Day 517 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Day 304 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

More than 10 months after the Las Vegas shooting, police say they are closing their investigation without answering a key question:
What was the gunman's motive?
"The AR-15 is a weapon designed, first and foremost, to kill enemy combatants on a battlefield. There can be no mistaking that." @famsvarpac…
The National Rifle Association (@NRA) warns that it is in grave financial jeopardy, according to a recent court filing obtained by Rolling Stone, and that it could soon “be unable to exist… or pursue its advocacy mission.”…
In last 2 days, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has said media:
-Ruined bin Laden surveillance
-Called for her to be "harassed"
-Called for her to be "choked"
-Tasked Michelle Wolf with ridiculing her
All of these are exaggerations or inventions.
Pompeo: “The ultimate timeline for denuclearization will be set by Chairman Kim, at least in part. The decision is his.”
Wait. What?!?
Paul Manafort trial Day 4: Tax preparer testifies Paul Manafort was mum about millions in loans…
Accountant Cindy Laporta testified that Paul Manafort asked her in August 2016 to falsify numbers regarding his company's profits. Manafort was still working as Trump's campaign chairman in August 2016.…
Paul Manafort's attorney: If he was intending to break the law, why did he leave "evidence around"
ICE is detaining a woman who is 7 1/2 mos pregnant and has had health problems - an apparent violation of its own policy…
Rep. Karen Bass on migrant kids: "This is state sponsored child abuse. The only reason you should ever separate a child from their parent is if there is documented abuse or neglect. Not as punishment or as a deterrent. It's a complete misuse of the child welfare system."
Kids who stayed at Shiloh Treatment Center in TX reportedly told lawyers and family members they were heavily drugged, in some cases held down and injected & abused by staffers. One doctor prescribing drugs lost had his certification years before.…
Trump admin officials are now arguing that it's the responsibility of the ACLU, not the federal government, to find those deported mothers and fathers separated from their children.
ACLU: The Trump administration chose to rip families apart as a matter of policy to punish people for seeking asylum.
We are eager to help locate these parents, but won’t allow the president to pass the blame for the crisis he created.
ACLU: The federal government has far more resources to aid in reuniting families than any group of non-profits. They want to blame others for the consequences of their unconstitutional family separation policy, but we won’t let them. #FamiliesBelongTogether
The federal judge overseeing the family reunification process blasted the Trump admin for its lack of a plan to reunify the remaining 572 children.
The judge said that wasn't acceptable & placed that responsibility squarely on the government.…
A federal judge has ruled that the Trump admin must full restore the DACA program.…
Stephen Miller and a group of like-minded aides are pressing to drastically reduce the number of people entering the U.S.
One source predicted to Politico the cap could fall as low as 15,000 people in 2019 (down from 45,000 this fiscal year).…
Ben Cardin on CNN: "What Trump did in Helsinki, and what he did yesterday in calling the Russian probe a hoax, it gives a green light to Mr. Putin to continue his activities here in the United States to compromise our system of government."
WaPo confirms parts of The Guardian's report: A Russian citizen who worked for more than a decade at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow was terminated last summer after she was discovered having unusual secret contacts with Russian intelligence agents.…
Trump associate J.D. Gordon socialized with alleged Russian agent Mariia Butina in final weeks of the 2016 campaign, emails obtained by WaPo show, putting her in closer contact with Trump's orbit than was previously known.…
Kristin Davis, the "Manhattan Madam," met with Mueller's team for a voluntary interview on Wednesday. Davis has longtime ties to Roger Stone.…
Remember that DVD that Michael Avenatti tweeted about a few months ago? He said today on The View that the DVD was in the hands of law enforcement.…
Very smart interesting piece. Trump’s inveterate sleazeballery made everyone from Michael Cohen to James Comey et al to keep records which are proving Trumps undoing.…
Senate Democrats will begin meeting with SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh to press him privately on releasing his papers, a senior Democratic aide tells WaPo.…
Preventing the Supreme Court confirmation of #BrettKavanaugh will be a challenge, but “nevertheless, we will persist,” said @SenWarren.
Democrats have reportedly been warned by the DNC not to use devices produced by Chinese manufacturers ZTE and Huawei.
The warning was sent out after the DNC learned that a Democratic organization was considering buying ZTE phones for its staff.…
BEIJING (AP) — China says it will impose additional tariffs on $60 billion of US products in response to US plan to increase tariffs.
A senior administration official told @CNBC that there was "zero" engagement between the Trump administration and China as the two countries ratchet up trade tensions.
The 'great negotiator'.
Toyota warns: Cost of most popular cars could rise by as much as $3,000 due to Trump tariffs

