent @AmandaMilius Jan 14—Blinken says 'a few weeks left' to save #Iran nuclear deal

March 7—Political decisions are needed 'in days' to secure Iran nuclear deal

July 27—Now is decision time if we are to save the Iran Nuclear Deal

Aug 28—This is last millimeter: Borrell says

#No2Appeasement ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 21st 2022
Per chi crede che sia una buona idea, dopo aver creduto per mesi che fosse una buona l'#Appeasement,
fare pressione affinché l'🇺🇦 sigli una tregua e ceda territori proprio ara che appare ovvio che la #russia sta perdendo la guerra, ho un altro precedente storico da segnalare:
Quello della 'vittoria mutilata'.

Ora che è chiaro che l'invasione di #putin é un fallimento, che il suo esercito avanza all'incontrario, e che gli ucraini cacciandoli a mano a mano dalla loro terra hanno la certezza non solo della vittoria,
ma degli orrori che troveranno nei territori liberati, credete davvero che forzarli in QUESTO momento a rinunciare alla liberazione dei propri connazionali sia un atto saggio e che favorisce la pacificazione dell'area?
Read 22 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
#Perun gibt einige interessante Denkanstöße, schießt aber manchmal über das Ziel hinaus. #Враньё ("Türken bauen") tritt in jeder Organisation auf.
#Gerasimow gilt im Westen als Kompetent (daher wurde ihm wohl #Schoigu vorgesetzt).

#Ukraine️ 1/
Die Reaktion des Westens war für jederman nicht vorhersehbar; auch @JoeriSchasfoort hat seine Einschätzung korrigiert - NACHDEM der Westen gezeigt hat, daß es diesmal keine Token-Sanktionen & #Appeasement gibt.
In den USA hat #nObama #GoldmanSachs gestützt, #LehmanBrothers aber bankrott gehen lassen - JEDE Aussage, wie die USA (geschweige denn "der Westen") reagieren werden, ist Kaffeesatzleserei.
Die Verteidigungsbereitschaft eines Landes (#Ukraine️) ist IMMER offen. 3/
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Aug 14th 2022

20 years ago today, the Iranian opposition NCRI unveiled for the first time two sites of #Iran's secret nuclear weapons program in Natanz & Arak.

Thanks to the West's appeasement, the ayatollahs are very close to the bomb.

#Iran IRGC’s Telegram channel posted a video saying regime is now able to quickly build nuclear weapons and its ICBMs can "turn New York into ruins and hell!"

Yet Biden and Europe are still begging for a highly flawed deal with Tehran.

July 17, 2022

Kamal Kharrazi, foreign policy advisor to #Iran's dictator Ali Khamenei:

Iran has become a nuclear threshold country. We have the technical capability to produce a nuclear bomb.
Read 13 tweets
Jul 27th 2022

The Biden admin’s appeasement of #Iran’s regime continues.

The latest episode involves the State Dept. spox describing the nuclear talks as "indefinite."

Unfortunately, there is more to Biden’s weak policy vis-à-vis Tehran.

March 3, 2022

Biden's Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says buying oil from #Iran, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, is “on the table.”

November 9, 2021

#Iran's access to cash bolstered by Biden's lax enforcement of sanctions on Tehran's illicit oil trade, which increased to record levels of over $31 billion amid a buying spree from China, the #1 importer of illegal Iranian crude oil.…
Read 12 tweets
Jul 20th 2022

Biden's State Dept. assures #Iran's regime, the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism, that there is no deadline in the nuclear talks.

Meaning—Tehran can continue their illicit nuclear [weapons] program w/o accountability.

AP reporter: It is completely fluid.

Price: It is a point at which we will no longer pursue the mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA [2015 #Iran nuclear deal].

AP reporter: Yeah, but that point could be tomorrow or it could be 5 years from now.

Price: That's correct. Image
Here's something you won't find on mainstream media:

#Iran has used the Obama/Biden years to extensively violate the 2015 nuclear deal. This was not the case during the Trump years.

