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Bon, j'hésite depuis une heure, mais ça je ne peux pas laisser passer.

Je ne vais pas rentrer sur les sujets légaux (protection sociale/retraites, pénalisation des clients etc), ce n'est pas ma compétence et je ne sais pas du tout ce qu'il conviendrait de faire.
En revanche cette idée de "normalisation" de la prostitution, de "sex work is work", que la violence viendrait des mots, et que les "abolitionnistes" participeraient à la légitimation de cette violence, ça c'est surréaliste. Et je suis poli.
J'ai eu une expérience (courte parce que c'est abominable) de la prostitution dans un pays où elle est légale et "normalisée".

J'en avais déjà parlé ici (attention, ça parle sexe et violence avec des mots pas issus de l'université. Mais c'est ça aussi la prostitution).
Read 16 tweets
Good Morning @girlpilot_

You have once again made it #WomenOfTheDay

It is extra special

As now bhai has decided to threaten you

Bhai ne #Sullideals and #Bullibai se inspiration le hi liya 💪

Publically intimidate karna chahte hain so that women don't speak

Koi na


The women in his follower list are silent
Koi na

But do notice that all likes are from men


Men se yaad aaya

@Insaafkadost - Do include this in your islamic viewpoint space about how women are to be treated

@deccandodger : Abe Galibaaz really 😑
In that space badh chadh ke bura bhala kaha gya

Brumby ko

Which is Australian Feral Horse

And baki log bhi the

@midhatkidwai bhai, @underdated bhai etc

But inn bhaisahab ka shauk khali #Women par rehta hai

Mardon ko ye privilege dete hain

Read 6 tweets
In a conversation on why relationships don’t work out for gifted people, someone asked me what is the connection between sangomas & the Holy Spirit? How do I discern whether it’s the Holy Spirit at work? It’s Saturday night & I feel like I gotta talk to somebody.
As Christians we are encouraged to test the spirits whether they are at work in the church or anywhere to see if they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1. Not every sangomas is evil & not every pastor working miracles is good.
Jesus Christ said you’ll know them by their fruits. Paul writes in in Galatians 5:22-24 that the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control. Those who consistently show these qualities
can’t be evil.
Read 17 tweets
I see people liked that tweet 😂 Yeah, lots of you would probably hate my dad with your respect for authority mantras. He once came to school in high school, a teacher told him I'll get a D and have no hope in life. He turned around and asked "Ataleta kwako?"
A woman in the market told him we were wearing short stuff and trousers and it's wrong and he went "Mama M umeona nikikwambia vile utalea watoto wako mahali? Shughulika na M aache kupata 200 kwanza." 😂😂😂
Other parents were coming to beat their kids during disciplinary hearings. Mans walks in and hugs you kwanza and asks you if you are okay. Compassionate parenting works - that's what I learned from him.
Read 9 tweets


