Whilst not identical, the CCDG reminds me of Elastos' @Cyber__Republic & Dash's DGBB; projects w/ strong communities indeed.

Can't wait to see what other types of tokenized short and leveraged assets dYdX can come up with! medium.com/radarrelay/int…
The Boston-based #crypto project also announced the appointment of an executive team led by @SteveKokinos and @WSFord as CEO and COO, respectively.
As director of research, Austin will work on #Ethereum-specific UX onboarding w/ meta transactions (metatx.io). He's part of the alliance behind #EIP1337, too (1337alliance.com).
@Bitfinex has ensured that it has nothing to do w/ defending dollar parity. tether.to/upcoming-usdt-…
Contracts written in Spedn represent redeem scripts for P2SH addresses. medium.com/@tendo_pein_sa…
Having worked w/ Rob previously, Groundhog's CTO @androolloyd described him as "one of the greatest coders he’s ever encountered." medium.com/groundhog-netw…
Founding partners incl. @Nebulasio [ $NAS ], @NULSservice [ $NULS ] & @HPB_Global [ $HPB ]. See more: bitsclubvp.io/pcta.html

Read more: github.com/ontio/OEPs/blo…
#Stratis will utilize MS' marketing and development resources to drive adoption of its @Azure-listed apps, '#ICO Platform' and the 'C# Full Node'. stratisplatform.com/2018/10/24/mic…
Whilst more details will come later on, the two will be collaborating on R&D tailored toward disruptive products.

Their collaboration will rely upon #Dragonchain's Dragon Factor #blockchain-based I.D. solution. Click through for more. medium.com/@dragonchain/d…
This follows a five-month-long private bug bounty program with SF-based crowdsourced security platform @Bugcrowd. blog.iota.org/trinity-public…
#CDx is bringing credit default swaps to Ethereum. Looking forward to reading about their progress!
The *near* (couldn't help myself) hour-long interview explores the decentralized cloud computing platform NEAR is building.
Fellow DeFi members @DharmaProtocol and @Centrifuge will be at @FullNode_Berlin tonight, also.

This #BaaS is powered by @Hyperledger's #HyperledgerFabric, and also supports @AntFinancial's proprietary, multi-patented #AntBlockchain.
The head of @BinanceBCF, @HelenHaiyu, also spoke at a @UNRISD seminar.

The post built upon an earlier one (i.e., UO #10) by @EricTurnr.
{fin} messari.substack.com/p/dex-v-ex-unq…