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Day 480 of the war. #Russia defending stubbornly with reinforced lines in the areas of #Ukraine they stole.

But I think the real push, with most forces, is yet to come. Here's another daily thread. There's been one every day, but I do need support pls!
Yesterday's thread can be found on the link below, click and scroll if you missed anything.

Loads of nice photos and videos in Saturday's thread and how there seems to have been a #Russia-#Africa plot to deny missile strikes, but Russia's MoD messed up!

Who doesn't like a bit of alliteration? And here are some sweet Sunday sounds to start your day.

Less than 20km north of #Henichesk in #Kherson region there was a big explosion, then many, many more in the village of #Rykove as #Russia's weapon/ammo store there went up in smoke!
Read 53 tweets
#GuerreEnUkraine D+458 (27/05) PdS2 - Tous Théâtres hors #Donbass & Arrière-scène

"Le moment est venu, pour 🇷🇺, de rendre ce qui nous appartient" (#Zaluzhny, CEMA🇺🇦)

L'offensive est imminente


Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDLVII-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/ Des nombres et des hommes,

Nouvelle estimation des pertes 🇷🇺 par @bbcrussian 👇
Le comptage est effectué avec des preuves visuelles (avis de décès, tombes des carrés militaires)
24.005 militaires morts recensés…
Read 20 tweets
Der Oberbefehlshaber der Streitkräfte der Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhny: „Die Zeit ist gekommen“, sagte er heute Morgen mit geheimnisvoller Stimme. #StandWithUkraine
⭕️🇺🇦 #Zaluzhny Heute morgen auf Facebook:

„Ukraine, Heimatlandmutter,
Herr, unser Vater im Himmel,

Ich bin auf dem Weg zu zerschlagen
Feinde des Vaterlandes,
die Mörder meiner Brüder,
Die Vergewaltiger meiner Schwestern. 1/
Möge meine Hand fest sein,
um die Feinde zu töten!
Lass mein Auge klar sein,
um die Feinde zu töten!
Mögen meine Waffen echt sein,
um die Feinde zu töten!
Lass meinen Willen Stahl sein,
um die Feinde zu töten! 2/
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🧵Thread: che fine ha fatto il generale #Zaluzhny, Comandante in Capo delle Forze Armate ucraine? Il principale responsabile della (prossima? Possibile?) controffensiva ucraina è scomparso dai radar da oltre due settimane. 1/n Image
La notizia di una sua potenziale scomparsa (non si è neppure presentato a un importante vertice #NATO perché “aveva da fare”) non trova il giusto spazio sui media occidentali, che pure l’hanno intervistato e ne hanno (giustamente) tessuto le lodi a più riprese in passato. 2/n Image
Valerij Zalužnyj, 49 anni, è da un anno il più alto in grado nelle forze armate ucraine. Un ruolo tutt’altro che onorifico, visto che il paese è in guerra. Si dice sia l’architetto dell’efficace controffensiva ucraina nella regione di #Karkhov 3/n Image
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#Bakhmout, #Ukraine: #Wagner et #Prigojine ont annoncé aujourd'hui la prise de la ville dans le #Donbas.

Est-ce vrai ? Quel est le contexte ? Est-ce une victoire ? Quelle est la valeur de Bakhmout ?

Voyons ça ensemble dans ce thread en faisant une chronologie des faits 🧵 1/24 Image
#Prigojine explique dans sa vidéo que l'assaut de #Bakhmout avait débuté au mois d'oct., il y a 224 jours.

En réalité, les frappes ont commencé au mois de juillet, période à laquelle je me suis rendu sur place pour la 1ère fois.

Ici, nous étions près de l'usine Artemivsk. 2/24
#Soledar était la cible première: une partie de la ville était d'ores-et-déjà contrôlée par les 🇷🇺, l'est se faisait constamment pilonner.