- Catherine Addison, University of Zululand

The Egyptian author, physician and activist Nawal El Saadawi’s recent
death has brought her writing back into the public eye. This is an opportune return, because El Saadawi’s feminism was ahead of its time – in both the Arab and the African worlds. In a recent analysis, I focused on her 1975 novel Woman at Point Zero.
El Saadawi published over 50 books in her lifetime, many of them novels. Woman at Point Zero, the first of her novels to cause public controversy, tells the story of Firdaus, a woman born into poverty in
Read 30 tweets
"Feminism is the mother of gender equality and feminism seeks for and remains more than just the equality of the genders.  Whoever says they support gender equality and not feminism should rather say that they support some of the aspects of feminism." @chante_MKS
"Feminists see patriarchy to be at the core of most oppressive power structures. It, therefore, calls for the reordering of society by eliminating male supremacy in all contexts. This is not to say that radical feminists want to eliminate men - quite the opposite."
"Radical feminists want to eliminate gender, gender roles and gender stereotypes from the equation, as these are seen as oppressive patriarchal tools and because they hinder personal development, healthy relationships, mental health, and etcetera."
Read 16 tweets
Yo he hecho el experimento de que cuando juego en linea, contestar como hombre y a veces como mujer. Cuando contesto como hombre a la mucho me dice p*to, j*to y así. Cuando contesto como mujer, no saben todos los insultos que dice. Los más comunes: sobre violación.
Lo que si puedo decir es que dependiendo tu helo, esto se vuelve menos común. Los más trolles son los de menos helo y los que más culero juegan :P
Read 3 tweets
Der @LilaPodcast ist gerade in einer Wiedererfindungspause. Es heißt sie wurden als "zu privilegiert" kritisiert und versuchen in dieser Zeit Intersektionalität reinzuholen. Ich nehme das als Anlass, um etwas loszuwerden.
2018 zirkulierte das Hashtag #MenAreTrash. Wie bereits damals zig Mal erklärt, habe ich dieses weder erfunden noch zum Trend gemacht. Ich twitterte dazu, als es bereits trendete. Dennoch wurde es mir zugeschrieben. Anyway...
2019 wurde ich von einer solidarischen weißen Feministin angeschrieben. Sie erzählte mir, wie sie sich 2018 über eine Folge vom @LilaPodcast aufregte. Damals habe ich mir die Folge nicht angehört, um mich zu schützen. Hier ist meine Antwort an sie: Danke für die detaillierte ...
Read 11 tweets
To my 3,000 followers (mostly bots), here’s a thread on why I believe #MenAreTrash

As a man, I’m basing my conclusion on what I have read, seen, learned, and experienced.

Those who say #NotAllMen are actually not dumb, they just need to be told the truth in a practical way...
You don't have to have raped someone, killed someone, or assaulted them to be trash.

1 - Laughing at jokes that disregard women = trash

2 - Seeing your friends disrespecting women & doing nothing = trash

3 - Calling women names & speaking badly about them among friends = trash
4 - Feeling the need to tell women what to wear and what not to = trash

