A: Mostly white people.
We crunched the numbers. propub.li/2xHHUKf

-African Americans
-Native Americans
According US_FDA data, in trials for 24 of the 31 cancer drugs approved since 2015, fewer than 5% of the patients were black.
African Americans make up 13.4% of the U.S. population.
In one study @ProPublica looked at, only 1.8% of the participants were black.
See the details behind this data here: propub.li/2xHHUKf

Info behind this data here: propub.li/2xHHUKf

Desperately ill black patients who have exhausted other options aren’t getting early access to drugs that could extend or improve their lives.

And learn about our methodology for comparing these clinical trials here: propub.li/2pjbtOm