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Jan 4th 2021
Long Thread on #Turkey|’s 🇹🇷 role in #NagornoKarabakh and what India 🇮🇳 has to learn from this new dimension of asymmetric warfare!
Turkey 🇹🇷 supported #Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 not just diplomatically (supported by diplomats) & logistically (sending mercenary forces as reported by Reuters) but also by selling #BayraktarTb2 drones tilting balance against #Armenia 🇦🇲
The drone in question is #BayraktarTB2, (Tactic Block) a Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) manufactured by Turkish company called #BaykarMakina
PC: Dailysabah Image
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Dec 31st 2018
With 2018 in it's last moments, a new stage of the Syrian war have started & the end of the war is aproaching as time passes. 2018 has been another important year with many political & military developments: (1)
#AbuDhuhur Op (26/12/2017 - 9/2/2018) : as a continuation of the operation (started on October 2017) #SAA began huge offensive from many axis against Rebels & #ISIS in #Hama, #Aleppo & #Idlib provinces. The result of operation was the liberation of 1/3 of "Greater #Idlib" (2)
With W. shore of #Euphrates river secured by #SAA on December 2017, #SDF continued securing the E. one against #ISIS . Between 3/1/2018-22/2/2018 troops secured entire Shu'aytat region. However, a new development N.W. #Syria will provoke the delay of #CizireStorm some months: (3)
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Jul 5th 2018
Amid #Assad regime offensive in south #Syria, worth bearing in mind its continued bombing of areas in #Idlib - also under a so-called “de-escalation zone.”

Having watched the southern zone dissolved w/o response from #Jordan or #Israel, #Turkey’s now warning #Idlib = “red line."
#Turkey has deployed its own armed forces to x12 “observation posts” fencing in opposition areas & enforcing de-escalation.

#Russia seems invested in stability in #Idlib - but for how long?

After #Deraa, will #Assad & #Iran destroy the last remaining “de-escalation zone”?
For now, expect periodic regime bombing raids & notably, also ‘spoiling’ attacks by fighters unrestrained by #Turkey’s iron grip.

#HTS will remain internally divided on de-escalation -- the more regime bombings, the heavier the pressure for #HTS to respond = #Assad opportunity.
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