5 - Not taking no for an answer, “She’s playing hard-to-get” = trash

6 - Saying, “You hit like a girl. You drive like a girl” = trash

7 - Saying, “that’s a man’s job”, “that’s no lady-like” = trash
Read 29 tweets
Da haben die @ASF_SPDFrauen mit #stattblumen ein populistisches Füllhorn von Kleinmädchenfantasien ins Internet geschüttet, der es Wert wäre den @AfD-Marketingorden zu bekommen.
Was bleibt davon bloß übrig, wenn man es mit dem Konfrontiert was Populisten am meisten Fürchten? Image
Die Realität. Also fragen wir doch mal: Wie sollen die #stattblumen-Forderungen in einer freiheitlich demokratischen Gesellschaft mit rechtsstaatlichen Prinzipien realisiert werden? Vor allem, wenn der gesamte Slogan „Gleichberechtigung statt Blumen“ berücksichtigt werden soll
„Es muss möglich sein in der Krise auch Frauenrechte zu stärken“
Wo sind Frauenrechte in der Krise bedroht. Dürfen Frauen plötzlich nicht mehr Abtreiben, oder darf der Ehemann wieder bestimmen, ob die Hausfrau arbeiten darf? Image
Read 43 tweets
Warum sind sexistische Pauschalisierungen eigentlich immer nur okay, wenn Frauen mit Hashtags wie #maennerwelten, #menaretrash oder #killallmen so tun, als könnte man negative Verhaltensmuster ganz klar einem Geschlecht zu ordnen.
Die meisten Menschen kennen auch Väter, die von der Mutter mit widerwärtigen Mitteln aus dem Leben der Kinder entfernt und finanziell ruiniert werden. Die kannte ich schon, bevor ich mich selber als Vater mit dem Thema beschäftigte.
Aber niemand käme auf die Idee deshalb Frauen pauschal für narzisstische Glucken zu halten oder von ihnen ein Mea Culpa wegen ihrer degenerierten Geschlechtsgenossinnen zu erwarten. Und noch weniger kämme man auf die Idee deshalb #Mutterwelten zu starten
Read 17 tweets
So.. I decided to make the #kovidiots comics in to a separate thread. This is just me trying to find humor in hypocrisy and idiocy during the pandemic. It maybe not for everyone, but that's ok. It wasn't meant to please anyone.
Read 4 tweets
So the #MenAreTrash Forum ended a while ago. I have thoughts that I will share shortly but for clarity, I will respect the confidentiality of what was said and speak about my general views of what went right, what went wrong and what could be improved. Soon come.
As stated originally, I went with an open heart and mind to the #MenAreTrash Forum because I wanted to give men the opportunity to do what we feminists, activists and conscious people have told them to do: hold their fellow men accountable. The forum seemed well intended.
I fully understand the concern that many women raised that their exclusion would lead to the creation of an echo chamber where men would shift blame for their behaviours, especially since the hashtag started with women expressing their frustrations, challenges and trauma.
Read 16 tweets
This is awesome! Thank you @marcel__za for this tweet that highlights the issue that so many of us are trying to explain regarding #MenAreTrash...
The issue? That too many men are either too sexist, too callous, too toxic, too disinterested, too invested in the way things currently are, or too offended by a hashtag to even understand what women in this country endure.
How does this tweet do that?
It shows that, rather than try to understand the issue, you will present a straw man argument to validate your position that there is no gender-based violence problem in this country.
Read 13 tweets
For many South Africans, and pretty much every South African woman, yesterday was harrowing. The terrible rape and murder of #UyineneMrwetyana and the abduction of 6 year old Amy-Lee de Jager brought into the spotlight the terrible fear that all South African women face daily.
And women took to social media to express their fear, mainly using the hashtag #MenAreTrash
But perhaps the worst part (if it could get any worse) was the number of men who took umbrage to women speaking out.
It was despicable that in the midst of women expressing their worst fears and experiences, some men decided that, rather than listen and understand, they would take offence and respond with #NotAllMen.
Read 21 tweets
So, #MenAreTrash...

It's a #Thread.
Some details are sensitive, but sharing them is necessary👇🏾
First of all, origins:

On April 28 2017. South African Sandile Mantsoe stabbed his girlfriend Karabo Mokoena, doused her in petrol, burned her, and buried her remains in a shallow grave. The body was discovered the next day, burnt beyond recognition. It couldn't be identified
Until May 10, by her mother.

Around the same time, 3 year old Courtney Pieters (also from SA) goes missing. Her body is found dumped on May 13. It will later emerge that Mortimer Saunders, a childhood friend of her father who was living with the family killed her. He raped her,
Read 17 tweets
Don't be offended at #MenAreTrash, if you are
1. Who asks for proof when a woman says she was raped.
2. Who expects a woman to give up her career.
3. Who believes in having a baby every year and wants a son.
4. Who asks his mother for permission to attend to his wife.
5. Who believes his wife must ask for permission to visit her parents.
6. Who believes his sister needs his permission.
7. Who spends evenings with friends instead of family.
8. Who expects his clothes and breakfast be ready in the morning.
9. Who doesn't protest his mother and sisters for rejecting girls in search for his wife.
10. Who expects dowry or asks for money from in-laws.
11. Who believes it is his right to demand women to follow Quranic instructions specifically for women.
Read 5 tweets
Medio like y me aviento un hilo de por qué Jane Austen no es esa autora «rosa, de señoras» que a los escritores hombres (y de la vieja escuela, e. g. machos) les encanta pregonar que es.
Para empezar, Jane Austen vivió en una familia de clase media-baja a principios del siglo XIX con puros hermanos y una sola hermana, Cassandra, cuando la regla social para una mujer era casarse o morir.
Eran mínimas las ocasiones en las que una mujer podía mantenerse sola, sin la ayuda de un padre, un hermano o, sobre todo y ya a partir de cierta edad, de un esposo.

