outgoing city manager maurice jones has nothing to say. moving on...
gloria beard
josh bowers
sarah burke
don gathers
juan gonzalez
katrina turner
guillermo ubilla
approved 3 to 2 with wes & nikuyah dissenting.
it’s important to note that jeff fogel was NOT SELECTED which is a fucking travesty.
he’s calling for direct election of a mayor who would serve four year terms and be directly accountable to the public & a change to a ward system (5 wards + 2 at large council members).
we currently have a city manager style govt.

he starts by thanking city manager maurice jones for his years of service. he says there is a “job genocide” for black men in power in this city (alluding to chief thomas’ ouster last year)
no response from council to don’s remarks.
to mike: “you put down the whole black community of fifeville”
(before he was mayor, signer was head of the fifeville neighborhood association)
“this is the worst city council to ever ever serve this city”
“he did more than the police did” to protect this community on A12.
corey long did nothing wrong!
asks if the survey results were released & makes a formal request for them.
no response to ANY OF THAT from council.
council is AFRAID of jeff fogel. it’s clear.

a member of the audience says “the WHITE PEOPLE WERE ALIGNED!”
(the two non-white members of council voted against the nominations)
nikuyah opens public discussion: her recommendation was to select the top 4 community choices and have council choose the remaining 3. this is obviously not what happened.
“i’m just really disappointed” (me too)
yeah i bet.
heather says she’s “very uncomfortable” and she “didn’t look at this as individuals” but rather as “a body of people who could work together.”
“we are here making the decision.”
“it is clear that many of you are disappointed.”
says the board “wouldn’t be effective” with “one person commandeering” it.
he thinks the board will work better without jeff.
resign, mike.
shut up signer. resign.
kathy wants to move on. we don’t.
(if the guy who admitted at the forum that he’s new here & knows nothing resigns, can we replace him with jeff?)
yes, let’s do that.

then raises concerns about whether the contract will be honored if ting is bought out.
mike counters: the downtown contract with ting predates the council term of all sitting members (2009)
details start on p.65 of the agenda background, if you’re interested in the history of this alley
just three items left after this. strong possibility that we’re home by midnight tonight!

this is the small town city council i envisioned. not armed white supremacists screaming at little old ladies in the hallway.
“if you want to learn about vinegar hill, you should have gone to the first families of west haven.”
i gotta be honest, i has no idea alleys were so contentious.
this is an incredible amount of public comment on that little patch of land.
he says they’ve maintained that land for years & seen “no activity but church activity” on that alley.
city atty says if the 12ft alley is closed, 6ft will be ceded to the properties on either side.
it seems like kathy is trying to make this out to be something more than it is.
heather moves they close the alley. wes seconds. kathy asks if they’re going to have a discussion, nikuyah says she thought that’s what we just did...
BACK INTO IT! more alley talk.
folks... i think i’m intrigued by this alley situation.
moving on to a powerpoint on updates to the utility rates!
look, it ain’t all exciting.

the average residential customer will see a monthly increase of just under $5.

aaaaaand here’s kathy with just one more thing to add!

on to the next item, the south rivanna reservoir to ragged mountain reservoir water line project.

i’m so tired.
we’re on the last agenda item and i could conceivably be home & eating dinner in my pajamas by 11pm?

info starts on p. 99 of the agenda background.
“point well taken,” well that’s a surprising response! she says she will follow up on the route & what can be done to minimize the impact of the route.