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Jul 14th 2022
1/ @michaelpollan's highly-expected @netflix series #HowToChangeYourMind just premiered! 📺🍄 Despite near-universal praise, #HTCYM is rife with errors & borders on historical revisionism 🤥

A critique 🤔🧵 #LSD #MDMA #Peyote #Mescaline #Psilocybin #Mushrooms #Psychedelic @MAPS
2/ Before I get started, I'll give everyone a little bit of background information. @michaelpollan released a non-fiction work entitled "How to Change Your Mind" in May of 2018. Before the end of that year, his book about #psychedelic drugs became a @nytimes bestseller. Image
3/ @michaelpollan achieved massive coverage for this self-described "mental travelogue" of his #psychedelic experiences. Soon enough, Mr. Pollan became a prominent figure w/in the so-called "Psychedelic Renaissance". In the process, he gained a rather interesting reputation. Image
Read 104 tweets
Nov 26th 2021
IMO, there is a place for hands on treatment to help a person suffering persistent pain.

Touch is soothing.

Touch can relieve.

There are different techniques we can show people to use upon themselves or to include loved ones who don’t know what to do.

#thepaincoach #pain Image
1. You can start somewhere that is not sensitive, or at least less sensitive, using mild pressure.

Observe how the person responds - twitches, change in breathing, utterances etc., to get the right level.

Notice the calming, soothing effects.

2. We can use mild pressure touch on ourselves to soothe and create calm.

This would then be a better state for movement.

In other words, we prime ourselves to move better.

Read 4 tweets
Sep 1st 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/01/2021…
"The Unthinkable Has Become Possible" - Germany Faces A Political Revolution In 4 Weeks…

#germany #PartisanPolitics
Probability and rationality — trickier than most people think…

#probability #rationality #heuristics #judgement
Read 8 tweets
May 4th 2021
"These so-called founders will then passively spread the #vaccine to other animals they encounter either by #touch, #sex, #nursing, or #breathing the same air."…
"For at least 20 years, scientists have been experimenting with such self-spreading #vaccines, work that continues to this day, and which has gained the attention of the US #military."
2020: "We are now poised to begin developing self-disseminating vaccines targeting a wide range of human pathogens, [] decisions remain about how they can be most effectively designed & used to target pathogens w/ a #highrisk of spillover &/or emergence."…
Read 14 tweets
Apr 1st 2021
It's Good Friday.

As a sacrifice to Science, I'm going to criticise every single paper I've ever written, one tweet at a time.

Stay tuned..!

Paper #1: Holmes & Spence 2004 @xmodal

Criticism: A non-systematic review of selected papers, no assessment of study quality, bias, or effect sizes. The only novel thing in this paper was a long, harsh critique of Iriki et al. (1996)

Paper #2: Skaliora et al. 2004

Criticism: I contributed only one figure (#8) to this paper, but >30 neonatal rats paid the ultimate price for my crappy patch-clamping skills (only 17 cells) as an MSc student. I still feel the guilt.

Read 60 tweets
Jul 23rd 2020
1-Today is #Thursday – the day of #Jupiter.

#Jupiter is all about expansion,

..#Relationships, the #soul or the #Jeeva and #family and #Ayurveda. (1/25)
2-So, what does #Ayurveda say about man and woman coming together, producing children?

What are the healthy ways to do it?

In that spirit, we will discuss some bit of #Astrology as well as some bit of #Ayurveda. (2/25)
3-This also adds to #गर्भाधान and #Conception threads

..and the role #Astrology and #Ayurveda play in it

..what @shashankupadhy_ has been talking about (3/25)
Read 25 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
#crazy Useless #patient

Middle-aged man, loves his #family, #farming, drives a cab, #happy. Son & wife at #home. Father-son relationship strong as rock. One #morning, son finds father mumbling to self. Mother says he hardly slept
Mumbling becomes angry ramblings. #Clinical LAENNEC WAS TAUGHT THE IMPO...
Has very little #breakfast. Walks excessively. Goes and lies down, only to get up and walk again. Family interactions little. Sleeps well for 2 hours from 12 to 2PM. Lunchtime. Groggy #father gets on the lunch table and defecates near plates and food. Son and mother aghast.
Father has gone mad. Calls the friendly neighbor, brings his car, rushes to #Medical specialty #clinic nearby. Father disoriented. Son gets the Fword from his own father multiple times, he is shocked! Then comes hurling of abuses after which they restrain him in the car.
Read 15 tweets
Jun 9th 2020
1/ Q: I’m traveling this summer. Any tips for safely staying at a hotel or vacation rental?

A: Yes! 3 key things to remember: 1. Ask about infection control protocols before booking; 2. Beware high-touch surfaces + public spaces; 3. Try to book a room that wasn't used recently
2/ And, or course, #WashYourHands and #WearAMask

As for where you travel, in the words of infectious disease physician Dr. Thomas Russo, the key risk variables involve “what you decide to do…how many people you come in contact with and what part of the world you’re in.”
3/ Additional tips/resources specific to #hotel and #vacation rentals:

🛗 Minimize time in public spaces (e.g. elevators, stairwells)
🦠 Avoid high-touch surfaces if possible; feel free to wipe down “hot spots” upon room arrival (check out this guide from @HiltonHotels Image
Read 8 tweets
Jul 23rd 2019
In 2016, I was the first Researcher in Residence at @10DowningStreet. Yesterday, my first book, ‘No.10: The Geography of Power at Downing Street’, was published by @HausPublishing. So here’s a thread outlining the early history of No.10, and how it came to be. (1/14)
No.10 Downing Street was built by diplomat, spy and ‘perfidious rogue’ Sir George Downing in the 1680s. Downing's life was nuts – worth reading his Wikipedia entry:… (2/14)
Downing was a serial turncoat, close to Cromwell, switching sides following the Restoration, & betraying several former friends to their deaths. But he also made some important tax innovations. Mixed bag, then... ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄ (3/14)
Read 14 tweets

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