The propaganda is thick. I see news being shared from 2014. I see news playing audio, AUDIO. Since when is audio reliable? I tell
Why is this so unbelievable? Is it because hollywood
Enormous sums of money have turned up missing from gov departments, and no one is outraged. Billions. And we have paid billions. We
J Edgar Hoover still has not been calledout for his damage and poison.
Or Henry Anslinger for trying to make a name for himself as a new drug
Hoover began the poison of black male. You see, he was gay. In order to receive the status he felt he deserved, he used the red scare as
Aslinger? That name reminds me of the Sacklers. Aslinger was asigned to commision the newly formed FBN. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics. A failed agency, that I have faint recollections of a pay to
Why would man chose a the poisen
I can't help but think they cant fathom it, because suffering has become a
The reason this doesnt work, is that they are utterly out of touch with the masses. Their selfish ideals don't make for sufficient leadership. So
We are witnessing cognitive dessonce as we live and breath. We have been indoctrinated, not only by our government, but by our baby booming parents. They emerged from our first taste of war time and
Like that beast said in 2005. There is an information war, and we're loosing. What does that statement mean to you? We are refusing to believe the MSM, more and more, because they keep getting called out. The simple fact that they run false stories, knowing
We have gone from loosing after going all in, to rejection, resistance, denial, accusations. At this point I fear mental illness. There is no other explanation. I mean, I started to fall for it.