C'est ici que j'ai participé à une mission humanitaire avec les 2 bénévoles britanniques tués dans cette même ville, Andrew et Chris. 3/24 ImageImageImage
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#GuerreEnUkraine D+406 (05/04) -

La prochaine offensive 🇺🇦 est, selon l'hypothèse Z (comme #Zaluzhny), précédée d'une phase de liquidation de la mobilisation 🇷🇺 automnale et d'une montée en puissance en qualité et volume des #AFU

J'entame un fil pour essayer de comprendre quel niveau quantitatif a atteint la force de manoeuvre 🇺🇦, en 3 parties :



L'année 2022 a démontré que l'organisation horizontale des #AFU en brigades de 3K-4K hommes, chapeautées par des commandements opérationnels regroupant 5-6 d'entre elles, produisait de bons résultats
Read 26 tweets
Was macht diese Aufnahme von 59 toten 🇷🇺 Wagener Söldnern auf einem #Feld bei #Bakhmut wirklich so interessanten. Es ist die mutmaßliche eingesetzte Munition der AFU. Sogenannte DPICM oder im allgemeinen als Artillerie „Streumunition“ bekannt. Wer hat diese Munition geliefert? 🤷‍♀️
Der Berater von #Zaluzhnyi, Dan #Rice sagt, dass die von der Türkei 🇹🇷 gelieferten DPICM-Streumunition „eine der größten Veränderungen des Krieges“ sein:
„Hochexplosive 🇺🇦 Artillerie gegen 🇷🇺 Infanterie / Wagner einzusetzen, ist wie Pfeile auf Ameisen zu werfen.

Aber mit #DPICM Streumunition ist es, als würde man einen Flammenwerfer 🔥 gegen den ganzen Ameisenhaufen einsetzen.“

Diese Meldung ist 4 Tage alt.



Read 5 tweets
#HintergrundInfo 🇺🇦 Oberkommando — Heute habe ich in der Stabssitzung sowohl den Befehlshaber des 🇺🇦 Heeres, General #Syrskyi, als auch den Oberbefehlshaber #Zaluzhny direkt nach ihren Ansichten über die weitere Verteidigungsoperation im Sektor #Bakhmut gefragt", sagte #Zelensky.
"Entweder Rückzug oder Fortsetzung der Verteidigung und Verstärkung der Stadt Bachmut“ fügte #Selenskyj hinzu. "Beide Generäle antworteten, sich nicht zurückzuziehen und zu verstärken. Und dieser Meinung schloss sich der komplette Generalstab der Ukraine 🇺🇦 einstimmig an."
"Es gab keine anderen Meinungen. Ich habe dem @CinC_AFU 🇺🇦 gesagt, er solle die geeigneten Kräfte finden, um den Jungs in #Bakhmut zu helfen", schloss #Zelensky.

Wenn dem so ist, dann wird das militärische Oberkommando der Ukraine 🇺🇦 wohl einen Plan haben.

#SlavaUkraini 🫡
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#GuerreEnUkraine D+376 (06/03) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

#RF est victime du réflexe de Pavlov, qui était russe comme vous le savez
Dans le même contexte, elle reproduit les mêmes schémas
A #bakhmut, artillerie et infanterie d'assaut


Ailleurs, manoeuvre des blindés en colonnes

Doit-on s'en étonner quand, au sommet de l'armée, on a les mêmes hommes ?

#RF obtiennent les mêmes résultats : les colonnes tombent dans des embuscades et l'armée 🇷🇺 culmine après avoir conquis une ville où elle a été étrillée

C'est alors que #AFU profitent de cette fenêtre d'opportunité et lancent une offensive

