b) the state Constitution would have to be altered to allow for the progressive income/payroll tax;
congratulations: You're part of the problem. Those "piddly details" are at the HEART of the debate over how to proceed with the next steps in healthcare policy.
P.S. I rely in part on individual supporters. If you find my work of value & are in a position to do so, please consider chipping in, thank you!
This is one of the most important survey results Democrats should be looking at on healthcare right now:

You have to say “what you have now SUCKS, and I GUARANTEE what I have is FAR better.”
Even then, be prepared for a backlash from those who resent being forced to change.
As much as I admire him and as much as I support the ACA, his “If you like your plan you can keep it” promise was…um…poorly stated. Why? Because he forgot to include an important caveat.
Those 5-6M people (I was among them) received cancellation notices from their insurance companies.
That’s why the question of making it MANDATORY vs. OPTIONAL is so important.