Read my report based on credible sources.

Read 12 tweets
Jul 17th 2022
Senior adviser to #Iran's dictator Ali Khamenei says Tehran is 'capable of building nuclear bomb'

Just wait for the Biden admin, backed by Tehran's network of apologists/lobbyists, argue that there is a fatwa banning the regime from creating a bomb.…
"In a few days we were able to enrich uranium up to 60% and we can easily produce 90% enriched uranium ... Iran has the technical means to produce a nuclear bomb but there has been no decision by Iran to build one," Kamal Kharrazi said.
#Iran Image
Periodic reminder:
Kamal Kharrazi was the man former U.S. secretary of state John Kerry secretly met with in Paris back in May 2018 and probably told the Iranian delegation to wait out Trump’s first term.

Read 11 tweets
Jun 24th 2022

Former U.S. Vice President @Mike_Pence visits #Iran opposition PMOI/MEK in Ashraf 3, near Tirana, the capital of Albania, and meets with Iranian opposition President @Maryam_Rajavi.



@Mike_Pence @Maryam_Rajavi @FoxNews 2)
Pence denounced #Iran’s regime for “brutality” & urged the Biden admin not to renew a nuclear deal with Tehran, saying it would embolden the mullahs’ leadership.

@AP @washingtonpost…

Pence flew 5,000 miles (8,000 kilometers) from his home in Indiana to Albania to visit Ashraf-3, home to some 3,000 Iranian dissidents from the PMOI/MEK.


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Jun 23rd 2022
A session marking the beginning of #Iran's resistance against the mullahs' religious dictatorship and commemorating the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for freedom in Iran, and political prisoners staying resistant in the regime's prisons.
Pence is meeting with the National Council of Resistance of #Iran, an umbrella group for dissident teams that oppose the regime and which discovered assist from numerous Trump-era officers together with former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
We share a common cause for freedom in #Iran and the American people stand with you. The American people support your goal of establishing a secular and democratic government in Iran.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 12th 2022
Almost after 2 years , I had a chance to converse with one of my senior colleague who is getting retired soon. He's a BRAHMIN and I respect him a lot because of his knowledge, sincerity and caring. Due to his straightforwardness he lost many great opportunities in the company.
The meeting was unplanned but we spoke for about an hour. Remembered good old days and timeline moved to 2013-2014!

Thats the time , a group of us , die hard fans of Modi , using all the loopholes of company rules, have campaigned for Modi. The best one was NaMo campaign.
NaMo campaign - we stopped saying Hello, Hi, Bye, Good morning, evening .. everything and replaced with "NaMo". Lost a lot of close friends, colleagues , relatives 🤦! Spending money was another matter. We almost found an Avatar in Modi.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 30th 2022
"The only thing standing between the perpetrators of Butcha, Borodyanka, Mariupol and their potential future victims at this moment are the Armed Forces of Ukraine." A reply to all who confuse peace with subjugation of #Ukraine. Furious #Thread /1…
28 German academics & artists write an Open Letter to Chancellor Scholz.
In a nutshell: Because we fear nuclear war, Ukraine unfortunately must surrender. Supplying her with weapons is plunging us all into disaster! - An intellectual + political revelation. /2
Starting with what? With the cynicism of accusing the Ukrainian government and all who support it in its military resistance against Russia of being responsible for the suffering of Ukrainian civilians? Classic perpetrator-victim reversal. /3
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Apr 29th 2022
„Das Einzige, was in diesem Augenblick zwischen den Tätern von Butscha, Borodjanka, Mariupol und ihren potenziellen künftigen Opfern steht, sind die Streitkräfte der Ukraine.“ Eine Antwort an alle, die Frieden mit Unterwerfung der #Ukraine verwechseln.…
Ja, wenn Putin mit einem Atomkrieg droht, muss sich die Ukraine leider ergeben. Ihr Waffen zu liefern, stürzt uns alle ins Unglück! - Ein intellektueller und politischer Offenbarungseid. #Thread /2…
Womit beginnen? Mit dem Zynismus, dass der ukrainischen Regierung und allen, die sie in ihrem Abwehrkampf unterstützen vorgeworfen wird, sie seien verantwortlich für das Leiden der ukrainischen Zivilbevölkerung? Klassische Täter-Opfer-Umkehr. /3
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Apr 14th 2022
A thread👇🏻
On one hand,we are celebrating birth anniversary of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar ji,who was against the inclusion of #Article370 granting special status to Jammu & Kashmir.

