Day 520 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #fakenews #TrumpLies

Speaking of spreading lies about Obama, this was six years ago today 👇
Day 307 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget

North Korea believes there is a "strong possibility" of a second summit between the country's leader Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump, a source says

Retired LT. Col. Ralph Peters reacts to reports of a second North Korea summit: "I suppose the philosophy behind this is 'if at first you don't succeed try & try again'...there were no positive results for us, none from the first summit"
North Korea calls for U.S. to drop sanctions as Seoul probes illicit coal shipments

Opinion: The sanctions erode as Pyongyang continues its nuclear arms program
Prosecutor Greg Andres asked Rick Gates if he conducted criminal activity with Paul Manafort and if he had committed crimes with Manafort.
Gates said "yes" to both questions.…
Rick Gates ran through a list of crimes that he said he helped Paul Manafort commit. He said that he & Manafort told an accountant, incorrectly, that Manafort did not have foreign bank accounts. Gates said he did this "at Mr. Manafort’s direction."…
Rick Gates admitted to taking money from Paul Manafort. "I added money to expense reports," he said, adding that he embezzled "several hundred thousand dollars" in this way.…
Trump has spent nearly 1 in 3 days at a Trump property and nearly 1 in 4 days at a Trump golf property.…
“Hillary and her team 100% colluded with the Russians” is not any less crazy of a conspiracy theory than #QAnon and it’s a standard White House talking point.
People close to Trump believe he's increasing his legal jeopardy by continuing to speak publicly about sensitive matters as his campaign is under investigation for possible collusion with Russia and he is under scrutiny for possible obstruction.…
"Campaign finance law makes it illegal for a political campaign to accept a 'thing of value' from foreign nationals & it's possible that opposition research—though not in & of itself illegal—could be considered in that category for these purposes."…
If Trump really believes Don Jr. may be in legal jeopardy due to the Trump Tower meeting, even if accidentally, this provides a possible motive for Trump's obstruction of justice.
Ingraham gives Don Jr. a softball question abt Trump Tower "contradictions", he suddenly has technical difficulties and disappears. Then he reappears and the questions are forgotten.…
"Our nation can now focus on another question: What do we do when a President has openly admitted to attempted collusion, lying, and a coverup?"
It's quite a coincidence that Trump's lawyer, Trump's VP, and Trump's WH spokesperson have all peddled false claims after receiving "bad information" from ... someone.
@KFILE: Mike Pence once argued the president of the United States should be held to the highest moral standards to determine whether he should resign or be removed from office. #Hypocrisy…
Some of the richest individuals in the energy, real estate and casino industries are financing a controversial legal defense fund to help Trump foot legal bills associated with the Russia investigation, according to The Daily Beast.…
A federal judge in Washington issued a tome on why Mueller's appointment was rock-solid in the first place.…
Judge appoints "firewall" counsel to review Mueller documents for national security information
Kristin Davis, the "Manhattan Madam" who has longtime ties to Roger Stone, is now scheduled to testify before Mueller's grand jury in D.C. this week…
Ex-Trump campaign aide JD Gordon, who once socialized with alleged Russian agent Maria Butina, tells ABC News that Butina "networked so extensively" there's likely a broad swath of mid-level and senior leaders she encountered during her time in D.C.
US Senator Rand Paul flew to Russia and met with Sergey Kislyak, a man US intel officials believe is a Russian spy
Rand Paul from Moscow: “I am pleased to announced that we will be continuing this contact. We agreed and we invited members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Russia to come to the US to meet with us in the US, in Washington."
#Russia's state TV discusses Rand Paul's pro-Russian stance, lamenting he is in the minority and showing this little collage.

Russian lawmaker Leonid Slutsky said he asked Rand Paul to speak out in defense of Mariia Butina.
“If you, Senator Paul, are able to raise your voice in defense of Mariia ... you would show yourself to be a real man,” Interfax reported.…
#Russia's state TV host says:
"Look, these T-shirts are now being sold in the United States and are in high demand in the Republican camp. It says, "I'd rather be a Russian than a Democrat." Note how the trends change with the times." ©️

Over the last year, Russian hackers have infiltrated power stations and other points on the U.S. grid — and now are inside hundreds, empowering them to create chaos with massive blackouts, U.S. officials say.…
Kavanaugh said in 2013 that presidents can ignore laws they view as unconstitutional.
Dems have demanded his staff secretary records, citing Kavanaugh and signing statements. R's say staff secretary not involved in policy.…
New TV ad in Maine, Alaska & Nevada about Trump installing Kavanaugh to get the swing vote for Trump's lawsuit that strikes down protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
From @ProtectOurCare
The message, forwarded by a detective in another state 1,500 miles away to the Taos County Sheriff's Office in New Mexico, was to the point: We are starving and need food and water, it said in part.…
A spectacular story from @FranklinFoer, the definitive investigation of the radicalization of ICE (via @TheAtlantic):…
GAO: The Trump administration is at risk of wasting some of the billions of dollars it wants to spend on the US-Mexico border wall, which may “cost more than projected, take longer than planned, or not fully perform as expected."…
Jeff Merkley said he considers Trump a "fear" candidate from a Party that had learned to run what he called the "three-terrors strategy": pick three issues that scare the American public, and emphasize them at all costs.
Sessions vows to push forward with effort to rescind DACA despite judge's order to restore it

A federal judge has ruled that the Trump admin cannot enforce an updated policy barring certain transgender people from serving in the U.S. military, becoming the second court in the country to rule against the government.…
Trump signs executive order reimposing many Iran sanctions, says US policy is to levy 'maximum economic pressure'
Apparently Trump doesn’t understand how wildfires and fire fighting work.
In a strikingly ignorant tweet, Trump gets almost everything about California wildfires wrong - Los Angeles Times…
Since Trump keeps tweeting about the California wildfires, here's a University of Idaho climatologist saying Trump's remarks are "confusing, if not completely incoherent"
Two of America's biggest steel manufacturers — both with deep ties to Trump officials — have successfully objected to hundreds of requests by American companies that buy foreign steel to exempt themselves from Trump's stiff metal tariffs.…
The AP found that 35.4% of Trump counties have shed jobs in the past year, compared with just 19.2% of Clinton counties.…
A local regulatory agency is nearing a decision on whether to recommend a review of Trump International Hotel's liquor license after seven D.C. residents filed a complaint arguing that the hotel's owner (Trump) is "not of good character."…
Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley: "In the annals of U.S. history, Charlottesville will be seen as this Day-Glo moment when we saw that the president was a bigot."
Jared Kushner personally ordered a software developer at his newspaper to remove stories critical of his friends and real estate peers, according to BuzzFeed.…
Fox News has aired 10 Trump rallies since April 28, totaling 11 hours and 21 minutes of airtime, per @mmfa

How narrow is Trump's base?
In a new Gallup poll, his rating among whites without college degrees is:
58% approve
39% disapprove
Among all other Americans:
29% approve
66% disapprove
Update: @cspan reported one of their callers to the FBI after they made a threat against @donlemon & @brianstelter

On today’s Daily: the rise of Michael Avenatti. How Stormy Daniels lawyer became a household name and the new face of Democratic opposition:…
92 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
NEWS: TRUMP SIT-DOWN TALKS STALL. Giuliani preparing letter to Mueller expressing ‘real reluctance’ over obstruction questions, expects to send 'sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday'.
(Mueller just needs to subpoena Trump.)…