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Jan 31st 2023

Topic 1: norms, rules, and principles derived from existing legal and normative frameworks

#Mexico emphasizes principles in Article 1 of the #OST.

#PAROS and primacy of peaceful use are key. Rejects placement of weapons in outer space and celestial bodies. esp. those with indiscriminate effects.
#Mexico supports giving legal principles greater precision, and the adoption of norms as interim step to legal instrument to ban weapons in space and use of force and prohibit war

#IHL. Public exchange of info. Supports DA ASAT test moratorium as interim step to legal agreement.
Read 66 tweets
Jan 30th 2023

Item 6 c) recommendations on possible norms, rules, and principles of responsible behaviour

Topic 1: norms, rules, and principles derived from existing international legal and other normative frameworks
#Russia continues to insist that NGOs are not permitted to make statements during the formal session.
#Canada respectfully disagrees with Russia. The matter is closed. The Chair has ruled and will not change established UN practice.

"As we tell kids in Canada, sometimes, you get what you get, and you don't get upset. It's time to move on."
Read 59 tweets
Sep 13th 2022
#Algeria: Must go hand in hand with PAROS discussions

Need transparency and more ambitious confidence building measures. Particular responsibility of states with advanced capabilities to prevent PAROS.
#Algeria: Promote full access to technology through cooperation and tech assistance and capacity building in developing countries

Need to strengthen legal regime in outer space for a common future.
#NewZealand: Should not be focused exclusively on kinetic threats. Non-kinetic including #cyber pose significant threats and possible irreversible loss and damage to infrastructure on earth
Read 50 tweets

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