KELLYANNE: Thank you Matthew.
MATT LAUER: I think its Ye.
KELLYANNE: He loved Trump.
MATT LAUER: Wait, my bad, wrong black. Its Sheriff Clarke.
KELLYANNE: He is so light.
MATT LAUER: This is the third attempt. Hopefully they make it.
KELLYANNE: All haters!
KELLYANNE: Such a uniter.
MATT LAUER: So here is Mike Cernovich and Richard Spencer, representing both sides of the Alt-Right.
RON DESANTIS: Trump was a man of the people. White people. He didn't monkey up this country and never Jew'd us down. He was no homo.
KELLYANNE: Such a grasp of non racial colloquialisms.
MATT LAUER: He left his mark.
KELLYANNE: I'm not surprised.
MATT LAUER: It doesn’t hurt that we made it mandatory, punishable by death by Erik Prince’s mercenary army.
ALEX JONES: Trump was my hero. Here's my favorite pic of us on my phone.
MATT LAUER: Is that you tonguing a trans woman?
ALEX JONES: It's a Pop-up ad!
MIKE PENCE: Mphmph mph mph mph mphmphmphmphmphmph!!!!
MATT LAUER: ...from inside Trump's coffin. Such devotion.
KELLYANNE: And perseverance.
MATT LAUER: Real loyalty.
TRUMP: I’ll be doing this funeral thing around the country. Looking for the biggest stadiums. Buy tickets! The Fake News wont film it. SAD! No collusion! Mueller is illegal!