I would like to sincerely thank @redistrict for his highly dismissive tweet and point out to @CookPolitical what Dave is missing in this race by skimming candidates with a (hopefully brief) #sundaysoapbox.
I like reading bills (I know, right?)
I can translate said bills into mostly plain english
I am decent at recognizing unintended consequences before they hit
I don't try to change people
I'm not shiny or polished, and don't want to be
I am not financially motivated
I am constitent and unapologetic in my beliefs, shifting only when data or perspective shifts
Which is amazing, thank you all!
MAGA hat, pussy hat, tin foil hat, hatless...there are a *lot* of overlapping goals.
We objectively have shared problems, and I am flexible to solutions as long as they are $ responsible, humane, and an improvement.
That's ok.
They don't have to trust or like each other. They can agree that I'm not out to screw anyone, I am reasonable, I am fair.
They agree on me.
Isn't that what is missing Dave?
I can say all those things and be listened to because I am their person.
People aren't stupid.
They know government won't ever be perfect.
They know that we need to be flexible.
They know the other side won't go away.
Healthcare access
Healthy communities
Small business to be able to thrive
To not be poisoned
To be safe
To be free to be themselves
For children to have a future
The vulnerable/forgotten to be cared for
30% ish are convinced it's GOP
30% ish are convinced it's Dem
40% ish think the parties are annoying AF and are somewhere between siding with least annoying and Go Anarchy!
We *know* it's not true.
Most of us feel the chaos and the ripping apart and want it to stop.
I have a challenge for you @Redistrict and anyone in the media.
Go ahead crew, tag in, DM, call your cousin that works for some show somewhere.
Find 10 people kind of like me.
Maybe we struggle with exposure.
Maybe we don't all like attention (because let me tell you I so dislike this kind of attention, have a google at how much of an attention-seeker I have historically been, but I digress)
✔Caring about government structure
✔(at least seemingly) not corruptible
✔Able to get buy in from more than 1 party
Forget the money, the ratings, the drama - just for 10 people.
Pick 10 people you wish were doing the job, who shouldn't be a foot note. Think of us as your pro bono project.
Go ahead and pay your mortgage - Keep doing what you've been doing for everyone else.
If 10k do a #MaineRaising, I will probably win no matter how much $ the men dump in.
So help my district and buy stuff from small businesses anywhere in the green and tell them I sent you like the sample.
It's a save democracy scavenger hunt.

@ your favorite celebs, media, etc.
If @HuffPost can have several stories about what twitter said at any time, why not this?
If @FoxNews wants to show balance, here is your balance.