#Zaluzhny avait-il envisagé ce plan dès la mobilisation russe d'octobre : attendre d'en épuiser les effets sur un point de fixation (#Bakhmut) avant de lancer l'offensive finale ?
Read 20 tweets
1/ Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on Feb 23, 2023
Situation is very difficult in north and East #Bakhmut but under control almost everywhere else except on the North where the situation is degrading like in #Berkhivka
Ongoing hard fights
2/ Russians are not able to capitalize at all in the directions of #Ivaniske or #TchassivYar #ChassivYar #ЧасівЯр
As i explained earlier this week, ru are kind of "trap" there in a giant "kill box" and they really don't realize it. so every day is #GroundhogDay
Good for Ukr
3/ So basically it is quite interesting because right now, like a rabid dog, #WagnerPMC are enjoying their progress on the north of #Bakhmut but at the same time they clearly still don't understand that they are wasting thousands of men in an area they can't control! dumb.
Read 33 tweets
#GuerreEnUkraine D+347 (05/02) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

"#Bakhmut est de plus en plus isolée" (@DefenceHQ)👇
"C'est très difficile désormais à #Bakhmut, #Vuhledar, #Lyman" (@ZelenskyyUa)

Il faut se méfier des apparences :
-l'armée russe a des capacités offensives limitées, locales
-l'armée ukrainienne replie dans l'ordre en maximisant les pertes ennemies
-#Zaluzhny peut avoir décidé depuis la mobilisation russe d'attendre que #gerasimov bouge en premier

Aucun changement de la ligne de front👇 visuellement confirmé malgré les nombreuses reconnaissances en force russes dans l'axe de #Stelmakhivka à l'est de #Svatove et dans celui de #Dibrova au nord
Read 20 tweets
Hello there!
Ru have failed in all their attacks.
Quite a lot of losses yesterday on Ru sides.
#Ukraine remains strong everywhere.
Have a good day friends! take care you all!
2/ Ru are trying not to use as much as heavy armored vehicles as they did last week as they directly experienced the hedgehog strategy (willingly chosen by #Zaloujni #Zaluzhny) so we are still "contemplating" thousands of Ru bodies impacted every single days... #RussianLosses
3/ Gen staff reports :#Zsu grateful for the support and help #Canada and #GreatBritain !
Engineering training is important in identifying places where explosive objects r installed & ways to identify how mines r installed & defuse booby traps.
Saper job all the way babe!
Read 15 tweets
1. The American of Ukrainian origin, Hryhoriy Stepanets, indicated in his will to give 1 million dollars each to Commander-in-Chief #Zaluzhny and the Israeli army, and 2 million dollars each to the Ukrainian Catholic University and⬇️ #StandWithUkraine…
2. the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

General #Zaluzhnyi immediately transferred the received funds to the needs of the Armed Forces!
Bravo General!
3."General #Zaluzhny sent this money in full to a special account of the National Bank of #Ukraine to collect funds for the needs of the army, which was confirmed by the bank's #SWIFT message dated January 5, 2023," the response of the Public Relations Department of the General⬇️
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Nuovi attacchi missilistici su larga scala contro l'Ucraina si stanno verificando sullo sfondo delle dure dichiarazioni di #Zelensky e di altri relatori ucraini, tra cui il comandante in capo delle forze armate ucraine #Zaluzhny. Pertanto, le dichiarazioni di #Lavrov sulla
natura irrealistica dei termini dei negoziati proposti da #Kiev hanno conseguenze corrispondenti. La Russia, infatti, dimostra che l'iniziativa di avviare il processo negoziale viene dal nostro Paese non per debolezza o di fronte a una sconfitta militare, ma come un vero gesto di
buona volontà e volontà di fermare lo spargimento di sangue. Se i rappresentanti delle strutture di potere dell'Ucraina credono seriamente di poter sconfiggere la Russia, allora il nostro Paese ha un arsenale di mezzi sufficiente per deluderli.
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SitRep - 14/11 - What is left bank doing?

An overview of the daily events in the war between 🇷🇺 and 🇺🇦. A view to the south where a lot of rumors were thrown into the world about the Kinburn Spit, and towns on the left bank. We also look at #Bakhmut, #Pavlivka and #Kreminna.
We start with Russian losses, reported by the Ukrainian General Staff and also captured and destroyed equipment.

