Qualitative Analysis:
Electroneum is a cryptocurrency built on its own blockchain , built to allow anyone (not only tech savvy) to access features such as transferring and mining right through their smartphone
Currently Electroneum has an impressive 2.16 M users. One of the widest used #cyrptocurrency already
Current price: 0.00000086 $BTC or $0.0058
Market cap: 46.7M
Circ supply: 7.6 B
Max supply: 21 B
ATH price: 0.00001273 BTC, $0.24
ATL price 0.00000076 BTC $ 0.0051
ATH MC : 1.06 B
The lock up period for developers is said to be 1 year but I want to confirm that with @electroneum first.
I would not be surprised if Ells envisioned $1/ETN from the beginning. (would still x167 of today). He talks about reducing BTC’s decimals to make it more natural. Which I agree with.
See price chart below :
It is not easy to buy ETN. You have to buy it from an exchange like #Kucoin (not straightforward for somebody who lives in a village in India .However if enough people buy into owning and paying with ETN in the local economy than the new currency will
Start building a bag here and staggered buying might be a good approach. ETN is truly the dark horse of mobile payments and the gig economy
This FA was first published on discordapp.com/invite/VHjTrey and @CryptoBeardClub