But look what is being said going against the wishes&values of Dr.Ambedkar ji!…
And we’ve been hearing various statements by @NCPspeaks President @PawarSpeaks ji on #TheKashmiriFiles & it’s not surprising at all.
In fact,they are totally in line with NCP’s decades old track record of appeasement policy & politics and polarising the society on communal basis.
Here’s a recent example of what was said by him when his own Minister @nawabmalikncp got arrested for money-laundering linked with the activities of underworld criminal Dawood Ibrahim.…
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Apr 12th 2022
Ich fasse mal die Lage in #Deutschland zusammen.
Der #Scholzomat stellt sich ausgerechnet vor #AnneSpiegel, als sie kurz danach einen Termin mit der Spitze der #grüne​n #VollkornCDU hat; aus dem ihr Rücktritt, den @nouripour als "richtig" beschreibt, folgt.
1/? #Piraten
Der #Scholzomat selbst wird kurz nach dem 24. Feber 2022 (#Ukraine) in einer PK mit @JoeBiden vorgeführt, als er versucht sich aus, Bidens Erklärung, #NordStream2 werde nach dem Überfall nicht fertiggestellt, rauszuwinden. (Oder war das kurz vor der #Ukraine?)
2/? #Piraten
* #Lambrecht als @BMVg_Bundeswehr kommt als dritte Frau in das Amt, d.h. sie wird nach dem Einarbeiten der Vorgängerinnen bewertet. Über ihren schlechten Führungsstil wird berichtet. Der #Scholzomat muß einschreiten.
3/? #Piraten
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Mar 26th 2022
Bluff oder Eingeständnis des Scheiterns? Nach dem Scheitern der Blitzkrieg-Strategie gegen die #Ukraine verkündet der russische Generalstab die Konzentration auf die "Befreiung" des Donbas als Kriegsziel. #StopPutinsWar 1/10…
Phase eins der Invasion - die "Demilitarisierung" der #Ukraine - sei erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Es sei nie Ziel gewesen, Kiyv, Kharkiv und andere Städte zu erobern (=> die Trauben sind mir zu sauer, sagte der Fuchs). /2
Für die zivilen Opfer des Krieges sei die politische und militärische Führung der #Ukraine verantwortlich (=> wer sich wehrt, macht sich schuldig). Mit seinen Waffenlieferungen verlängere der Westen nur das Leiden der Bevölkerung (=> wie auch der feine Herr #Precht sagt). /3
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Jan 13th 2022
📌Wie umgehen mit #Russland (thread): Genf, Brüssel, Wien - das waren Schauplätze, auf denen in dieser Woche über die europäische Sicherheitsordnung verhandelt wurde. Washington und Moskau sind aber die Orte, auf die es tatsächlich ankommt. 1/9 👉#RausAusDerEskalationsspirale
Sollen wir bei dem derzeitigen fragilen Status quo stehen bleiben oder brauchen wir wirklich neuen politischen Anlauf, um diese brisante Lage zu entschärfen? Worin liegen tiefere Ursachen dieses Scheiterns und was können wir daraus lernen? Welche Schritte sind erforderlich? 2/9
Zunächst: Die Drohgebärden Russlands gegenüber der Ukraine und das Imponiergehabe gegenüber Nato-Staaten in Übungen sind inakzeptabel. Dennoch führen Empörung und formelhafte Verurteilungen nicht weiter. Vielmehr ist jetzt #Realpolitik angezeigt. 3/9
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Jan 11th 2020
Underestimating Cuba and Russia in Venezuela and the failure of Neo-Appeasement… #Cuba #Russia #Venezuela #NeoAppeasement #appeasement 1/21
5 years ago, the then Secretary of State John Kerry before heading to Venezuela on Aug 14, 2015 in an interview with @oppenheimera stated that "the United States & Cuba are talking about ways to solve the Venezuelan crisis."… #Cuba #Russia #Venezuela 2/21
The situation in Venezuela continued to worsen, and the presence of the Castro regime only served to aggravate the situation in the South American country.… #Cuba #Russia #Venezuela 3/21
