Day 500 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 287 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

MGM Resorts International has filed federal lawsuits against more than 1,000 #LasVegasShooting victims in an effort to avoid liability
A Secret Service agent died while in Scotland, Homeland Security officials say.
"On July 15, 2018, a US Secret Service special agent suffered a severe cerebrovascular accident in Scotland where he was traveling in support of Presidential Protection."
He died this a.m.
Federal govt spending records reveal Trump Org made tens of thousands of dollars during Trump's trip to his Scotland golf club & resort properties—routed through SLC Turnberry Ltd—with U.S. taxpayer money footing the bill…

Queen Threw Royal Shade
Queen Elizabeth wore brooch from Obamas on the day Trump arrived in the UK

Putin's plane violated NATO airspace on the way to the Trump summit, NYT reports.
Haven't Russians shot down planes who violated air space?…
Ahead of the summit, staffers provided Trump with some 100 pages of briefing materials aimed at laying out a tough posture toward Putin, but Trump ignored most of it.
Trump's remarks were "very much counter to the plan," a source said.…
Trump made clear to advisers that he was more excited to sit down with the Putin than with NATO allies.
Trump had grown frustrated his own government had been so negative about meeting with Putin and wanted a one-on-one so it wouldn't leak.…
Asked how the Trump-Putin talks went, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov quipped: "Fabulous," according to Russian news agencies. "Better than super."…
One of Trump's own former National Security Council officials told Axios: “Dude. This is a total [effing] disgrace. The President has lost his mind."…
Per 3 sources, Kelly privately lobbied congressional Republicans to rebuke Trump publicly for Putin presser, my latest:…
The Washington Post editorial board: "Trump just colluded with Russia. Openly."…
One year ago today >>>
Column in the Salt Lake Tribune, owned by the Huntsman family: "Ambassador Huntsman, you work for a pawn, not a president. It's time to come home. There is no other reasonable course of action."…
"Every single Republican lawmaker will be — and should be — asked on the election trail: Are you with Trump and Putin or are you with the C.I.A., F.B.I. and N.S.A.?"…
@realDonaldTrump praises cognitive ability of a “truly weird senator” who reminds him of a “spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain.”

@SpeakerRyan downplays Russian interference: "It is clear that it didn't have a material effect on our elections."
(That assertion is not in fact clear at all.)
Lights go out while Trump says he has "full faith" in US intelligence agencies.
Can you imagine if the lights went out each time he lied? #darkness
Trump says he misspoke during Putin press conference: “I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t’”
To be clear, Trump still seemed to waffle in his acceptance of U.S. intelligence: "I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also. A lot of people out there."
One of lines that was apparently struck in Trump's damage control remarks today? That he would bring "[a]nyone involved in that meddling to justice."…
DNC says Secret Service rebuffed attempt to serve hacking-related lawsuit on Jared Kushner at his D.C. home. Doc:
Russia says it's ready to implement security deal that Trump and Putin reached behind closed doors

Chuck Schumer: "Where are the notes from that meeting? What did President [Trump] agree to? Can we have the translator come in and testify? Was Secretary of State Pompeo briefed ... ? Did he take notes? ... The notes need to be turned over to Congress immediately."
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen says she wants to bring in the U.S. interpreter from the Helsinki summit to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on what, exactly, Trump shared with Putin.…
The Russian authorities want to question former US Ambassador @McFaul along with officers of DHS and the DOJ who were investigating the Magnitsky case as part of the Putin/Trump Helsinki quid pro quo…
NYT: We tried to fact-check PUTIN's claim that @BillBrowder's associates donated $400M in un-taxed Russian $ to Clinton's campaign, but it was so completely without evidence that there were no pants to light on fire, so we deem it "WITHOUT PANTS."…
Brett Kavanaugh's opinion that would open the door to foreign spending in our elections is being used by a Russian company indicted as part of the Mueller investigation.
Kavanaugh needs to answer for this.…

Poll: Kavanaugh is least popular Supreme Court nominee in Gallup polling history

More than 100 civil and human rights groups demand senators reject Trump Supreme Court pick

Mueller has asked a judge to give immunity to five people who may testify at next week's bank-fraud trial of Paul Manafort.
Federal judge T.S. Ellis says "there is no reason to believe that fair and impartial jurors cannot be found in the Eastern District of Virginia," so Paul Manafort's bid to move his trial has been denied.…
The Daily Beast reports that pro-Kremlin GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher and Democratic Rep. Gregory Meeks were apparently the congressional delegation referenced in the DOJ charges against Mariia Butina.…
A long-simmering rift between Speaker Paul Ryan and Trump’s top Hill allies is starting to boil over as both sides fight over an effort to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein
The nation's top voting machine maker has admitted that the company installed remote-access software on election-management systems it sold over a period of six years, raising questions about the security of those systems & integrity of elections.…
Trump has repeatedly boasted that he would save taxpayers a bundle by negotiating a $250,000 price tag for a new embassy in Jerusalem.
But new docs show a company has been awarded $21,200,000 to design and build the embassy.…
Trump White House projects $1 trillion deficit in 2019.
Party of fiscal responsibility.

Trump Treasury moves to protect identities of 'dark money' political donors - opening loophole for secret foreign campaign spending
Guess who lobbied the TRUMP administration to change the rules so that 501(c)4 nonprofit groups no longer have to disclose their donors to the @IRS?
Trump confirms reports he wants to repaint Air Force One, changing an iconic design brought to life by Jackie Kennedy
Orrin Hatch threatens to back bills to limit Trump's tariff power. The Senate Finance Committee chairman would be the most important Senate Republican to get behind that effort so far. Remains to be seen what could make McConnell bring it to a vote
This unassuming building nestled in rural Pennsylvania -- site of a sexual assault and a hotbed of local controversy -- could provide the model Trump follows as his administration detains migrant families.…
GOP lawmaker renews call for Trump to release tax returns following Putin press conference

In case you missed yesterday's thread:
In June 2017, Maria Butina reached out to a progressive civil rights group in DC, asking to interview them about their cyber vulnerabilities for an AU school project. Alarmed, their security consultant contacted the FBI.…
TRUMP on MERKEL: "I don't want to say who is better [between her & Putin] but she's been very badly hurt by immigration"
Trump comparing leader of democratic ally to Russia’s murderous dictator: “I don’t want to say who’s better”
Russia now wants to charge former Ambassador Michael McFaul and several U.S. intelligence officials with financial crimes
WHCA: No White House news briefing on the schedule for Wednesday.
Too scared to face questions.
"Russian state TV hosts brazenly assert, 'Trump is ours,' and joke that U.S. lawmakers traveled to Russia 'to make deals with our hackers, so they can rig the midterms in favor of Trump’s team'."…
Russian intelligence agencies are planning to ramp up operations targeting western countries now that the World Cup and the Trump-Putin Helsinki summit have ended, according to US and UK intelligence officials

Trump says he's bothered by provisions of NATO that require the US to come to the defense of other member countries.
Yet, NATO allies continue to send their troops to fight our wars.