Jane Austen nunca se casó. Vivió de su pluma.

Es cierto, sus hermanos le ayudaron mucho a ella y su hermana.
Read 23 tweets
Weiße Männer verbringen zwei Wochen im Mittleren Osten, erklären sich für Experten, schreiben Bücher, werden auf Talkshows eingeladen etc. Nach dem Maßstab qualifizieren mich meine zehn Jahre in Deutschland als Deutschlandexpertin. Ein Thread über die deutsche Gesellschaft.
Deutsche haben keinen Humor.
Deutsche kennen keine Gastfreundlichkeit.
Read 53 tweets
A very sweary thread, I make no apologies, on online dating sites:

Divorce stressful? Nah, it's a walk in the park compared to the absolute cluster fuck world of @PlentyOfFish and @bumble...and the wankers that inhabit them...(1)
Who the actual fuck are the men that hawk their shite on these sites? In the last 3 months I've been scammed, hurt, disappointed, let down, blown out, used, ignored, lied to, blocked. And the number of fake profiles I've reported and yet back they come..(2)
Now the question is what does online dating provide for men and women? In my experience it means men can be cowards, wankers and treat women with utter disregard and contempt.. women are just looking for someone to love them..(3)
Read 8 tweets
Kleiner Medienkompetenzkurz zu #MenAreTrash (Thread).

(1.) Woher kommt das?
[der Hashtag war eine Reaktion auf Übergriffe in Südafrika, Primer:…]
(2.) Was macht das mit uns, was machen Menschen damit?
[Einerseits wird feministische Kritik daran festgemacht, die fast immer differenziert ist und nicht Männer pauschal abwertet. Das behauptet aber eine antifeministische Bewegung, die den Hashtag ebenfalls intensiv nutzt.]
(3.) Wie verhalte ich mich dazu?
[Ist das Resultat von (1.) und (2.) – wer vorschnell sagt, ich lehne den Hashtag ab, weil es gibt ganz wunderbare Männer, ignoriert halt
a) dass damit ein wichtiges gesellschaftliches Engagement ausgeblendet wird
Read 4 tweets
99% Männer:
Frauen sind hysterisch, sollen sich nicht so haben, die paar nettgemeinten Klatscher auf'n Po, was zieht'se sich auch so an, wenn'se's Trinkgeld nicht in den Ausschnitt haben will? Vergewaltigt, naja, ob das'ne richtige war, weiß man ja nicht, Aussage geg. Aussage &
Frauen sind ja hysterisch. Immer viel zu emotional, auch wenn'se geil aussehen. Darf man ja ma sagen...antwortet nicht, die hässliche Schlampe? War ja klar, die will ja eh keiner. Zu mehr, als zur Tippse oder zur Saftschubse reicht's doch gar nich' & dann wernse alalong schwanger
1% Männer: grummelt unhörbar.

85% Frauen: (peinliches gekicher) das meint er ja nicht so, war ja nur'n Klaps, tut ja keinem weh. Und is' ja irgendwie'n Kompliment, wahrscheinlich. Jetzt trage ich eben hochgeschlossen und teil mir das Trinkgeld mit den Kollegen. Tränen, ach was,
Read 19 tweets
Solidarité entre meufs et #MenAreTrash : thread suite à une intervention chez le voisin après avoir entendu de drôles de bruits dans la cage d'escalier et des hurlements sur le palier d'en face.
Je préfère tout raconter tant que c'est frais dans mon esprit et parce que je suis trop décalquée pour dormir.
Il est donc minuit et demie et ça fait plusieurs minutes que j'entend hurler chez le voisin. Inquiète, je vais frapper et c'est le gars qui habite là qui m'ouvre et m'explique que sa meuf et sa pote sont mortes bourrées.
Read 17 tweets

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