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Sep 6th 2019
#OnThisDay in 1972, Palestinian 'Black September' terrorists murdered 11 Israeli athletes during the #Olympics in Munich, Germany, assisted by a German neo-Nazi group. But there is more to the story. #MunichMassacre THREAD
PLO Chairman and future Palestinian Authority President Yasir Arafat endorsed the #MunichMassacre operation and current PA President Mahmoud Abbas financed it.…
In June 2019, Palestinian Authority President Abbas dedicated a new university building in honor of the mastermind of the #MunichMassacre, Khalil Al-Wazir Abu Jihad.…
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Feb 18th 2019
#Appeasement👇🏽is easy & cheap in short run,but very costly in long run. Hard #Deterrence is most cost-effective #NationalSecurityPolicy. But it has to be credible in the eyes of aggressive enemy. Credibility is demonstrated by willingness to bear costs:
2/ There is >50 years of theory (starting with Thomas Schelling's Strategy of Conflict… )& empirical evidence relating to this👆🏽 Defence strategists & military experts, play these theories out in #WarGames, constrained & guided by the empirical evidence!
3/ In contrast, our public debates on foreign policy focus on (1) Logical consistence of every sentence & action of our own govt (not of our enemies), (2) On the morality of our foreign policy & national security actions viz those hostile to us. 🧐
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Sep 24th 2018
1) Starting a data series explaining India's #antiHindu system, 2nd class citizen status of Hindus and need for #HinduCharter (hint: #antiHindu system enjoys multi partisan support of all political parties, all branches of govt & so called pillars of #democracy & #equality) Image
2) Fountainhead of India's #antiHindu system is article 29&30 of constitution which cleverly denies #equalrights to Hindus allowing govt to enact #discriminatory laws/funding/programs & enables Supreme court to adjudicate contradictory laws in #antiHindu manner. #HinduCharter
3) Indian Govt confiscation of Hindu temples is 1 of the largest #religionfreedom violation in world. ALL political parties&Judiciary mostly support Hindu temple confiscation. For all practical purpose,Constitution right to freedom of religion is for nonHindus only. #HinduCharter Image
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Sep 1st 2018
@amishra77 @virsanghvi This was the strategy of the outliers for a long time:
1) Moghuls became Indians and Indians became Kafirs
2) Nehru-Khan-Maino became Gandhi and Indians became fools
3)Muslims became Kashmiris and #KashmiriPandits became refugees

@amishra77 @virsanghvi @indiantweeter 4) Bangladeshis became #Bengalis and Bengalis couldn't celebrate #DurgaPuja in soon to be #WestBangladesh
5) Those who are intolerant of #Hindus became #Secular and the real seculars became #Sanghi terrorists
@amishra77 @virsanghvi @indiantweeter 6) The #Maoists and #UrbanNaxals became Intellectuals and the Intellectuals became #Bakhts
7) Terrorists became 'poor-sons-of-headmasters' who killed/beheaded army men and the army became human rights violators who used pellet guns on these peaceful terrorists. @adgpi
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Jan 31st 2017
12) In 2015&2016,46 Hindus targeted&killed in WB,Kerala,UP&K'taka.When will @narendramodi_in break silence & save #HinduHumanRights?
13)UPA did not give visa to USIRF but Modi gave 2 visas.During his official trip to India,USIRF chief criticized Ind:
14)BJP minister states that Hindu-festival is a “day of massacre”. Why is BJP silently endorsing such anti-Hinduism?
Read 25 tweets

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