The hoarding of wealth is the cause of poverty
The super rich suck up 99% of the money
Cost of living has continued to rise
Many Americans have been priced out of existence
When we allow the rich to use loopholes instead of paying taxes
When we allow pharmaceutical companies to over charge
When we allow corporations to underpay
We are building ivory towers & desolate valleys
We are creating #ANewDepression

Not just university
We need Tradesmen
We need common sense
We need knowledge

We have to #GOTV
The #GOPisComplicit
If we want change
We must VOTE for it!
#OurLiberalUtopia won't just happen
It will take every one of US!
We can no longer be patient
We can no longer stand idly by
We are the strength & spirit of America
We must Act like it!

When a skilled worker can work 1 job instead of 2, vacant job isn't necessarily fit for those looking for jobs. Also those that had stopped looking for a job, often not calculated in unemployment rate, begin to look again. Inflating the rate.