Raj Rajnarayanan Profile picture
Assistant Dean of Research and Associate Professor, NYITCOM at Arkansas State University | My Tweets are my own

Jun 4, 2022, 9 tweets

Tracking #BA4 and #BA5 #Omicron #Sublineages over time

This tracker includes only sequences with signature mutations👇

Sequence count: 10,658

Tracker: public.tableau.com/app/profile/ra…
Updated 6/04/2022

BA.4/5 is quickly increasing in #UnitedStates!

Top5 BA.4/5 hotspots: #SouthAfrica, #USA, #UnitedKingdom, #Germany and #Portugal

Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Asia

BA.4 - #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #HongKong, #India
BA.5- #Israel, #Singapore, #Japan, #India

Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #SouthAmerica

Hotspots: #Brazil, #Chile

Emerging Hotspot (?): #Ecuador (only 1 seq; will update if any additional information is available .. ie., community spread or travel related etc)

Tracking #BA4/#BA5 in #Africa

BA.4 - #SouthAfrica, #Mauritius, #Bostwana
BA.5 - #SouthAfrica, #eSwatini

👀Closely following week 22 uptick in South Africa

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