Under Trump's watch, the U.S. is on track for the highest trade deficit in 10 years, according to WaPo.…
America doesn’t have a jobs crisis. It has a "good jobs" crisis. We are at more or less full employment, but 80% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.…
Fact: Under President Obama in last 18 months in office 500,000 more jobs were created than in first 18 months of Trump in office.
Since Obama left office:
-Job growth has slowed
-Wage growth has slowed, and
-Stock market has slowed.
The only things increased by Trump is the deficit, lack of confidence internationally in America, and the amount of golf played.
Trump Organization received $534,000 grant for maintaining DC clock tower.
It'll be correct twice a day.

In a newly disclosed letter, Trump Int'l Hotel's GM describes a lucrative visit by travelers with the Saudi Crown Prince that boosted revenue for the entire quarter.
It shows how little is known about Trump's biz dealings with foreign officials.…
NY AG now says she was already investigating possible “emoluments” violations by @realDonaldTrump in NY.…
"Trump has built a clearly organized machine for largesse and corruption. It’s a pyramid scheme of public fraud, and the so-called president gleefully sits at its top, reaping the rewards and doling out the shares."…
Qatar-linked Brookfield acquires 100% lease-hold interest in the Kushner's troubled 666 5th Avenue building.
Jared's father directly pitched the Qatari gov't on a bailout.
After criticism, he said he wouldn't take money from foreign governments.
The Interior Department inspector general is investigating whether Ryan Zinke colluded to have the chairman of Halliburton, one of the leading companies with business before the department, build him a microbrewery in his hometown of Whitefish.
Trump's wildlife protection council is mostly trophy hunters and donors, a lawsuit alleges.…
Red tides in the Gulf of Mexico and toxic blue-green algae in inland waters are killing animals and stoking outrage in South Florida.
Report: Trump commission did not find widespread voter fraud (from @AP)…
Listen to this eye-popping moment from the new Skullduggery in which ex-Trump advisor Sam Nunberg acknowledges "I peddled birtherism" even though he (and Trump) knew Obama was born in the U.S. Why? "Is Donald Trump president?"
There's a virus in Trumpland
@pbump talked to #QAnon folks at the Trump rally yesterday…
Trump said his campaign rallies drew larger crowds than concerts for Beyoncé, Jay-Z & Bruce Springsteen. That was one of 15 inaccurate claims he made.
1. Trump rallies are free
2. It's a complete lie
3. Bey, Jay & Bruce don't tour together 😉…
The Newseum is selling MAGA hats and 'fake news' T-shirts, Poynter reports.
@newseum defends selling Fake News tshirts in gift shop. The Exhibits Honor Journalism; The Gift Shop Sells ‘Fake News’ via @NYTimes…
95 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
Yes, we have divisions. But ALL Democrats stand for health care for all, higher wages, college for all, safe retirement, fighting climate change, inclusion/fairness. What unites us is bigger than what divides us.…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Retired NASA astronaut Scott Kelly on Trump's Space Force: "How about we deal with the war we're currently in? The cyberwar that is, you know, trying to affect our democracy, the thing that's most important to the United States."…