+510 men personnel
+8 tanks
+6 APCs
+2 artillery systems
+21 random vehicles
This morning the #AFU destroyed two one time path UAVs in the east of the country.
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The current drone terror attack only shows what ppl are getting tired of repeating (not just me, thankfully): to stop russian terror there's no alternative to providing Ukraine w/long-range weapons capable to deliver retaliation deep into russia or striking russia on our behalf->
It's no military secret that it usually takes several AA missiles to down a single incoming missile, it will always be possible for russians to overwhelm Ukrainian air defense, especially since Ukraine has huge (for Europe) territory and russians can attack us from 3 directions->
Downing a missile/drone is a matter of probability anyway, air defense can only *increase the chances* for *some* people but doesn't safety. Our AA has already fulfilled its main purpose - on the first days of war they didnt allow russians to paralyze & overwhelm the country->
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[🇺🇦]⚡Un enregistrement d'une conversation téléphonique entre le commandant en chef des forces armées ukrainiennes, le général Zaluzhny, et le général Krivonos de l'armée de l'air, contre qui Zelensky a engagé une action en justice, est apparu sur le réseau ukrainien.

À en juger par le dialogue, quelque chose de mauvais est en cours.

Les médias proches de l'armée ukrainienne exhortent l'armée à ne pas "secouer le bateau".

⚡Voici la traduction de la conversation :

#Krivonos : Des dizaines, des millions de hryvnias et parfois même

des dollars... - ça m'a déprimé.

#Zaluzhny : Ça ne devrait pas être comme ça du tout.

#Krivonos : Pendant ce temps, compte tenu du fait qu'il y a certains intérêts[OTAN] dans le bureau du président pour sauver ces personnes, ...ils ont mis sous silence[scandales]...pour

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russians 'avenge' the humiliation they suffered after the collapse of their front in #KharkivOblast by attacking civilians - #Kharkiv (~1.4 million ppl) blacked out. A manifestation of the problem raised by gen. #Zaluzhny: even liberation of entire country wont stop🇷🇺terror->
🇷🇺desire for war comes from their chauvinism but it's also driven by impunity #russia enjoys from ability to strike ANYWHERE in #Ukraine w/ missiles, while Ukraine can't hit targets further than 100km into 🇷🇺. It's the disparity that allows 🇷🇺to wage war->
For instance, when russian plane got attacked and downed by Turkey - russians swallowed it up and crawled back away, they dont fight where they feel a threat. In such a situation even complete liberation of #Ukraine in 1991 borders will not stop the war on its own->
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🧵English translation of an extremely important and interesting article written by Gen. #Zaluzhny (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of #Ukraine) and Lt. Gen. Zabrodskyi "Prospects for securing the military campaign of 2023: the Ukrainian view":…
HOW LONG CAN THIS WAR LAST & HOW CAN WE WIN IT: Today the absolute majority of military experts & analysts agree that
the full-scale war unleashed by the russian federation against Ukraine on 02-24-2022,
has long exceeded the concept of a local conflict of medium intensity. ⬇️ Image
This applies to the spatial indicators, the number of involved military forces, and the impressive list of weapons and other
high-tech equipment whose usage is characteristic of this military confrontation.⬇️
Read 118 tweets
1/ Operational update regarding the #russian_invasion at 1800 on July 29, 2022.
No major changes on the entire front line. Ru were not able to gain any new land today. #UAarmy is resisting. Some areas with Ukr progress remains unclear.
#UkraineMap #UkraineRussianWar #CarteUkraine
2/ the really sad/bad news of the day, explained by Gen Staff and intel service (i feared something uggly like that might happen to cover crimes like death by torture, but this is even "worse" in some aspect) just old murder for money.. :
3/ "We will take revenge for every dead or maimed warrior" - #Zaluzhny
Read 27 tweets

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